CeGaT Introduces CancerMRD: Personalized and Non-Invasive Tumor Monitoring
CeGaT GmbH, a global provider of genetic diagnostics and sequencing services, proudly announces the launch of CancerMRD, a new service for the individualized monitoring of minimal residual disease (MRD) in patients with solid tumors. CancerMRD dynamically tracks changes in disease during therapy and detects recurrences earlier than conventional imaging methods. This non-invasive monitoring tool ultimately helps improve patient prognosis. Overcoming a Key Challenge in Cancer Monitoring Minimal residual disease remains a critical challenge in cancer care: Even after successful treatment, undetected tumor cells can persist in the body, increasing the risk of recurrence. These cells often evade conventional detection methods but release circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) into the bloodstream, offering…
CeGaT Enhances ExomeXtra® for Deeper Genetic Insights
CeGaT, a global provider of genetic diagnostics and sequencing services, announces significant advancements in exome diagnostics with the latest update to its ExomeXtra® enrichment. The new update is a further step forward in providing innovative solutions to improve patient care. From the start, CeGaT’s ExomeXtra® pushed genetic diagnostics beyond the coding regions analyzed by off-the-shelf exomes, adding coverage for non-coding variants and introducing a genomic backbone for whole-genome CNV calling. The newest version 6 of ExomeXtra® further expands its capabilities by incorporating all non-coding splice sites as well as all non-coding RNAs involved in the splicing process. Additionally, the inclusion of screening for relevant infections broadens ExomeXtra®’s diagnostic scope for…
CeGaT Expands Genetic Testing Services to U.S. and Canada, Partnering with Major Insurers
CeGaT, a global provider of genetic testing and sequencing services, announces the expansion of its world-class genetic testing services across the United States and Canada. Partnerships with numerous commercial insurers further support this strategic expansion, ensuring broad accessibility and insurance coverage for more patients. Just recently, CeGaT has been awarded the national contract with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois. Since March 8, 2024, the agreement covers all commercial policies, and was extended to Medicare Advantage and Managed Care Organizations (MCO) lines on April 1, 2024. As Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois serves as their home plan, CeGaT’s services are now in-network with Blue Cross Blue Shield providers nationwide.…
CeGaT Has Multiple Reasons to Celebrate
CeGaT, a global provider of genetic diagnostics and sequencing services based in Tübingen, Germany, is celebrating several events: CeGaT turns 15 years old today. The inauguration of the extension triples the size of the CeGaT building. And furthermore, the family-run company is again fully owned by the founders since April 1, 2024. Since its foundation in 2009, CeGaT has undergone an impressive development and now has the largest sequencing capacity of privately run laboratories worldwide. CeGaT invited all employees, friends, family, and guests of honor from politics, business, and science to a festive event to celebrate the anniversary and inauguration. The event’s highlight was the speeches by Peter Gabriel, Tübingen’s…
CeGaT hat mehrfach Grund zu feiern
CeGaT, ein weltweiter Anbieter von genetischer Diagnostik und Sequenzierdienstleistungen mit Sitz in Tübingen, feiert drei Ereignisse: Am heutigen Tag wird CeGaT 15 Jahre alt. Mit der Einweihung des Erweiterungsbaus verdreifacht sich die Fläche des CeGaT-Gebäudes. Und zudem befindet sich das familiengeführte Unternehmen seit dem 01. April 2024 wieder vollständig im Eigentum der Gründer. Seit der Gründung im Jahr 2009 hat CeGaT eine beeindruckende Entwicklung vollzogen und verfügt heute über die größte Sequenzierkapazität privat geführter Labore in der Welt. Zur Jubiläums- und Einweihungsfeier lud CeGaT alle Mitarbeitenden, Freunde und Familie sowie Ehrengäste aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft zu einem festlichen Event ein. Highlight der Veranstaltung waren die Ansprachen von Peter Gabriel,…
