Basler AG announces change in the management
Today, the supervisory board of Basler AG has made a change in the management board. The management board contract of Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) John Jennings will regularly expire at the end of the year. Mr. Jennings asked the supervisory board not to renew his contract. The supervisory board complied with this request. After his leaving the management board, Mr. Jennings will continue to work for the company as managing director of the Americas activities. The supervisory board appointed Mr. Alexander Temme as the successor to Mr. Jennings. Mr. John Jennings has been working as Chief Commercial Officer for Basler AG for more than 15 years. With his long-term experience…
Basler AG publishes above forecast preliminary result for the first half year of 2020
. BASLER AG, the leading global manufacturer of industrial cameras, is releasing preliminary figures today for the first half year of 2020. In the first six months of 2020, sales amount to Euro 88.9 million (previous year: Euro 81.7 million) and thus are slightly above the previously expected sales corridor of Euro 86 million – Euro 88 million. The pre-tax result for the first two quarters amounts to Euro 12.8 million (previous year: Euro 7.2 million). This results in a pre-tax return rate of 14.4 % also exceeding the forecasted corridor of 12 – 13 %. This very positive development is due to a strong demand from the semiconductor /…
Dividend Announcement
BASLER AG, the leading global manufacturer of industrial cameras, decided at its yesterday’s annual general meeting in Hamburg to distribute a dividend of Euro 0.26 per share. The annual general meeting of May 26, 2020, decided to distribute a dividend of Euro 0.26 per share from the balance sheet profit of December 31, 2019 amounting to Euro 37,999,285.55 corresponding to a total distribution sum of Euro 2,601,368.64. The remaining balance of Euro 35,397,916.91 will be carried forward. This resolution corresponds to the proposal from the administration. The dividend will be paid out through Clearstream Banking AG via the custodian banks on May 29, 2020. The main paying agent is COMMERZBANK…