• Software

    All for One Group in ihren Kernbranchen prämiert

    All for One Group erhält begehrte SAP Quality Awards für Kundenprojekte in drei von vier Kategorien Mit dem Kunden MULTIVAC, führender Hersteller von Verpackungsmaschinen, wurde All for One als Grand Winner in der Kategorie „Großprojekte Business Transformation“ gekürt Weitere Awards in den Kategorien „Rapid time to value“ gingen an das Salesprojekt des Präzisionswerkzeugherstellers Groz-Beckert sowie „SAP S/4HANA Cloud“ für das prämierte Transformationsprojekt des Full-Managed-Service-Anbieter abl solutions Die All for One Group SE, führender IT-, Consulting- und Service-Provider mit Fokus auf Lösungen und Leistungen rund um SAP, hat in ihren Kernbranchen gleich drei der begehrten SAP Quality Awards für herausragend gemeisterte Projekte gewonnen. Der Branchenspezialist für mittelständisch geprägte Unternehmen konnte mit Kundenprojekten…

  • Software

    SAP Global SAP Customer Experience Partner Excellence Award: All for One Customer Experience als Gewinner geehrt

    Mit dem Award prämiert SAP führende Partner für ihre herausragenden Leistungen in der Geschäftssparte Customer Experience (CX). Die Finalisten und Gewinner unterstützen ihre Kunden in Zusammenarbeit mit SAP, Innovationen voranzutreiben, schnelle Ergebnisse zu erzielen, nachhaltig zu wachsen und Vertriebs-, Marketing- und Serviceprozesse zu vereinfachen. Gerlinde Wiest-Gümbel, Managing Director bei der All for One Customer Experience: „Wir fühlen uns sehr geehrt, dass wir zu den Gewinnern für die SAP Global Partner Excellence Awards gehören. Die cloud-basierten Customer-Experience-Lösungen der SAP zählen zu den wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren, um unsere mittelständischen Kunden zu Gewinnern der digitalen Transformation zu machen. Unser Ziel ist es, mit der SAP CX Suite ideale Kundenerlebnisse zu schaffen, Kunden zu gewinnen…

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  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    Significant growth in sales and operating result in H1 2023/24

      Sales increase organically by 5% to EUR 256.6 million (Oct 2023 – Mar 2024: EUR 243.4 million); recurring revenues increase by 8%; share of recurring revenues is 55% (Oct 2022 – Mar 2023: 54%) Licence revenues (incl. RISE commission) well above the prior-year period RISE contracts signed in Q1 already lead to significantly higher order inflow in Consulting and CONVERSION/4 in Q2; project wave is visible EBIT before M&A effects (non-IFRS) grows by 34% to EUR 17.7 million; EBIT margin before M&A effects (non-IFRS) increases to 6.9% (Oct 2022 – Mar 2023: 5.4%) Number 1 in SAP cloud business Annual general meeting approves dividend of EUR 1.45 per share 2023/24…

  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    All for One Group SE reaffirms growth trajectory in SAP market as a recognised specialist for SMEs, industries and the cloud

    All for One Group SE, a leading international IT, consulting and service provider focusing on SAP solutions and services, explained the successes of its growth strategy and reaffirmed its future course at its Capital Markets Day on 24 April 2024 in Offenbach am Main. The management team provided analysts, investors and media representatives with a deep dive into the company’s strategy and the issues that are driving the IT market, customers and demand for ERP solutions. The market remains very intact and robust, detached from the general market trend, with a dynamic surge in demand for digitalisation solutions. In particular, SAP S/4HANA and the transition to the leading ERP system…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für All for One Group SE reaffirms growth trajectory in SAP market as a recognised specialist for SMEs, industries and the cloud
  • Software

    All for One Group strengthens its position as a leading SAP RISE partner by introducing the »RISE ONE Service Center«

    All for One Group, SAP Cloud Champion 2023 and SAP »Partner of the year« in the categories »RISE with SAP, public & private Cloud«, strengthens its position as a leading SAP RISE partner through the introduction of the RISE ONE Service Center. RISE ONE, an integrated solution for SAP ERP in the cloud, combines the tried-and-tested »RISE with SAP« with All for One’s integration, innovation and support services. This holistic cloud solution enables seamless integration of company systems, in order to create real added value in efficient collaboration across platforms and departments. For instance, RISE ONE facilitates secure and mobile SAP access under the protection of Microsoft 365. Comprehensive SAP…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für All for One Group strengthens its position as a leading SAP RISE partner by introducing the »RISE ONE Service Center«
  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    All for One Group SE to pay a dividend of 1.45 euros

