• Firmenintern

    HARTING verbucht erfolgreiche HANNOVER MESSE 2022

    Für die HARTING Technologiegruppe geht heute eine sehr erfolgreiche HANNOVER MESSE 2022 zu Ende. Sowohl der zweite Platz beim HERMES Award als auch das rege Interesse das Fachpublikums an den Connectivity-Highlights und Applikationslösungen sorgte beim Espelkamper Familienunternehmen für zufriedene Gesichter. „Endlich konnten wir auf der HANNOVER MESSE 2022 unseren Kunden und Partnern wieder persönlich und in Präsenz gegenüberstehen, um ihnen unsere Highlights zu präsentieren,“ resümiert Philip Harting, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Technologiegruppe. Den Auftakt der für HARTING sehr positiv verlaufenen Leitmesse machte die Verleihung des HERMES Awards am Sonntagabend: mit einem zweiten Platz für die Han-Modular® Domino Module zählt die Steckverbinder-Neuheit zu den Top 3 Innovationen 2022. Dies hat sich auch im…

  • Elektrotechnik

    har-modular®: Modules for power, signals and data freely combinable

    In today’s industrial arena, devices and equipment is being developed in ever shorter cycles. The design and routing of circuit boards are becoming more sophisticated, posing a challenge to developers in search of the right solutions for all data, signals or power to be transmitted. To facilitate developers’ work, HARTING is offering a solution in the shape of har-modular® that provides a completely new level of flexibility for circuit boards. har-modular® is a modular system which – in terms of size and architecture – is based on the DIN 41612 terminal strips that have been in use for many decades. Instead of relying on a large number of rigid solutions…

  • Elektrotechnik

    Single Pair Ethernet (SPE): T1 Industrial Style interface available in M12 housing

    Seamless Ethernet communication via data networks from the cloud to the sensor/actuator level describes nothing less than the implementation of Industry 4.0. The T1 Industrial Style interface to IEC 63171-6 is also available in a sturdy M12 housing with immediate effect. End-to-end Ethernet from the cloud to the sensor has not been economically viable to date given the lack of suitable infrastructure. Single Pair Ethernet has now closed that gap. The significant reduction in cables and connectors saves space, spares resources and facilitates applications in the field that were previously only possible with traditional signal wiring. SPE can accommodate significantly more sensors, thereby enabling more data to be captured from…

  • Firmenintern

    M12 Push-Pull: Fast locking systems save valuable installation time in automation

    Installation time is a considerable cost factor in assembly. Fast locks based on the push-pull principle save up to 90% here by comparison with traditional screw locks for M12 circular connectors. For the first time, the new IEC 61076-2-010 standard now provides an internationally uniform definition for the locking mechanism for M12 connectors for vertical and recessed device sockets.  It is also possible to connect flying cable couplings. The time factor is crucial when setting up automation applications. Deadlines must be met, and costs must not get out of hand. In order to provide expedient support for installers, automation engineers should use devices fitted with reliable fast-locking mechanisms for connecting…

  • Elektrotechnik

    Collaborative Engineering at HARTING

    Joint development of customer projects – from the start of the project to production: that’s Collaborative Engineering the HARTING way. The technology company from Espelkamp will be presenting tailored customer solutions at the 2022 HANNOVER MESSE. Joint development, creating new products hand in hand, championing innovation together – all of this is covered by the term collaborative engineering. “At the same time, this is our incentive to continue developing products and solutions for and with our customers efficiently and sustainably going forward”, emphasises Christian Schumacher, CEO at HARTING Customised Solutions. “With the realisation of customer-specific cabling solutions and standardised system cabling, we are offering cross-market development expertise.” HARTING connectivity solutions…

