• Firmenintern

    DIN CERTCO and LNE: the new certification schemes approved under PolyCert Europe umbrella

    Next to the four certification schemes already existing under Polycert Europe umbrella, namely QA-CER (BE), AENOR (ES), Plastica Seconda Vita (IT) and Wertstoff PET (RAL) (DE), we are delighted to announce that DIN CERTCO (DE) and the Incorporation of Recycled Plastics Standard by LNE (FR) have just been approved as new certification schemes. With DIN CERTCO and LNE joining, PolyCert Europe umbrella technical platform is now counting six certification schemes in total. The certification schemes who are members of PolyCert Europe are working together to harmonize their audit methodology across the EU Member States. All of them work in cooperation with Accredited Certification Bodies who have proven their competence in the plastics sector and ensure the impartiality and quality of the audits: an important…

  • Energie- / Umwelttechnik

    Monitoring Platform MORE accepted as a CPA data collector

    MORE – MOnitoring Recyclates for Europe – has been confirmed as a Circular Plastics Alliance (CPA) data collector by both the CPA Monitoring Secretariat and CPA Monitoring Working Group. The EuPC’s digital platform has been slightly updated to adapt to the requirements of the CPA, an initiative of the European Commission to reach or exceed the objective of using 10 million tons of recycled plastics in the manufacture of new products in Europe from 2025. In this way, the data that is reported through the platform will also serve to measure the achievement of that objective. In the future, MORE webpage will provide all the information about the CPA audits,…

  • Energie- / Umwelttechnik

    SUP Directive and marine litter – an industry commitment across all sectors

    The core objective of the Single-Use Plastic Directive is notoriously to tackle the issue of marine littering. This point is underlined by the Directive itself as a key action for the achievement of UN Sustainable Development Goal 14 which calls to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development. Thus, it is of utmost importance to keep into consideration the primary purpose of the Directive when unfolding its scope of application. The plastics industry is committed to achieving the highest environmental standards set at EU level in order to allow a complete transition to a circular economy and to guarantee a high level of environmental…