• Firmenintern

    Management changes at hte

    After 25 successful years at hte, including 12 years as CEO, Wolfram Stichert will pass the leadership of the company to Markus Bold. The official handover will take place on April 1, 2025. Wolfram Stichert is part of the founding team of hte and was CFO from 2003 to 2012, and CEO since 2013. He is also closely associated with DECHEMA Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, where he has been treasurer since 2019 and chairman since this year. In the future, he will take on a new role as Senior Vice President in corporate research at BASF SE. "It has been an incredible journey to be part of hte’s…

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  • Forschung und Entwicklung

    Collaboration between SUEZ and hte for catalytic valorization of biomass

    hte – the high throughput experimentation company entered into an R&D service agreement with SUEZ. This collaboration focused on the screening of various catalytic materials to convert biomass-derived feedstocks into sustainable gases. This biomass valorization R&D project featured a catalyst benchmarking step and subsequent poisoning resistance study aiming to qualify the optimum catalyst for commercial operations. With global sustainability goals to prevent global warming that need to be reached as soon as possible, there has been an intense focus on ways to shift from a product mix arising from fossil feedstocks to one based on renewable resources that produces very limited or zero carbon emissions. Biomass has proven to be…

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  • Forschung und Entwicklung

    hte wins NEN tender for FCC co-processing of biogenic feedstocks

    hte – the high throughput experimentation company was contracted by NEN, the Royal Dutch Standardization Institute, for the provision of R&D services in the field of FCC (Fluid Catalytic Cracking). This project centered on the assessment of verifiable alternatives to radiocarbon analyses for allocating bio-based carbon contents in refinery co-processing applications, particularly of fast-pyrolysis bio-oils (FPBO). Refinery FCC is at the heart of any modern refinery as a pivotal petrochemical process that converts hydrocarbon fractions from petroleum (crude oil) into valuable products such as olefinic gases, gasoline, and other important petroleum products. Transitioning toward the co-processing of biogenic feedstocks provides refiners with an attractive and viable option for contributing to global decarbonization efforts…

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  • Forschung und Entwicklung

    hte succeeds in ETH’s tender to supply a reactor system for electrocatalysis

    hte – the high throughput experimentation company was awarded a contract by the technical university ETH Zurich to provide a high throughput test system designed for CO2 electroreduction. In developing this technology, hte drew on its extensive knowledge and deep technological expertise in high throughput technologies to apply them to this new application. The unit is a testament to hte’s commitment to addressing the new challenges posed by the energy transition with high performance, innovative technology solutions. Global awareness of the urgency and importance of mitigating the detrimental effects of climate change coupled with increasing global energy demand has led to the development of forefront clean technologies for energy generation and…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für hte succeeds in ETH’s tender to supply a reactor system for electrocatalysis
  • Forschung und Entwicklung

    hte provides first high throughput unit to Shanghai Institute of Cleantech Innovation

    hte – the high throughput experimentation company was awarded a tender by ICT (Shanghai Institute of Cleantech Innovation) to supply a 16-fold high throughput test system for Fischer-Tropsch catalyst evaluation. ICT’s choice is the result of a thorough market evaluation underscoring the added value brought by hte technology and rewarding hte for nearly two decades of tireless efforts in building up expertise in this challenging application. In this regard, hte has developed significant in-house testing capabilities which it has utilized in numerous research projects conducted for third-party customers in the oil and gas industry. The knowledge we have acquired over the years has directly benefited the technology solutions that we…