      Annual general meeting approves payment of an unchanged dividend of 1.45 euros per share, equivalent to a distribution quota of 64 percent Widespread approval of all agenda items Reorganisation completed – successful implementation of the growth strategy Strong demand for SAP S/4HANA transformation projects and for enhancing digital competitive ability Ranked first worldwide for SAP transformations using its CONVERSION/4 model powered by SNP’s Bluefield™ At the annual general meeting of All for One Group SE, the proposals submitted by the board were approved by a large majority of the shareholders of this leading international IT, consulting and service provider focusing on SAP solutions, products and services. In addition to…

  • Software

    Awards for All for One: best-performing SAP cloud partner in Central Europe

    All for One Group has been awarded the »SAP® MEE Award for Partner Excellence 2024« in not one but two categories: Cloud Delivery and Customer Value. SAP confers the awards on its best-performing partners in each case in the Middle and Eastern Europe (MEE) region. Recipients of the awards are determined on the basis of a partner’s »outstanding contribution to the digital transformation of SAP users«, according to SAP. The most and best cloud projects producing tangible added value for businesses The »Cloud Delivery« category acknowledges, above all, the number of delivered SAP cloud projects, whereas the »Customer Value« category relates to the quality of the cloud projects and to…

  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    Significant growth in sales and margins in Q1 2023/24

    Unaudited results: Sales increase by 11% to EUR 133.8 million (Oct – Dec 2022: EUR 120.4 million); share of recurring revenues is 52% (Oct – Dec 2022: 53%) – Recurring revenues increase by 11% – Strong growth driven by S/4HANA migrations using CONVERSION/4 – up 23% – Licence sales (incl. commission) significantly up year on year EBIT before M&A effects (non-IFRS) up 76% to EUR 11.0 million; EBIT margin before M&A effects (non-IFRS) increases to 8.2% (Oct – Dec 2022: 5.2%) Pole position: Ranked 1st in 2023 for SAP conversions around the globe and for SAP cloud business in Central Europe Top C level event in April: Midmarket Forum with…

  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    All for One Group SE confirms its preliminary results: Considerable sales growth in financial year 2022/23

      Final results 2022/23: Sales increase by 8% to EUR 488.0 million (2021/22: EUR 452.7 million); share of recurring revenues grows to 55% (2021/22: 53%) Restructuring programme pushes EBIT before M&A effects (non-IFRS) down to EUR 17.7 million (2021/22: EUR 27.3 million) and EBIT to EUR 14.9 million in 2022/23 after EUR 17.6 million in 2021/22 Earnings per share increase to EUR 2.23 (2021/22: EUR 2.20) Strong growth driven by S/4HANA migrations using CONVERSION/4 Leading provider of SAP conversions and SAP cloud business in Central and Eastern Europe (H1 2023) Publication of ESG performance metrics for promissory note loan with ESG bridge Dividend proposal: EUR 1.45 per share (prior year:…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für All for One Group SE confirms its preliminary results: Considerable sales growth in financial year 2022/23
  • Software

    SAP QUALITY AWARDS: Saatbau Linz eGen FÜR neuartiges Kundenportal AUSGEZEICHNET

    Das österreichische Unternehmen Saatbau Linz eGen arbeitet als Saatguthersteller unermüdlich daran, die Qualität und Erträge zahlreicher Sorten zu optimieren und sie an die Umweltbedingungen anzupassen. Mit Hilfe des Sesam24 hat Saatbau Linz eine 24/7 E-Commerce Plattform und maßgeschneiderte Services für Landwirte als auch Händler geschaffen. Die Besonderheit dieser Plattform besteht darin, dass diese die Anforderungen der vielfältigen Zielgruppe in Kombination mit einem 3-stufigen Vertriebsweg abbildet. Funktionen und Services der Plattform wurden auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse der unterschiedlichen Anwendertypen abgestimmt. Hiermit hat die Saatbau Linz in der Kategorie CX Digital Transformation Excellence überzeugt. UNTER DEN BESTEN IN DER „CX Digital Transformation“ Die Bekanntgabe der Siegerprojekte fand am 14.11. im Rahmen einer…

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