• Elektrotechnik

    Navitas Semiconductor and Avnet Silica announce agreement for close collaboration to expand market for advanced GaN power ICs

    Avnet Silica, an Avnet company (NASDAQ: AVT), and Navitas Semiconductor (Nasdaq: NVTS),  an industry leader in gallium nitride (GaN) power ICs and silicon carbide power devices, today announced close cooperation between the two companies to grow the market in Europe for Navitas’ advanced performance and highly power efficient GaNFast™ power ICs with GaNSense technology. The two companies will work closely together to deliver their combined complementary knowhow to bring a high level of support and expertise to customers across the EMEA region. GaN is a next-generation semiconductor technology that is growing in importance because of its ability to offer significantly improved performance over conventional silicon semiconductors, while also reducing the energy…

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  • Firmenintern

    Avnet comes together in one place to present at ‘electronica 2022’

    Avnet (NASDAQ: AVT) EMEA is once again presenting its European business units at one consolidated exhibition space at this year’s ‘electronica 2022’ from 15 to 18 November in Munich, Germany. The electronica show is Europe’s premier electronics event and showcases the latest developments across the complete range of technologies, products and solutions in the electronics industry. A special focus for many of the Avnet business units at this year’s event will be on electric vehicles (EVs) and the technologies required to charge them quickly and efficiently. All the Avnet EMEA business units including Avnet Abacus, Avnet Embedded, Avnet Silica, EBV Elektronik and Farnell will be together in one place at…

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  • Firmenintern

    Avnet gibt den Baustart für sein Hochleistungsdistributionszentrum in Bernburg (Saale) bekannt

    „Mit dem Baustart eines hochmodernen Hochleistungsdistributionszentrums für Halbleiterelektronik und elektronische Bauteile in Bernburg können wir als Unternehmen sicherstellen, dass wir die wachsenden Marktbedürfnisse bedienen und unsere Wachstumsstrategie in Europa umsetzen können. Wir investieren in den Standort und werden so in den nächsten Jahren mehrere hundert Arbeitsplätze schaffen“ erklärt Slobodan Pujarevic, President Avnet EMEA. „Uns ist bewusst, welche Verantwortung wir mit dieser Investition tragen. Soziales Engagement und Verantwortung sowie Nachhaltigkeit sind für Avnet nicht nur Schlagworte, sondern wir setzen sie um.“ So soll das neue Logistikzentrum in erster Linie auf fossile Energieträger verzichten können und ganz auf erneuerbare Energien und Ökostrom setzen. „Wir werden u. a. eine Photovoltaikanlage auf den Dachflächen…

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  • Firmenintern

    Witekio And Qt Celebrate Seven Years of Partnership

    Witekio and the Qt Company recently celebrated seven years of partnership. The celebration, saw the two companies highlight projects made possible by working with each other, as well as commit to continue developing their partnership, projects, and services together. Of the 50 customer projects Witekio has completed using the Qt framework, particular focus was given to the home application and medical device sectors, where having a clear and reliable GUI is more important than ever. Samir Bounab, General Manager of Witekio, commented: “Our ongoing partnership with a leading player like the Qt company is proof of Witekio’s expertise and our standing in the embedded and IoT software market. We are…

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