• Finanzen / Bilanzen

    ABB publishes its first Integrated Report

    Ad hoc Announcement pursuant to Art. 53 Listing Rules of SIX Swiss Exchange Report covers ABB’s 2022 financial and sustainability performance New 2025 mid-term sustainability targets for emissions in own operations and suppliers’ Reduction of company’s own GHG emissions by 65% since 2019 ABB today published its first integrated report, which highlights progress against the company’s strategy and demonstrates how ABB creates value holistically for its stakeholders in the short-, medium- and long-term. As ABB’s primary report at Group level, this report is aimed at a broad range of stakeholders and integrates the most important material information on the company and its strategy, business, governance as well as its financial…

  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    Q3 2022 results: Strong order growth, high revenues and historically high Operational EBITA margin

    . Ad hoc Announcement pursuant to Art. 53 Listing Rules of SIX Swiss Exchange Orders $8.2 billion, +4%; comparable1 +16% Revenues $7.4 billion, +5%; comparable +18% Income from operations $708 million; margin 9.6% Operational EBITA1 $1,231 million; margin1 16.6% Basic EPS $0.19; -41%2 Cash flow from operating activities $791 million “In the third quarter, we delivered high order growth, a strong top-line development and a historically high margin. We have not seen any material changes in the underlying customer activity. It looks like we are likely to achieve our 2023 margin target one year early. We are now starting to see the real benefits of the ABB Way operating model.” Björn Rosengren, CEO CEO Summary There were…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für Q3 2022 results: Strong order growth, high revenues and historically high Operational EBITA margin
  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    Q2 2022: results Strong demand and good operational performance

    Orders $8.8 billion, +10%; comparable1 +20% Revenues $7.3 billion, -3%; comparable +6% Income from operations $587 million; margin 8.1% Operational EBITA1 $1,136 million; margin1 15.5% Basic EPS $0.20; -47%2 Cash flow from operating activities $382 million “I am pleased with our performance and that we have taken yet another step toward our long-term margin target. I am also delighted that we are moving ahead with the spin-off of Accelleron and its planned listing in Switzerland.” Björn Rosengren, CEO CEO summary Overall, I am pleased with how the teams delivered strong order growth as well as a margin in line with our long-term target. This was achieved despite the pressure from a tight supply chain, Covid-enforced lockdowns in…

  • Software

    ABB veröffentlicht ABB Review mit dem Schwerpunkt digitale Lösungen

    . • Die neue Ausgabe beschreibt einige der spannendsten Innovationen aus dem Portfolio der digitalen ABB AbilityTM-Lösungen • Artikel von ABB-Experten behandeln Anwendungsfälle, in denen das industrielle Internet der Dinge (IoT) im großen Maßstab zu besseren Entscheidungen beiträgt • Die Redaktion bittet die Leserschaft um ihre Meinung zur zukünftigen redaktionellen Ausrichtung der Zeitschrift ABB hat heute die Ausgabe 2/2022 der ABB Review veröffentlicht. Die technische Zeitschrift des ABB-Konzerns erscheint seit 1914 und ist damit eine der am längsten erscheinenden Fachzeitschriften ihrer Art. Das als technische Inspirations- und Informationsquelle dienende Magazin präsentiert neueste Entwicklungen des Unternehmens aus verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen und technischen Bereichen in einer Vielzahl gewerblicher und industrieller Kontexte und wirft einen Blick auf…

  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    ABB launches new share buyback program of up to $3 billion

    ABB will launch on April 1, 2022 its previously announced new share buyback program of up to $3 billion. Based on the current ABB share price this represents a maximum of approximately 89 million shares. The maximum number of shares that may be repurchased under this new program on any given trading day is 1,262,310. This new program is consistent with ABB’s capital allocation principles and its capital structure optimization program targeting to maintain a strong investment grade rating. As part of this program, the company intends to return to its shareholders the remaining $1.2 billion of the $7.8 billion of cash proceeds from the Power Grids divestment. Since July 2020,…