  • Elektrotechnik

    Han® HPR HPTC

    The connections of transformers are permanently exposed to intense environmental impacts: mechanical effects, water, oil, direct sunlight, and ozone can significantly reduce the service life of components. That is why the new Han® HPR HPTC series was developed especially for transformer applications in harsh environments. The new system meets the requirements for a simple assembly including only a few components, thus ensuring maximum safety. On the cable side, a crimped contact is inserted into a three-part, touch-proof insulation body. In addition, there is a cable gland that protects against dust and moisture and forms part of the shielding, absorbing residual currents and transferring them to the enclosure. HPTC hoods and…

  • Elektrotechnik

    Han® HPR Compact

    Han® HPR is a globally recognised standard for connector housings that require special protection against environmental influences whether applied in power generation plants, rail vehicles or ships. Aiming to expand the connector range for harsh environments with limited installation space, HARTING is currently adding the “Han® HPR Compact” hoods and housings to the series. They require 20 % less installation space and are 25 % lighter than conventional solutions. The product is available in sizes 6, 10, 16 and 24 B and has a special feature that enables the housings “to grow with demand”, even after installation. For this purpose, up to two extenders, each three centimetres high, are attached…

  • Elektrotechnik

    har-modular®: Module für Power, Signale und Daten frei kombinierbar

    Die Entwicklung von Geräten in der Industrie erfolgt in immer kürzeren Zyklen. Leiterplattenanordnung- und Routing werden anspruchsvoller, was Entwickler auf der Suche nach der passenden Lösung für alle zu übertragenden Daten, Signale oder Leistungen vor Herausforderungen stellt. Um den Entwicklern die Arbeit zu erleichtern, bietet HARTING mit har-modular® eine Lösung, die eine völlig neue Flexibilität auf der Leiterkarte bietet. har-modular® ist ein Baukastenprinzip, welches sich in Größe und Architektur an die viele Jahrzehnte bekannten DIN 41612 Leisten anlehnt. Statt wie bislang auf eine große Anzahl starrer Lösungen zu setzen, bietet har-modular® via Online-Konfigurator nun einen Baukasten aus verschiedenen Modulen für die Übertragung aller wichtigen Lebensadern. Entwickler können sich die benötigten…

  • Elektrotechnik

    Han-Modular® Domino Modules

    HARTING has accompanied and supported industrial transformation for more than 70 years. At present the challenges are different, but the foundation for today’s industrial transformation is formed by basic technologies such as interfaces for the transmission of power, data and signals. HARTING is therefore launching the Han-Modular® Domino Modules, which will take the world of modular industrial connectors to the next level. They open up new possibilities for optimisation, including space and weight savings of up to 50 %, thus reducing the CO2 footprint. The product also convinced the jury of this year’s HERMES Award. The Han-Modular® Domino Modules were selected as one of the Top 3 Innovations of 2022. Just…

  • Elektrotechnik

    M12 PushPull: Schnellverriegelungen sparen wertvolle Installationszeit in der Automatisierung

    Installationszeit ist ein erheblicher Kostenfaktor in der Montage. Schnellverriegelungen nach dem PushPull-Prinzip sparen hier bis zu 90% im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Schraubverriegelungen von M12 Rundsteckverbindern. Die neue IEC 61076-2-010 definiert nun erstmalig international einheitlich die Verriegelung von M12 Steckverbindern für stehende und versenkte Gerätebuchsen. Auch die Verbindung von fliegenden Kabelkupplungen ist möglich. Für den Aufbau von Automatisierungsanwendungen ist der Faktor Zeit sehr entscheidend. Deadlines müssen gehalten werden, Kosten dürfen nicht aus dem Ruder laufen. Um Installateure hier sinnvoll unterstützen zu können, sollten Automatisierer auf Geräte setzen, die mit zuverlässigen Schnellverriegelungen für die Anbindung von Daten, Signalen und Power ausgestattet sind. HARTING bietet für diese zeitsparende Alternative Steckverbinder mit PushPull Verriegelungen…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für M12 PushPull: Schnellverriegelungen sparen wertvolle Installationszeit in der Automatisierung