• Software

    Hybrid Software Announces Direct Interface to Canon’s Upcoming LabelStream LS2000 Digital Press at Labelexpo Americas 2024

    Version 10 of Hybrid Software’s PACKZ all-in-one PDF editor for packaging prepress supports the direct interface to the LabelStream LS2000 digital press.  PACKZ 10, as well as the full portfolio of Hybrid Software solutions for labels and packaging, will be on display in Booth 3015 at Labelexpo Americas, held Sept. 10-12 in Rosemont, IL. Hybrid Software had previously worked with Canon to automate the workflow for Canon’s first-generation label press, the LabelStream LS4000.  The direct interface for the upcoming LabelStream LS2000 press was co-developed by Hybrid Software to Canon’s specification and supports features of the new press.  By integrating the interface directly into PACKZ, the LabelStream LS2000 can be driven…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für Hybrid Software Announces Direct Interface to Canon’s Upcoming LabelStream LS2000 Digital Press at Labelexpo Americas 2024
  • Software

    Hybrid Software kündigt auf der Labelexpo Americas 2024 eine direkte Schnittstelle zur neuen Digitaldruckmaschine Canon LabelStream LS2000 an

    Die Version 10 von PACKZ, dem All-in-One-PDF-Editor von Hybrid Software für die Verpackungsdruckvorstufe, unterstützt die direkte Schnittstelle zur LabelStream LS2000-Digitaldruckmaschine.  PACKZ 10 sowie das gesamte Portfolio an Lösungen von Hybrid Software für Etiketten und Verpackungen werden auf der Labelexpo Americas, die vom 10. bis 12. September in Rosemont, Illinois, stattfindet, an Stand 3015 zu sehen sein. Bereits zuvor hatte Hybrid Software mit Canon zusammengearbeitet, um den Workflow für die erste Generation der Etikettendruckmaschine von Canon, die LabelStream LS4000, zu automatisieren.  Die direkte Schnittstelle für die kommende LabelStream LS2000 Druckmaschine wurde von Hybrid Software nach den Vorgaben von Canon mitentwickelt und unterstützt die Funktionen der neuen Druckmaschine.  Durch die unmittelbare Integration…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für Hybrid Software kündigt auf der Labelexpo Americas 2024 eine direkte Schnittstelle zur neuen Digitaldruckmaschine Canon LabelStream LS2000 an
  • Software

    Hybrid Software Brings ‘The Heartbeat of Industrial Printing and Packaging’ to Labelexpo Americas 2024

    Hybrid Software, developer of innovative productivity tools for label & packaging printing, will be displaying its full product portfolio at Labelexpo Americas 2024, Booth 3015. The new PACKZ 10, an all-in-one PDF editor and prepress application for both digital and conventional printing; CLOUDFLOW, the modern workflow engine; ColorLogic’s color management software; SmartDFE™, the only AI-accelerated digital front end for inline printing of fully variable data; and iC3D photorealistic rendering and prototyping will all be demonstrated. Hybrid Software technology is also incorporated in the offerings of a number of manufacturers of digital label printing presses across the show floor.  Hybrid Software serves a truly hybrid world   Digital presses are here to…

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  • Software

    Hybrid Software kündigt wesentliche Erweiterungen in iC3D Version 10 an und rationalisiert den Designprozess für Metalldosenverpackungen

    Hybrid Software, der innovative Marktführer für 3D-Software im Verpackungsdesign, gibt mit Freude die Veröffentlichung von iC3D Version 10 bekannt. Diese neueste Version bringt bedeutende Verbesserungen und wesentliche Fehlerbehebungen und unterstreicht das Engagement von Hybrid, branchenführende 3D-Lösungen für Verpackungsdesigner und -hersteller anzubieten. „Unsere zehnte Version von iC3D ist ein Beleg für die kontinuierliche Innovation, die wir im Interesse der Verpackungsbranche betreiben“, sagt Heath Luetkens, Hybrid Software Business Manager – 3D Graphics. „Die tiefe Integration mit unserer kürzlich erworbenen Capture 3D-Technologie für den präzisen Druck von Metalldosen stärkt unser umfassendes Lösungsangebot sowohl für Marken als auch für Verpackungskonverter und bietet eine qualitativ hochwertige Palette von Tools, auf die die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette vertraut.“…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für Hybrid Software kündigt wesentliche Erweiterungen in iC3D Version 10 an und rationalisiert den Designprozess für Metalldosenverpackungen
  • Software

    Hybrid Software Announces Major Enhancements in iC3D Version 10 and Streamlines the Design Process for Metal Can Packaging

    Hybrid Software, the innovative leader in 3D packaging design software, is excited to announce the release of iC3D Version 10. This newest version brings significant enhancements and essential fixes, reinforcing Hybrid’s commitment to providing industry-leading 3D solutions for packaging designers and manufacturers. “Our tenth release of iC3D is a testament to our continued innovation on behalf of packaging professionals,” said Heath Luetkens, Hybrid Software Business Manager – 3D Graphics. “The deep integration with our recently acquired Capture 3D technology for accurate metal can printing strengthens our comprehensive solution suite for both brands and packaging converters, delivering a high-quality suite of tools trusted by the entire value chain.” Enhancements in iC3D’s…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für Hybrid Software Announces Major Enhancements in iC3D Version 10 and Streamlines the Design Process for Metal Can Packaging
  • Software

    Hybrid Software Collaborates with Diageo, Phantom, GMG, and Roland DG on a Groundbreaking Generative AI Consumer Experience

    Hybrid Software, an international software company specializing in label and packaging printing prepress, workflow, and 3D solutions, announces its participation in ‘Project Halo’, a unique consumer experience spearheaded by Diageo, the world leader in beverage alcohol across spirits and beer categories. The Experience at Johnnie Walker Princes Street in Edinburgh, Scotland During August, visitors to Johnnie Walker Princes Street in Edinburgh will be immersed in an experience where they are invited to co-design their very own unique bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue Label. In collaboration with Scottish artist Scott Naismith, the experience begins with visitors answering a few simple prompts to compose AI generated artwork with various colors, locations, artistic…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für Hybrid Software Collaborates with Diageo, Phantom, GMG, and Roland DG on a Groundbreaking Generative AI Consumer Experience
  • Software

    HYBRID Software stellt PACKZ 10 vor

    HYBRID Software, Entwickler innovativer Produktivitätstools für den Etiketten- und Verpackungsdruck, gibt die Veröffentlichung von PACKZ 10 bekannt, der neuesten Version seines beliebten All-in-One-PDF-Editors. Als Prepress-Anwendung für den digitalen und konventionellen Druck bietet PACKZ 10 bahnbrechende Funktionen wie die nahtlose Integration mit der CAD-Software von EngView, erweiterte 3D-Anzeigefunktionen für den Druck von Metalldosen und verbesserte Funktionen für die Handhabung kleiner Druckauflagen.  STEPZ 10 bietet dieselben Funktionen in einem verkleinerten Produkt, das ausschließlich für den Digitaldruck bestimmt ist.  "Wir haben PACKZ 10 auf der drupa 2024 vorgestellt und es wurde mit großer Begeisterung aufgenommen. HYBRID Software hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, offene, interoperable und innovative Lösungen anzubieten, die von der Etiketten-…

  • Software

    For the second time, HYBRID Software receives the Flexo Label Advantage Group’s FLAG vendor partner of the year award

    During the Flexo Label Advantage Group’s (FLAG) Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony Awards night on June 12, 2024, HYBRID Software was recognized as recipient of the FLAG 2024 Vendor Partner of the Year award. The award is given for excellence in serving FLAG and its Members, who are label and packaging converters. Recipients are Vendor Partner companies who provide exceptional support, proactive communication and commitment to the entire FLAG organization. Flexo Label Advantage Group LLC (FLAG) was founded in 2010 when its founder, John McKay, saw an opportunity in North America for a label buying group, based on his personal experiences with successful buying groups in other printing industry segments. FLAG…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für For the second time, HYBRID Software receives the Flexo Label Advantage Group’s FLAG vendor partner of the year award
  • Software

    HYBRID Software unveils PACKZ 10

    HYBRID Software, developer of innovative productivity tools for label & packaging printing, announces the release of PACKZ 10, the latest version of its popular all-in-one PDF editor. A prepress application for both digital and conventional printing, PACKZ 10 introduces groundbreaking features including seamless integration with EngView’s CAD software, advanced 3D viewing capabilities for metal can printing, and enhanced functionality for managing small print runs.  STEPZ 10 offers the same features in a scaled-down product aimed solely at digital printing.  “We showcased PACKZ 10 at drupa 2024 and it was met with great enthusiasm. HYBRID Software is dedicated to offering open, interoperable and innovative solutions that can be used safely and…

  • Software

    HYBRID Software and Hamillroad team up to integrate Bellissima DMS screening technology into CLOUDFLOW enterprise production workflow

    HYBRID Software, developer of innovative productivity tools for label & packaging printing, is excited to announce a strategic partnership to integrate Hamillroad’s Bellissima DMS screening solution into its CLOUDFLOW enterprise production workflow. The collaboration meets a growing demand for CLOUDFLOW support among Hamillroad’s customers and brings together the best-in-class technologies, offering significant advantages to flexo trade shops and converters. CLOUDFLOW is a highly configurable solution that provides fast and effective automation of prepress tasks for more than 1,000 customers worldwide. Hamillroad’s Bellissima DMS is recognized as the leading screening solution for flexography, widely adopted by major brands, trade shops, and converters. The partnership between HYBRID Software and Hamillroad combines these…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für HYBRID Software and Hamillroad team up to integrate Bellissima DMS screening technology into CLOUDFLOW enterprise production workflow