CeGaT Revolutionizes Exome Diagnostics with Genome-wide CNV Analysis
CeGaT, a global provider of genetic diagnostics and sequencing services, presents an innovation in exome diagnostics: With the integration of a CNV backbone, it is now possible for the first time to analyze copy number changes in the entire genome within the scope of exome sequencing. As a result, the solution rate of patient cases can be increased once again. Copy number variations (CNVs) are changes in the genome in which certain DNA segments vary in number. These changes can have significant effects on gene function and associated diseases. Thanks to the new CNV backbone, ExomeXtra®, CeGaT’s proprietary exome diagnostics, detects copy number variations even in non-coding regions of the…
CeGaT Is One of the First Companies Worldwide to Receive the Most Powerful Sequencing Platform NovaSeq™ X Plus
CeGaT, a global provider of sequencing services for research, clinical studies, and human genetic diagnostics, is now using the latest and most powerful sequencing system from Illumina. With the NovaSeq™ X Plus, CeGaT can carry out research projects previously considered unfeasible due to their enormous data volume. Since mid-March, CeGaT has been one of the first companies worldwide to own the brand new NovaSeq™ X Plus, which was announced by Illumina just last fall. Thanks to innovative chemistry and technology, the high-performance sequencer enables an unmatched level of throughput and accuracy: In one run with two flow cells, up to 16 terabases are generated in the shortest possible time. As…
CeGaT erhält als eines der ersten Unternehmen weltweit die leistungsstärkste Sequenzierplattform NovaSeq™ X Plus
CeGaT, ein global agierender Anbieter von Sequenzierdienstleistungen für Forschung, klinische Studien und humangenetische Diagnostik, setzt ab sofort das neuste und leistungsstärkste Sequenziersystem von Illumina ein. Mit dem NovaSeq™ X Plus kann CeGaT Forschungsprojekte umsetzen, die aufgrund ihres enormen Datenvolumens bislang als unrealisierbar galten. Seit Mitte März verfügt CeGaT als eines der ersten Unternehmen weltweit über den brandneuen NovaSeq™ X Plus, der erst im Herbst letzten Jahres von Illumina angekündigt wurde. Der Hochleistungssequenzierer ermöglicht dank innovativer Chemie und Technologie ein unerreichtes Level an Durchsatz und Genauigkeit: In einem Durchlauf mit zwei Flow Cells werden bis zu 16 Terabasen in kürzester Zeit generiert. Pro Jahr lassen sich so zehntausende Genome sequenzieren. Der…
First Provider in Germany: CeGaT Offers Sequencing Services Based on PacBio’s SMRT Technology
CeGaT, a global provider of sequencing services for research, clinical trials, and human genetic diagnostics, is the first provider in Germany that has equipped its sequencing laboratory with the PacBio system. The Single Molecule Real-Time (SMRT) technology behind it allows the generation of HiFi reads with exceptional accuracy and length. Using this technology, CeGaT now offers full-length sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene, including all variable regions. Thus, microbial taxa can be determined accurately. The Tübingen-based company makes state-of-the-art sequencing technologies available to all life scientists. With the implementation of Full-Length 16S Sequencing into its portfolio, CeGaT now offers sequencing of the entire 16S rRNA gene to determine taxonomic distribution…
Illumina NovaSeq™ X: CeGaT is One of the First Companies to Order Illumina’s Brand New Sequencer
CeGaT, a global provider of sequencing services for research, clinical trials and human genetic diagnostics, is expanding its NGS laboratory with the brand new NovaSeq™ X from Illumina. This strategically important step enables CeGaT to serve the growing global demand for sequencing services and molecular genetic analysis and to make Illumina’s latest sequencing platform available to its customers. On Thursday, September 29, 2022, Illumina unveiled its latest advancement – the new series of sequencers, NovaSeq™ X. This platform, coupled with state-of-the-art sequencing chemistry, enables a new dimension of samples to be sequenced in parallel. "We are looking forward to the new challenge and will provide our customers with the well-established…