• Forschung und Entwicklung

    Scientists in Germany develop a new analytical method that enables improved insight into (mRNA) nanoparticles, and similar pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical products

    Messenger RNA (mRNA) nanomedicines, a ground-breaking technology that has led to the development of the first approved COVID-19 vaccine, was recently recognised by the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology. But mRNA’s potential for pharmaceutical application is expected to go much beyond this – it could open up new opportunities for the treatment and prevention of diseases, such as viral and bacterial infections, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and inflammatory and auto-immune diseases. It could also transform the large field of interventions by therapeutic proteins. Many novel mRNA nanomedicines, which are currently in different stages of development, may become available in the future. One requirement for all applications of mRNA in pharmaceutical products…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für Scientists in Germany develop a new analytical method that enables improved insight into (mRNA) nanoparticles, and similar pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical products