• Energie- / Umwelttechnik

    Füllstandsmessung für Klinkerkühler

    Der Drehrohrofen und das darauf folgende Klinkerkühlsystem sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Zementherstellungsprozesses. Der effiziente Betrieb dieser beiden Anlagenteile ist ein wichtiges Kriterium, um einen hohen Wirkungsgrad und eine hohe Rentabilität des gesamten Produktionsprozesses zu gewährleisten. Die extremen Betriebstemperaturen von bis zu 1300°C erschweren die Messung von wichtigen Parametern, wie zum Beispiel der Höhe des Klinkers auf dem Gitterrost. Herkömmliche Messverfahren stoßen aufgrund dieser extremen Messbedingungen schnell an ihre Grenzen. Um eine möglichst effiziente Kühlung zu erzielen, muss der Luftstrom an die momentane Klinkermenge auf dem Gitterrost angepasst werden. Eine präzise Messung des Klinkerfüllstandes ist daher notwendig. Die berührungslose, radiometrische Füllstandmessung von Berthold bietet hier eine höchst zuverlässige Lösung. Dabei…

  • Biotechnik

    Moisture measurement of gypsum

    Continuous moisture measurement of gypsum from quarries allows product distribution in the storage silo to be optimized according to moisture content. Monitoring of moisture content after the storage silo and before firing allows improved control of kiln operation as a means to improve the quality of the finished product. The Micro-Polar moisture meter provides online measurement of the moisture content of gypsum transported by a conveyor belt to the intermediary storage before the kiln. Using microwave technology, a non-contacting measurement is made through the entire product height. This allows a representative online measurement even if the product on the belt comes from a mixture of different storage areas with different…

  • Produktionstechnik

    Measuring the steel level in continuous casting

    Radiometric based mould level measurement is the dominating technology for measuring the steel level in continuous casting. This technology has been available for more than 50 years and now with more than six thousand systems deployed. The level of liquid metal in the mould is measured reliably and precisely. The radiometric measurement is maintenance-free and applicable for all mould types and sizes. Beside the typical installation on slab and billet casters, it is also successfully applied on beam-blank and round casters. A precise and quick measurement of the mould level lays the foundation for the production of high-quality steel and the reliable prevention of steel overflows and breakouts. The Berthold…

  • Energie- / Umwelttechnik

    Level measurement for cement clinker coolers

    In cement production, the heart of the system is the rotary kiln, and the corresponding cooling system that follows. The efficient operation of these two systems together is critical to maintain efficiency and profitability in the cement manufacturing process. With operating temperatures exceeding up to 1300°C, the measurement of important parameters, such as the level of clinker on the cooling grates, is fraught with problems. Traditional, intrusive level measurement technologies simply cannot last in such a harsh environment. To be cost efficient, the airflow to the clinker cooler must be regulated to the proper amount for the mass of the clinker present on the cooler grates. This requires an accurate…