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  • Forschung und Entwicklung

    hte unterstützt Forschung zu metallfreien Katalysatoren zur Herstellung von CO aus CO2

    hte – the high throughput experimentation company – wurde von Wissenschaftlern der Stanford School of Humanities and Sciences für die Durchführung eines Forschungsprojekts im Bereich der Reverse Watergas-Shift-Reaktion ausgewählt. Dabei wurde ein neuartiger metallfreier Katalysator zur Herstellung von CO aus CO2 verwendet. hte hat in den vergangenen 24 Jahren eine breite Expertise im Bau und Betrieb von Hochdurchsatzanlagen für die Katalysator-F&E erworben. Mit den flexiblen Hochtemperaturanlagen von hte lassen sich die industriell relevanten Prozessbedingungen im Labormaßstab abbilden. Im Fall der Reverse Watergas-Shift-Reaktion (rWGS) werden innerhalb des Testsystems hohe Temperaturen mit erhöhtem Druck für beschleunigte Katalysatortests kombiniert. Das Verfahren der Reverse Watergas-Shift-Reaktion (rWGS) ist ein wichtiges und zukunftsweisendes Thema zur intelligenten Integration…

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  • Forschung und Entwicklung

    hte supports research on metal-free catalysts to produce CO from CO2

    hte – the high throughput experimentation company was selected by Stanford School of Humanities and Sciences researchers to perform an R&D project on reverse water-gas shift using novel metal-free catalysts to produce CO from CO2. hte has gained great expertise in the field of high throughput technology over the past 24 years through the successful development, design, construction, and operation of R&D technology solutions. hte’s flexible high-temperature units enable industrially relevant process conditions to be reproduced. In the case of reverse water-gas shift (rWGS), the test system combines high temperature with elevated pressure for accelerated catalyst testing. The reverse water-gas shift process is an important emerging topic, enabling the smart…

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  • Firmenintern

    Management changes at hte

    hte – the high thoughput experimentation company – is proud to announce management team updates effective June 1, 2023. With this change, hte is reacting on increasing business success and sets the basis for further growth in the future. hte is a solution provider and worldwide market leader for automated and digitalized lab R&D workflows. As of June 1, the management team at hte consists of four members. Wolfram Stichert keeps his role as CEO of hte. Michael Paul has been appointed Chief Operating Officer (COO) while Denis Hürtgen is the new Chief Technology Officer (CTO). Stefan Altwasser completes the management team as Chief Business Officer (CBO). CEO Wolfram Stichert is…

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  • Firmenintern

    Veränderungen in der hte Geschäftsführung

    hte – the high throughput experimentation company – verkündet Veränderungen in der Geschäftsleitung, die zum 01. Juni 2023 wirksam wurden. hte reagiert damit auf den zunehmenden Geschäftserfolg und setzt die Basis für weiteres zukünftiges Wachstum. hte ist als Lösungsanbieter für automatisierte und digitalisierte F&E Workflows im Labormaßstab der weltweite Marktführer. Seit dem 01. Juni 2023 besteht das Management-Team von hte aus vier Mitgliedern. Zukünftig übernimmt Michael Paul die Aufgaben des Chief Operating Officer (COO). Denis Hürtgen wird Chief Technology Officer (CTO) und Stefan Altwasser verstärkt das Führungsteam als Chief Business Officer (CBO). Wolfram Stichert bleibt Geschäftsführer (CEO) von hte. Wolfram Stichert gehört zum Gründungsteam von hte und war zwischen 2003…

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  • Forschung und Entwicklung

    hte eröffnet erstes virtuelles Labor für digitalisierte F&E

    hte – the high throughput experimentation company – ist stolz, den Start des neuen virtuellen Labors für Katalyse und Materialforschung bekanntzugeben. Die Plattform bietet eine neue Möglichkeit, verschiedene Labortestlösungen und digitalisierte Arbeitsabläufe zu erleben und Testmöglichkeiten für diverse Anwendungsfälle in der Energie- und Raffinerie- sowie der Chemie- und Batterieindustrie zu präsentieren. hte hat in den letzten 20 Jahren durch die erfolgreiche Entwicklung, das Design, den Bau und Betrieb von Technologie- und Softwarelösungen einschließlich Software große Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet der Forschung und Entwicklung im Labormaßstab gesammelt. All diese Expertise wird im digitalen Labor der Zukunft vereint. Das virtuelle Labor bietet Einblicke in F&E-Technologien und digitalisierte Arbeitsabläufe. Diese ermöglichen eine nahtlose…

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