• Optische Technologien

    FLIR Launches Always-On Vibration and Temperature Condition Monitoring Kit for Industrial Inspection

    Often before industrial machinery start showing issues that require immediate maintenance, pending problems can be detected through minute vibration changes. Therefore, the first component of effective condition monitoring is a combined remote vibration and temperature sensing monitoring solution. Manufacturing facilities from paper mills, to food and beverage processors to the oil and gas industry benefit from 24/7 remote condition monitoring of critical infrastructure and machinery. By combining the power of FLIR’s vibration and temperature detection, industries now have a complete solution kit that maximizes production output, improves worker safety, and reduces operational costs. Vibration detection not only provides early warning to help eliminate maintenance surprises before they happen, it also…

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  • Optische Technologien

    FLIR Systems Announces Industry-First Thermal and Visible Videoscope for Underground Utility Vaults

    FLIR Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: FLIR) today announced the FLIR VS290-32™, an industry-first, videoscope that combines thermal imaging and a visible camera specifically designed for safer and more efficient inspections of hard-to-reach underground utility vaults. The VS290-32 is the company’s first industrial-grade, electrical safety-rated, flexible dual-sensor videoscope on a replaceable, two-meter-long camera probe. For use in the most demanding environments, the VS290-32 is CAT IV 600 V safety rated for electrical inspections, along with an IP67-rated camera tip and IP54 base unit to protect against dust and water. The device features FLIR Systems’ patented Multi-Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX®), which improves image clarity by embossing visual scene details onto full thermal images,…

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  • Optische Technologien

    FLIR Machine Vision Cameras are Headed to Mars!

    On July 30th, NASA successfully launched their Mars 2020 Perseverance rover mission, scheduled to land on the Red Planet on February 18th, 2021. The primary mission is to search for signs of ancient microscopic life and collect the first ever Martian soil samples to bring back to Earth. But the NASA team is also preparing this trip for another first: footage of a spacecraft landing on another planet. For the first-ever filming of a spacecraft landing, the engineers included 6 FLIR RGB machine vision cameras. Previous Mars missions have taken still photos of the planetary descent, but no landing has ever been filmed. While everything about a space mission takes…

  • Optische Technologien

    FLIR präsentiert die Elara FR-345-EST zum schnellen und präzisen Screening nach erhöhter Körpertemperatur

    Während die Angestellten wieder in ihre Büros zurückkehren, der Flugreiseverkehr wieder anläuft und die Fans allmählich wieder in die Stadien strömen, spielt Technologie, die sich auf den Schutz der Gesundheit und der Sicherheit in halböffentlichen und privaten Einrichtungen konzentriert, weiterhin eine entscheidende Rolle, um die Ausbreitung von COVID-19 zu verlangsamen. Deshalb hat FLIR Systems heute die FLIR Elara FR-345-EST vorgestellt, eine fest installierte radiometrische Wärmebild-Überwachungskamera, die erhöhte Hauttemperaturen präzise misst und dafür keine Referenztemperaturquelle benötigt. Dieses System schafft in stark frequentierten Flughäfen, Stadien, Gewerbegebäuden und Fertigungseinrichtungen eine sichere und effektive Messumgebung, um die Hauttemperatur an Zugangskontrollpunkten schnellstmöglich zu beurteilen. Die Elara FR-345-EST führt die Messung automatisch zu dem Bereich des…

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  • Optische Technologien

    How Thermal Technologies Improve Facility Security and Workforce Safety

    Blind spots in surveillance coverage, incompatible video and access control systems, lack of adequate perimeter measures-these are common issues that facility directors must address with their security teams. At the end of the day, facility executives need technology that accomplish more with less-that expand situational awareness, overall system functionality, and real-time response capabilities while generating costsavings. By leveraging technology like thermal imaging, this is possible. Security directors who want to improve facility management-specifically 24/7 monitoring for heightened security and elevated skin temperature frontline screening for entry control-should consider incorporating thermal cameras into their next security upgrade or new installation project. Leveling Up your Security with Thermal By using thermal security…

