• Biotechnik

    Apply fluid shear stress to your cells

    Cells are influenced in the body through fluid-induced shear stress, causing dramatic morphological and biochemical responses. To simulate this in vivo situation, the American company Flexcell International has developed Shear Stress Systems that are distributed exclusively by Dunn Labortechnik in the whole of Europe and the Middle East. The user-friendly Streamer System Shear Stress Device and the optionally available accessories FlexFlow and Osci-Flow, allow the investigation of shear stress effects on 2D cell cultures. The cells which are submitted to fluid-induced shear stress are cultured on special coated culture slides. Six of these slides can be tested at the same time with the Streamer System. Depending on the system and…

  • Biotechnik

    New ECIS® TEERZ from Applied BioPhysics

    Dunn Labortechnik presents the new TEERZ device from Applied BioPhysics. The TEERZ-station enables the measurement of TEER (Transepithelial electrical resistance) to analyse barrier function at 75 Hz by using Corning® or Millipore® filter insert plates. Cartridges are available with 24 electrode pins or 96 electrode pins and allow usage of 24- or 96-well plates. All measurements can be done in the incubator continuously. The method functions over detecting resistance values and therefore is completely label free. The easy-to-use software does not only show the continuous measurement of TEER, but also the values of resistance and reactance, to enable the user to put these values in relation to each other. Using…

  • Biotechnik

    Communication is Key – The Gut, its Microbiome, Immune cells and the Brain

    More and more studies show that a disbalance in the gut-microbiome can negatively impact patients suffering from various neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease by contributing to disease progression. To study Alzheimer’s disease, Dunn Labortechnik offers antibodies against Amyloid-beta and Tau. But how does our brain know about the millions of microbes in our gut? The microorganisms in our intestine influence communication between gut and brain by producing various metabolites such as short-chain fatty acids which can be sensed by a specialized group of enteroendocrine cells. This subgroup of enteroendocrine cells directly communicates with the vagus nerve, a main component of the parasympathetic nervous system, conveying signals directly to the…

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  • Biotechnik

    BACTRON® 400HP – The new Anaerobic Chamber

    With the Bactron® 400HP ("high performance") system, Dunn Labortechnik now offers its customers the latest anaerobic chamber model of a choice of four workbench versions from Sheldon Manufacturing. The Bactron®400HP has a unique combination of protection, performance and convenience features and is specifically designed for all applications where precise control and continuous monitoring of culture conditions and anaerobic gas atmosphere are required. In addition to the glove-free design and automated airlock cycles established in all Bactron® workbenches, special emphasis was placed on extra-height of workspace in the 400HP model, as well as the possibility of bringing in larger devices and cleaning materials via the liftable hinged front flange granting flexible…

  • Biotechnik

    “Scorpion” optimised for normalization of nucleic acids

    The well-known high-speed dispenser “Scorpion” from Art Robbins Instruments has been optimized to execute an additional task: Nucleic Acid Normalization. In cooperation with the company Avrok Biosciences it was established that the Scorpion can do volumetric transfers and nucleic acid normalization with a CV less than 5 % accompanied by a standard deviation of 0.11. To optimize the Scorpion for this new task, the instrument comes with a new software which takes the user step by step through the set-up enabling also new users to quickly learn how to operate the system. The normalization feature of the instrument operates smoothly, necessitating the loading of a csv-file onto the device. Users…

  • Biotechnik

    New in our portfolio: ECIS® from Applied BioPhysics

    We are happy to announce our new partnership with the US-based company Applied BioPhysics. As new exclusive distributor for the DACH-region, Belgium and the Netherlands, we will be supporting existing customers and take care of new enquiries. Applied BioPhysics, in the market for over 3 decades, is known for Electric Cell-substrate Impedance Sensing (ECIS®) for non-invasive and label-free monitoring of cells. They offer the system Z-Theta which measures impedance and capacities via gold electrodes in cell cultures. These measurements are useful for a wide range of possible applications such as barrier function, cell migration, cell proliferation, cytotoxicity, wound healing, drug research and many more. In addition, a wide range of…

  • Biotechnik

    Introducing the unique Flexcell FX-6000™ Tension System

    Flexcell International Corp. and the European Distributor Dunn Labortechnik present the unique Flexcell® FX-6000™ Tension System. The FX-6000™ Tension System is a computer-regulated bioreactor that applies cyclic or static tensile strain to cells in monolayer or 2D/3D cultures allowing users to simulate in vivo tissue strains and frequencies. The FX-6000™ Tension System – improved to work with a single digital valve – functions with both regulated vacuum pressure and positive air pressure to deform flexible-bottomed culture plates more effectively. The added application of positive pressure in the new system facilitates the return of the membrane to its neutral position more effectively than only atmospheric pressure. Therefore, the FX-6000™ Tension System…

  • Biotechnik

    NEW! Automated Tissue Dissociation Systems

    S2 Genomics and their exclusive distributor for Germany and Austria, Dunn Labortechnik, present the new Singulator™ Systems. The bench-top Singulator System and its single-use cartridges enable reproducible, rapid and    hands-off tissue dissociations into single cell or nuclei suspensions. Researchers can now easily obtain suspensions of nuclei or high-viability cells for a wide range of single cell analyses, from as little as 1 mg of solid tissues. The “Singulator” is ideal for genomics, cell biology and other ‘omics applications, including scRNA-Seq, snRNA-Seq, ATAC-Seq, CITE-Seq, FACS, and immuno-oncology. S2 Genomics provides a selection of pre-set protocols and pre-formulated reagents for cell isolations from an expanding set of mouse, rat, and human tissues,…

  • Medizintechnik

    New from Dunn Labortechnik: Antibodies and Antigens by Icon Medlab

    Icon Medlab’s diverse range of high-quality antibodies and antigens is now available from Dunn Labortechnik. Since 2010, Icon Medlab has been offering a broad product portfolio for in-vitro diagnostics (IVD) and health care. The monoclonal mouse antibodies are ideally suited for the development and usage in ELISA and lateral flow immunoassays (LFA), but other applications such as Western blot are also possible. Numerous antigens, especially from the field of ‘‘drug abuse’’, complement the product portfolio and enable the performance and development of competitive ELISAs (cELISA). Ideal combinations of coating and labelling antibodies have already been tested in advance, so that optimum antibody pairs do not have to be established at great…

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  • Medizintechnik

    Neu von Dunn Labortechnik: Antikörper und Antigene von Icon Medlab

    Ab sofort ist die vielfältige Auswahl an hochwertigen Antikörpern und Antigenen von Icon Medlab bei Dunn Labortechnik erhältlich. Icon Medlab bietet seit 2010 ein weites Produktportfolio für den In‑Vitro‑Diagnostikbereich (IVD) und die Medizintechnik an. Die monoklonalen Mausantikörper sind bestens für die Entwicklung und Durchführung von ELISA und Lateral Flow Immunoassays (LFA) geeignet, aber auch weitere Anwendungsmöglichkeiten wie zum Beispiel Western Blot sind möglich. Die zahlreichen Antigene, insbesondere aus dem Bereich „Suchtmittel“, ergänzen das Produktportfolio und ermöglichen die Durchführung und Entwicklung von kompetitiven ELISAs (cELISA). Die idealen Kombinationen von Coating– und Labelling-Antikörpern wurden bereits im Vorfeld erprobt, sodass optimale Antikörper-Paare nicht erst aufwendig erprobt werden müssen. Alle Antikörper sind in verschiedenen, maßgeschneiderten…

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