CiA technology days CANopen Lift
CAN in Automation (CiA) has scheduled two CiA technology days online with the topic "CANopen in lift applications (CiA 417)”. The 4-hour events take place two times, at different starting times. On October 06 (start 08:30 to 12:30, Berlin time) and October 09 (start 15:00 to 19:00, Berlin time), 2020. Thus, people from all over the world can participate at a suitable local time. These CiA technology days provide an insight to the status and future of CANopen in lift applications. The presentation language will be English. Participation is free of charge, but registration is obligatory to receive the dial-in data. CiA members have also the option to take part…
CAN and CANopen seminars in September and October
CAN in Automation (CiA) has scheduled web-based CAN and CANopen seminars to increase attendees safety in times of the coronavirus. The CAN seminars take place on September 23, and October 07, 2020. The CANopen ones on September 24 and October 08, 2020. They provide in a compact format the contents of our well-known on-site seminars. The seminars, held in German language, discuss CAN and CANopen in depth including CAN FD and CANopen FD. Additionally an outlook e.g. to CAN XL is provided. In the CAN online seminar, attendees learn the CAN principles, the differences between Classical CAN and CAN FD, which possibilities CAN communication offers and in which markets CAN…
CANopen-Encoder- und -Inklinometer-Profile für J1939-Netzwerke
Der eingetragene Verein CAN in Automation (CiA) hat die CiA 406-J- und CiA 410-J-Spezifikationen herausgegeben. Sie spezifizieren die Abbildung der CANopen-Profile für Drehwinkelgeber bzw. Neigungssensoren für J1939-Netzwerke. Beide Anwendungsschichten, CANopen und J1939, werden in mobilen Arbeitsmaschinen eingesetzt. Viele Hersteller haben die CANopen-Profile implementiert. Damit diese Produkte auch in J1939-Netzwerken verwendet werden können, hat CiA bei SAE International entsprechende PGNs (Parametergruppennummern) beantragt und erhalten. Um die Sensoren wie in CANopen konfigurieren zu können, wurde zusätzlich die CiA-510-Spezifikation entwickelt. Sie beschreibt die Abbildung der CANopen-SDO-Protokolle auf J1939. Dazu werden die Parametergruppen CAM11 und CAM21 verwendet. Zusätzlich ist auch eine Abbildung der CANopen-EMCY-Nachricht spezifiziert. „Mit diesen CiA Spezifikationen ist es sehr einfach CANopen-Profile…
CANopen encoder and inclinometer profiles on J1939
The nonprofit CiA (CAN in Automation) international association has released the CiA 406-J and CiA 410-J specifications, which describe the adaptation of the CANopen encoder and inclinometer profiles for J1939-based networks. Many suppliers provide encoders and inclinometers with CANopen connectivity. To make these products also available for J1939 users, CiA has requested appropriate PGNs (parameter group numbers) from SAE International to map the CANopen PDOs to J1939 PGs. In order to configure such sensors, CiA has released the CiA 510 document, which specifies a mapping of CANopen SDO messages to two PGNs. Additionally a mapping of CANopen EMCY messages to a dedicated PG has been introduced. “With these CiA specifications…
„CAN FD light“: A „handler/dog“a protocol
CiA has established a Special Interest Group to develop a “handler/dog” data link layer protocol based on CAN FD. It is intended for use in sensor/actuator networks such as automotive lighting systems. The nonprofit CiA (CAN in Automation) association develops a “handler/dog” data link layer based on the CAN FD protocol as specified in ISO 11898-1:2015. The “handler” node implements the CAN FD protocol and sends just 11-bit identifier FD frames. The “dog” nodes transmit data frames in FBFF (FD base frame format) only on request of the “handler” node. This avoids the implementation of high-performance and costly oscillators. The protocol engine of the “dog” nodes is simplified compared to…
CAN-FD light: Ein „Handler/Dog“-Protokoll a
CiA hat eine Arbeitsgruppe gegründet, um ein "Handler/Dog"-Protokoll auf Basis von CAN-FD zu entwickeln. Dieses ist für den Einsatz in Sensor-Aktuator-Netzwerken, beispielsweise für die Fahrzeugbeleuchtung, optimiert. Das „CAN-FD light“-Protokoll des eingetragenen Vereins CiA (CAN in Automation) basiert auf dem international genormten CAN-FD-Protokoll (ISO 11898-1:2015). Der "Handler“ implementiert zwar das CAN-FD-Protokoll, sendet aber nur 11-Bit-Datenrahmen. Die "Dog"-Knoten übertragen Datenrahmen im FBFF (FD-Basisformat) nur auf Anfrage des "Handlers". Dafür sind kostspielige Oszillatoren überflüssig. Der Protokoll-Controller der "Dog"-Knoten ist gegenüber einer vollständigen CAN-FD-Implementierung deutlich einfacher und kostengünstiger. Fehler- und Überlastrahmen werden nicht unterstützt. Die Datenfelder haben eine Länge von bis zu 64 Byte. Die Bitrate wird nicht umgeschaltet und auf einen festen Wert…
Harmonized transceiver naming
CiA has agreed on names for two transceiver approaches: CAN SIC transceiver and CAN SIC XL transceiver. Recommended are the terms CAN high-speed and CAN FD transceivers for two other technologies. The nonprofit CiA (CAN in Automation) association has harmonized the naming of different transceiver technologies used in CAN networks. CiA asked the CAN community to use for transceivers compliant with the CiA 601-4 specification the term CAN SIC (signal improvement circuitry) transceiver in datasheets and product descriptions. Components compliant with CiA 610-3 shall be named CAN SIC XL transceiver. For the transceiver technologies specified in ISO 11898-2:2016, which are available since some years, a harmonized naming is not easy…
CAN and CANopen seminars in July
CAN in Automation has scheduled web-based CAN and CANopen seminars in July. The next seminars take place on July 20 (CAN) and July 21 (CANopen). You can still register. They provide in a compact format the contents of our well-known on-site seminars. The seminars, held in English or German language, discuss CAN and CANopen in depth including CAN FD and CANopen FD. Additionally an outlook e.g. to CAN XL is provided. In the CAN online seminar, attendees learn the CAN principles, the differences between Classical CAN and CAN FD, which possibilities CAN communication offers and in which markets CAN is used. The event explains CAN as it is specified in…
Online technology days on CANopen FD
Due to the Covid‑19 pandemic, most meetings take place virtually. This applies also for the technology days, which are virtual events taking place on July 6 and July 9, 2020. These events provide an overview on status and future of CANopen FD technology. The CANopen FD application layer and communication profile is specified in the CiA 1301 document. There are also other specifications accompanying this specification such as the CiA 1302 series and CiA 1305 document. The four-hour online events give an detailed introduction into the new features such as the USDO services and protocols. They show also migration path options from classic CANopen networks to CANopen FD. CANopen FD…
CiA board of directors re-elected
The nonprofit international CAN in Automation (CiA) users’ and manufacturers’ association hold for the first time its general assembly as online meeting. The members re-elected the board of directors as well as the members of the CiA business committee and the CiA technical committee. Uwe Koppe (Micocontrol) was confirmed as CiA Technical Director and Christian Schlegel (CS Consulting) as CiA Business Director. Furthermore, Holger Zeltwanger is the CiA Managing Director. The nonprofit organization with nearly 700 members develops currently the CAN XL specifications, which support bit-rates of 12 Mbit/s and maintains the classic CANopen and CANopen FD specifications. There is also a CAN FD light specification under development. The elected…