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  • Optische Technologien

    Interfaces for Machine Vision

    Choosing the right interface for your machine vision application is a key decision in your camera selection process. The following sections provide an overview of the different types of cables and connectors available for machine vision applications along with associated pros and cons.  Dedicated interfaces Useful for applications where extremely high-speeds or ultra high-resolution necessitate the use of such interfaces; for example, line-scan cameras used to inspect continuous flow processes like paper or plastic film production where cameras frequently work in the kHz range. However, these interfaces tend to be significantly more expensive, less flexible and add to system complexity. CarmeraLink (supports up to 6.8Gbit/s of data) and CoaXPress (supports…

  • Optische Technologien

    FLIR Systems präsentiert vier neue tragbare Wärmebildkameras der Exx-Serie

    FLIR Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: FLIR) hat am 8. Oktober vier neue fortschrittliche Wärmebildkameras seiner Exx-Serie vorgestellt: die E96, E86, E76 und E54. Im Vergleich zu ihren Vorgängermodellen bieten die neuen Exx-Serie-Kameras eine höhere Wärmebildauflösung für detailreichere und kontraststärkere Bilder sowie eine integrierte Inspektionsroutenfunktion für einfachere und effizientere Überprüfungen. Die neuen Kameras der Exx-Serie unterstützen Profis dabei, frühe Anzeichen von Gebäudeproblemen zu erkennen, Hot-Spots zu lokalisieren sowie Probleme an elektrischen Anlagen und Maschinen zu identifizieren und zu beheben, bevor diese Schäden verursachen, die zu teuren Reparaturen führen. Mit ihrer Auflösung von 640 x 480 Pixeln und ihrem achtfachen Digitalzoom ist die E96 die bislang fortschrittlichste Wärmebildkamera der Exx-Serie. Sie liefert verbesserte…

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  • Sicherheit

    FLIR Introduces Elara FR-345-EST for Rapid and Accurate Elevated Skin Temperature Screening

    As employees continue returning to the office, travelers start flying again, fans slowly return to stadiums, technology that focuses on maintaining health and safety in semi-public and private venues remains crucial to slowing the spread of COVID-19. In response, FLIR Systems today announced the FLIR Elara™ FR-345-EST, a fixed-mount radiometric thermal security camera that measures elevated skin temperature (EST) accurately without contact or the need for a reference temperature source. This system provides a safe and effective environment at hightraffic airports, stadiums, commercial buildings, and manufacturing facilities to quickly asses skin temperature at access control points. The Elara FR-345-EST automatically guides to the part of the body that most closely…

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  • Optische Technologien

    FLIR Systems Announces Four New Exx-Series Handheld Thermal Imaging Cameras

    FLIR Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: FLIR) today announced four new additions to its Exx-Series of advanced thermal imaging cameras: the E96, E86, E76 and E54. Compared to predecessor Exx-Series cameras, the new cameras offer enhanced thermal resolution for more vibrant, easy-to-read images and on-camera routing capability to improve field survey efficiency. The new Exx-Series cameras are designed to help professionals detect the early signs of building issues, identify hot spots, troubleshoot electrical and mechanical systems, and prevent problems before they cause damage that leads to expensive repairs. The E96, with a 640×480 resolution and eight-times digital zoom, is the most advanced Exx-Series thermal camera to date. It delivers improved measurement results…

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  • Optische Technologien

    New FLIR GF77 Gas Find IR Series Increases the Versatility of FLIR’s Uncooled Gas Detection Solutions

    The new FLIR GF77™ Gas Find IR Series provides professionals with the flexibility to use one uncooled gas detection camera for gas detection and thermal inspections across chemical and industrial manufacturing, electric power utilities, natural gas supply chain, food and agricultural, and public safety. The most notable feature updates include visualizing a completely new category of gases in sulfur hexafluoride, ammonia, and ethylene. The GF77 Series also offers IR high-temp ranges, increased temperature measurement accuracy and improved inspection flow/reporting with optional add-ons for FLIR Thermal Studio Pro and FLIR Route Creator. The versatile GF77 does more than visualize gases; this ergonomic, easy to use camera is calibrated for IR temperature…

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