• Biotechnik

    faCellitate Announces Results of a Study on 3D Cell Culture:

    Publication in Biotechnology Journal A broadly designed comparative study conducted by researchers from Karolinska Institute in Stockholm has shown that BIOFLOAT™ 3D Cell Culture Plates have performance characteristics superior over all other 3D Cell Culture Plates investigated. Mannheim (Germany) and Stockholm (Sweden), February 26, 2024: faCellitate GmbH has announced the results of a performance study of 3D Cell Culture Plates conducted in cooperation with researchers at Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, one of the most renowned academic research institutions in Europe. 3D Cell Culture has become an important technology to study biological processes. The cellular aggregates called “Spheroids” employed in 3D Cell Culture allow for an interaction between the cells…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für faCellitate Announces Results of a Study on 3D Cell Culture:
  • Biotechnik

    faCellitate gibt die Ergebnisse einer Studie zur 3D-Zellkultur bekannt:

      Veröffentlichung im Biotechnology Journal Eine breit angelegte Vergleichsstudie, die von Forschenden des Karolinska Instituts in Stockholm durchgeführt wurde, hat gezeigt, dass BIOFLOAT™ 3D-Zellkulturplatten Leistungsmerkmale besitzen, die den anderen untersuchten 3D-Zellkulturplatten überlegen sind. Mannheim (Deutschland) und Stockholm (Schweden), 26. Februar 2024: Die faCellitate GmbH hat die Ergebnisse einer Vergleichsstudie von 3D-Zellkulturplatten bekannt gegeben, die von Forschenden des Karolinska Instituts in Stockholm, Schweden, einer der renommiertesten akademischen Forschungseinrichtungen in Europa, durchgeführt wurde. Die 3D-Zellkultur hat sich zu einer wichtigen Technologie für die Untersuchung biologischer Prozesse entwickelt. Die in der 3D-Zellkultur verwendeten Zellaggregate, so genannte "Sphäroide", ermöglichen eine Interaktion zwischen den Zellen, die den Bedingungen im lebenden Organismus ähnelt. So stellt die…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für faCellitate gibt die Ergebnisse einer Studie zur 3D-Zellkultur bekannt:
  • Biotechnik

    faCellitate 2023: Cutting-edge Flat-Bottom microplates with Ultra-Low Adhesion Surface

    faCellitate expands its product range with the launch of three new BIOFLOAT™ -coated flat-bottom microplates; a 96-well format, soon to be followed by 24- and 6-well plates. This innovative series is purposefully crafted as an addition to the BIOFLOAT 96-well and 384-well U-Bottom plates, catering to spheroid and organoid applications. The BIOFLOAT coated flat-bottom microplate sets a new standard with superior anti-adhesive qualities, unlocking the potential for cultivating cells in 3D or in suspension (e.g., T cells) with the flat bottom allowing a better imaging of 3D cultures compared to U-bottom plates. Coming soon, the latest BIOFLOAT 96-well flat-bottom format microplate will also be followed by 24- and 6-well formats.…

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  • Allgemein

    faCellitate appoints Christoph Petry, Ph.D. to become Managing Director and CEO

    faCellitate GmbH has appointed Dr. Christoph Petry, as Managing Director and CEO. Dr. Petry spun-out Sividon Diagnostics from Siemens Healthcare in 2010. Serving as Sividon’s CEO he oversaw the development of EndoPredict, a new standard to target breast cancer therapy and later successfully sold the company to Myriad Genetics. As a Managing Director he then joined m2p-labs, a company focusing on microbioreactor technology. After having restructured the company, he managed m2p-labs’ sale to Danaher corporation and headed the former-m2p-labs’ Engineering and Operations Departments throughout the company’s integration with Danaher.  In October 2022 Dr. Petry accepted the assignment to become faCellitate’s new CEO. He will manage the company jointly with Dr.…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für faCellitate appoints Christoph Petry, Ph.D. to become Managing Director and CEO
  • Allgemein

    faCellitate Starts Marketing New 384-well Spheroid Microplate

    faCellitate expands its BIOFLOAT™ coated microplate portfolio by a 384 well format specifically designed for spheroid culture The exceptional performance of the BIOFLOAT™ coating combined with the high density 384-format makes the new product solution particularly valuable for high-throughput spheroid screening Accelerated assays due to spheroid culture without centrifugation and unique spheroid quality – experts call the New BIOFLOAT 384 well plate The New Gold Standard for fast and uniform spheroid formation faCellitate has expanded its spheroid microplate product portfolio by introducing the BIOFLOAT™ 384-well plate. The new product was developed specifically for spheroid cell cultures and allows life science researchers to cultivate spheroids at higher density which is vitally…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für faCellitate Starts Marketing New 384-well Spheroid Microplate
  • Allgemein

    faCellitate, ein BASF-Spin-off, schließt eine 3,7 Mio. € Seed-Runde unter Führung von SARSTEDT und dem HTGF ab

    Erfolgreiches Closing der Seedrunde über 3,7 Millionen Euro unter Beteiligung von SARSTEDT, High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF), R3 Consulting, ARVE Capital, ROI Verwaltungsgesellschaft und Chemovator. faCellitate hat eine intelligente und extrem niedrig anhaftende Plattform für Polymeroberflächenbeschichtungen entwickelt. Das erste auf dem Markt eingeführte Produkt zielt auf die 3D-Zellkultur ab und ermöglicht eine einfache, zuverlässige und reproduzierbare 3D-Zellkultivierung, die den derzeitigen Goldstandard in der Branche herausfordert. Die Einführung weiterer Produkte auf dieser Basis ist bereits angelaufen. Die faCellitate-Plattform eignet sich für die Beschichtung einer breiten Palette von Kunststoffen und Glaswaren. Zusammen mit der Möglichkeit der gezielten chemischen Modifikation der Polymerbeschichtung ermöglicht dies die Lösung zahlreicher ungelöster Probleme in Zellkultur- und Industrieanlagenanwendungen. Das Mannheimer…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für faCellitate, ein BASF-Spin-off, schließt eine 3,7 Mio. € Seed-Runde unter Führung von SARSTEDT und dem HTGF ab
  • Allgemein

    faCellitate, a BASF spin-off, closes a €3.7m seed round led by SARSTEDT and HTGF

    Closing of seed round completed raising €3.7 million from SARSTEDT, High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF), R3 Consulting, ARVE Capital, ROI Verwaltungsgesellschaft and Chemovator. faCellitate has developed an intelligent and ultra-low attachment polymer surface coating platform. The first launched product thereof is targeting 3D cell culture, enabling simple, reliable, and reproducible 3D cell cultivation that challenges the industry’s gold standard. The roll out of further products on this basis is underway. faCellitate’s platform is suitable for coating a wide range of plastic and glassware. Together with the ability of targeted chemical modification of the polymer coating, this enables the solution of numerous unsolved problems in cell culture and industrial facility applications. Mannheim-based life…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für faCellitate, a BASF spin-off, closes a €3.7m seed round led by SARSTEDT and HTGF