  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    Q4 2021 results: Strong demand, increased earnings and margin support a robust cash flow

    Q4 2021 Orders $8.3 billion, +18%; comparable1 +21% Revenues $7.6 billion, +5%; comparable +8% Income from operations $2,975 million; margin 39.3% Operational EBITA1 $988 million; margin1 13.1% Basic EPS $1.34; up from $-0.04 year on year Cash flow from operating activities was $1,020 million and from operating activities in continuing operations it was $1,033 million FY 2021 Orders $31.9 billion, +20%; comparable1 +17% Revenues $28.9 billion, +11%; comparable +8% Income from operations $5,718 million; margin 19.8% Operational EBITA1 $4,122 million; margin1 14.2% Basic EPS $2.27; -7%2 Cash flow from operating activities was $3,330 million and from operating activities in continuing operations it was $3,338 million Dividend proposal of CHF 0.82 per share, up from CHF 0.80 last year 2021 was a good year with…

  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    Q3 2021 results: Strong demand, supply chain constraints impacting revenues

    Ad hoc Announcement pursuant to Art. 53 Listing Rules of SIX Swiss Exchange Orders $7.9billion, +29%; comparable1 +26% Revenues $7.0 billion, +7%; comparable +4% Income from operations $852 million; margin 12.1% Operational EBITA1 $1,062 million; margin1 15,1% Basic EPS $0.33; -85%2 Cash flow from operating activities was $1,104 million and from operating activities in continuing operations it was $1,119 million "In the face of a difficult supply chain environment, I am pleased that we achieved a good margin this quarter. Our cash generation was very strong, leaving ample headroom on our balance sheet to support both organic growth and acquisitions as well as rewarding shareholders." Björn Rosengren, CEO CEO summary Q3 painted a mixed picture, containing on one…

  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    Q2 2021 results: Strong performance in a recovery quarter

    Orders $8.0 billion, +32%; comparable1 +24% Revenues $7.4 billion, +21%; comparable +14% Income from operations $1,094 million; margin 14.7% Operational EBITA1 $1,113 million; margin1 15.0% Basic EPS $0.37; +150%2  Cash flow from operating activities and from operating activities continuing operations was $663 million " I am very encouraged that we have delivered a clearly improved performance. The strong upturn in Operational EBITA margin reflects the recovery in demand in combination with increased internal efficiency and the strength of ABB’s electrification and automation offerings. We will continue to sharpen our focus on profitability through innovation, sustainability and digitalization, while actively managing our portfolio.”  Björn Rosengren, CEO CEO summary The underlying customer…

  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    Q1 2021 results: Strong start to the year

    Orders $7.8 billion, +6%; comparable1 +1% Revenues $6.9 billion, +11%; comparable +7% Income from operations $797 million; margin 11.5% Operational EBITA1 $959 million; margin1 13.8% Basic EPS $0.25; +41%2 Cash flow from operating activities $543 million; cash flow from operating activities in continuing operations $523 million “After a busy year of creating the right set-up for the Group, we are now starting to show the real potential of our underlying businesses. Through greater accountability, transparency and speed, we increasingly create value for our stakeholders.”  Björn Rosengren, CEO CEO summary Market activity continued to recover from its lowest point during the summer 2020. Demand was especially strong in the short-cycle business,…

  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    ABB issues trading update following better-than-anticipated performance in Q1

    ABB is publishing preliminary information on its first-quarter 2021 results, which according to the information available to the company, is better than the latest company guidance and current market consensus. The preliminary results were driven by a stronger-than-anticipated market development, especially during the last weeks of March, and relates primarily to the short-cycle business. Quarterly demand is likely to have been supported by customer stock-building activities related to both component availability constraints and rising commodity prices in the industry. On the back of recent market developments, ABB is raising its revenue guidance for full year 2021 outlook and now anticipates comparable revenue growth of ~5% or higher (previously: comparable revenue…