Business figures for the first half-year of 2022
Incoming orders: Euro 147.9 million (previous year: Euro 152.4 million, -3 %) Sales: Euro 130.8 million (previous year: Euro 115.2 million, +14 %) EBITDA: Euro 23.0 million (previous year: Euro 29.7 million, -23 %) Earnings before taxes: Euro 14.8 million (previous year: Euro 20.8 million -29 %) Pre-tax profit margin: Euro 11.3 % (previous year: 18.1 %) Net profit for the period: Euro 11.5 million (previous year: Euro 15.7 million, -27 %) Free cash flow: Euro -34.4 million (previous year: Euro 10.6 million) Ahrensburg, August 3, 2022 – BASLER AG, a leading provider of image processing components for computer vision applications, is today presenting final figures for the first half-year…
Capital Increase from Company Funds and Issue of Bonus Shares
On May 23, 2022, the annual general meeting of Basler AG resolved to increase the share capital of Euro 10,500,000.00 by Euro 21,000,000.00 to Euro 31,500,000.00 pursuant to the regulations on capital increases from company funds (§§ 207 ff. German Stock Corporation Act). The capital increase shall be effected by converting an amount of Euro 21,000,000.00 of the capital reserve shown in the approved annual financial statements of the company as at December 31, 2021 into share capital. The capital increase shall be carried out by issuing 21,000,000 new no-par value bearer shares at Euro 1.00 per share. The shares are entitled to participate in profits from January 1, 2022.…
Basler AG reports successful participation and respectively takeover of the distribution partners in France and Italy
Basler AG, a leading manufacturer in the field of computer vision, successfully implemented the participation of 25.1 percent in the distribution business of its French distribution partner i2S as announced on May 2. The newly founded joint venture will trade under the name of Basler France in the future. In the further course, it is intended that Basler will take over the remaining 74.9 percent of the shares on July 1, 2024. Moreover, on May 19, the company announced the acquisition of the distribution business of its long-time Italian distribution partner Advanced Technologies S.p.a.. The acquisition was still subject to the consultation and notification procedures required by law. These have…
Basler reaches agreement on the acquisition of the distribution business of Advanced Technologies
Basler AG, a leading manufacturer of computer vision components, has reached an agreement on the acquisition of the distribution business of its longtime Italian sales partner Advanced Technologies S. p. a. The acquisition is expected to be completed in the short term and is still subject to the legally required consultation and notification procedures. With this transaction, Basler continues to consistently expand its direct business in Europe. Moreover, the company takes another large step within its transformation strategy to a full-range provider. Alexander Temme, Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) of Basler AG, explains: “Basler has been consistently expanding its range of products and services for a number of years and has…
Business figures for the first three months of 2022: Sales record and strong incoming orders as well as high profitability at the beginning of the year
. – Sales: € 66.3 million (previous year: € 54.6 million, +21 %) – Incoming orders: € 84.2 million (previous year: € 67.3 million, +25 %) – EBITDA: € 13.4 million (previous year: € 14.7 million, -9 %) – Pre-tax result: € 9.2 million (previous year: € 9.9 million, -7 %) – Pre-tax return rate: 14 % (previous year: 18 %) – Earnings after taxes: € 6.8 million (previous year: € 7.8 million, -13 %) – Free cash flow € -28.1 million (previous year: € 1.0 million) – Confirmation of forecast 2022: Sales € 235 – 265 million, Pre-tax return rate 9 – 12 % BASLER AG, a leading manufacturer…
Basler and i2S announce Joint Venture in Distribution Business
Computer vision expert Basler and French machine vision specialist i2S announce plans for Basler to acquire a stake in i2S and establish a joint venture. Basler thus would expand its direct business in Europe. Basler AG, a leading manufacturer in the computer vision sector, has made a participation offer to its long-time French distribution partner i2S for the distribution business with image processing components. Both companies have discussed for Basler to purchase a 25.1 percent stake in the i2S distribution business. The joint venture would operate under the name Basler France. The proposed transaction should take effect on July 1, 2022, subject to the information and consultation of the i2S…
Basler reports business figures for 2021: Company confirms strong annual result and gives growth outlook for 2022
. – Sales Euro 214.7 million (2020: Euro 170.5 million, +26 %) – Incoming orders Euro 322.5 million (2020: Euro 181.6 million, +78 %) – EBITDA Euro 44.5 million (2020: Euro 34.6 million, +29 %) – Earnings before taxes Euro 28.0 million (2020: Euro 20.4 million, +37 %) – Earnings after taxes Euro 20.8 million (2020: Euro 15.1 million, 38 %) – Result per share Euro 2.08 (2020: Euro 1.51, +38 %) – Free cash flow Euro 10.0 million (2020: Euro 14.0 million) – Forecast 2022: Sales Euro 235 – 265 million, pre-tax return 9 – 12 % Basler AG, a leading supplier of image processing components for computer vision…
Basler AG will propose capital increase and issue of new shares at this year’s Annual Shareholders‘ Meeting
BASLER AG, a leading international manufacturer of high-quality imaging components for computer vision applications, has resolved at today’s Supervisory Board meeting to propose to the annual shareholders‘ meeting on May 23, 2022 a capital increase and the issue of new shares. On this year’s annual shareholders‘ meeting an increase of the company share capital from EUR 10,500,00.00 by 21,000,000.00 EUR to EUR 31,500,000.00 will be proposed in accordance with the provisions on capital increases from company funds (Sections 207 et seq. of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG)). The capital increase is to be implemented by issuing 21,000,000 new no-par value bearer shares with a notional interest in the share…
Preliminary business figures for 2021 and new medium-term planning 2025: In 2021, Basler grew in accordance with its forecast and closed the year with very strong incoming orders and aims at medium-term sales amounting to Euro 400 million
– Sales 214.7 million (2020: Euro 170.5 million, +26 %) – Incoming orders Euro 322.5 million (2020: Euro 181.6 million, +78 %) – EBITDA Euro 44.5 million (2020: Euro 34.6 million, +29 %) – EBT Euro 28.0 million (2020: Euro 20.4 million, +37 %) – EAT Euro 20.8 million (2020: Euro 15.1 million, +38 %) – Free cash flow Euro 10.0 million (2020: Euro 14.0 million) BASLER AG, a leading manufacturer of image processing components for computer vision applications, is releasing preliminary figures for fiscal year 2021 today. In a strong market environment impaired by bottlenecks for semiconductor components in 2021, the Basler group achieved a sales growth of 26…
Basler Acquires Two Korean Distributors at the Same Time: DATVISION and IOVIS
Computer vision expert Basler acquires its two long-standing Korean trading partners DATVISION and IOVIS and thus expands its direct business in Asia. The acquisitions are an important step in the company’s growth strategy. Basler AG, a leading manufacturer in the computer vision sector, announces the acquisition of its long-standing sales partners DATVISION and IOVIS in Korea. The differently structured acquisitions are each expected to be completed on January 7, 2022. With these transactions, Basler continues to consistently expand its direct business in Asia, having already acquired the distributor MVLZ in China three years ago. In addition, the company is taking a further step in its expansion strategy of its product…