PYRONEER Series becomes Moisture Resistant
Spectrometers are used worldwide under diverse climatic conditions. Their dependable performance relies on the integrated pyroelectric detector’s ability to withstand fluctuating environmental conditions. A key element here is the entrance window for infrared radiation in the detector’s cap. Located in a cap welded to the detector base, this window acts as a potential entry point for moisture into the detector. ZnSe ARC: New window material ensuring moisture resistance InfraTec uses potassium bromide (KBr) windows, renowned for their broadband high infrared transmission, for its PYRONEER family of metal blackbody detectors. However, exposing a detector to a damp environment can permanently impair the transmission capabilities of KBr. In addition, moisture infiltration through…
PYRONEER-Serie wird feuchteresistent
Spektrometer werden weltweit in verschiedenen klimatischen Bedingungen eingesetzt. Damit diese zuverlässig funktionieren, muss auch der verbaute pyroelektrische Detektor den wechselnden Umgebungen standhalten. Ein entscheidender Faktor dabei ist das Eintrittsfenster für die Infrarotstrahlung in der Kappe des Detektors. In einer mit dem Detektorsockel verschweißten Kappe ist dieses ein möglicher Eintrittspunkt für Feuchtigkeit in den Detektor. ZnSe-ARC: Neues Fenstermaterial für Feuchteresistenz InfraTec verwendet für seine Metallschwarzschichtdetektoren der PYRONEER-Familie die für ihre breitbandig hohe Infrarottransmission bekannten Kaliumbromidfenster (KBr). Die Aussetzung des Detektors an eine feuchte Umgebung kann die Transmission von KBr jedoch dauerhaft negativ beeinträchtigen. Zusätzlich kann die Leistungsfähigkeit des Detektors durch Feuchteeintritt über die Fensterklebung sinken. Mit der High-Performance-Detektorfamilie PYRONEER geht InfraTec…
Thermography Compact – Enter the World of Infrared Technology
On 26 March 2025, interested parties and thermographers from science and industry will have the opportunity to learn more about the possibilities of thermography in the demanding field of research and development. At InfraTec’s user conference "Thermography Compact", our external speaker will describe the possibilities of thermography in his field of application based on own experiences. • Lecture: The IGI EcoMapper – High-Precision Aerial Survey in Five Spectral Bands. • Speaker Dr. rer. nat. Jens Kremer, Manager R&D, IGI mbH, Germany Participants get to know at first hand what technology is currently capable of, how camera technology is constantly developing and what evaluation possibilities the latest software offers. At this…
Online Event: Detector Talks 2025 – Basics and Benefits for NDIR-Applications
In medical examination of respiratory air, detection of leaks in gas pipes or process monitoring in production: NDIR gas analysis is used for a wide range of tasks. As part of the “Detector Talks 2025 – Basics and Benefits for NDIR Applications”, InfraTec’s specialists will present various applications in more detail. What are the principles on which the applied detectors work and how can similar gases be reliably distinguished from one another? Which filters or emitters are available and how to set up a measuring section sensibly? What advantages do digital detectors offer over analog detectors? The program will be supplemented by a presentation by a guest speaker who uses…
Telephoto Lenses with Long Focal Distance for High-resolution SWIR Cameras from InfraTec
In addition to the camera sensor used, an essential part of a camera system is the infrared lens. The quality of the lenses is a critical factor for creating high-resolution thermograms. For this reason, InfraTec offers an extensive assortment of lenses, which ranges from micro-thermography all the way to normal lens applications for capturing fine-textured measuring objects at a large distance. The combination of a camera system with interchangeable lenses of various focal distances is a prerequisite for a very wide range of applications and an ideal depiction of real measuring scenarios. Extension of the assortment of lenses for all SWIR infrared cameras For the ImageIR® 8100 and ImageIR® 9100…
Langbrennweitige Teleobjektive für hochauflösende SWIR-Kameras von InfraTec
Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil eines Kamerasystems ist neben dem verwendeten Kamerasensor das Infrarotobjektiv. Die Qualität der Optiken ist ein ausschlaggebender Faktor zur Erstellung hochaufgelöster Thermogramme. Für Wärmebildkameras von InfraTec gibt es aus diesem Grund ein umfangreiches Optiksortiment, welches den Bogen von der Mikrothermografie bis hin zu Teleobjektivanwendungen zur Erfassung feinstrukturierter Messobjekte in großer Entfernung spannt. Die Kombination eines Kamerasystems mit Wechselobjektiven verschiedener Brennweiten ist Voraussetzung für einen sehr breiten Einsatzbereich und einer optimalen Abbildung realer Messszenarien. Erweiterung des Objektivsortimentes für alle SWIR-Wärmebildkameras Für die SWIR-Wärmebildkameras ImageIR® 8100 und ImageIR® 9100 von InfraTec gibt es bereits ein breites Optiksortiment, bestehend aus Normalobjektiven bis 16 mm sowie verschiedenen Teleobjektiven bis 50 mm Brennweite…
Thermografie-Anwenderkonferenz „Forschung & Entwicklung“
Am 12. Februar 2025 haben Interessenten und Thermografen aus Wissenschaft und Industrie die Gelegenheit, mehr über die Möglichkeiten der Thermografie im anspruchsvollen Tätigkeitsfeld der Forschung und Entwicklung zu erfahren. In der Anwenderkonferenz „Thermografie in Forschung und Entwicklung“ von InfraTec schildern Referenten anhand eigener Erfahrungen die Möglichkeiten der Thermografie in ihren Anwendungsgebieten. Teilnehmer erleben hautnah wozu Technik und Technologie derzeit im Stande sind, wie sich die Kameratechnik immer weiterentwickelt und welche Auswertemöglichkeiten modernste Software bietet. Gemeinsam mit den Referenten aus Industrie und Wissenschaft werden interessante Messaufgaben vorgestellt – mit dem Fokus auf Themen aus Forschung und Entwicklung. Zu welch vielseitiger Messmethode sich die Infrarotthermografie in den vergangenen Jahren entwickelt hat, verdeutlichen…
Online Event: Applications for Thermal Imaging on Wind Power Systems
Around the world more and more electricity is generated from wind power. As the number of wind turbines increases, so does the need to monitor them and optimize their efficiency. Contamination or erosion of rotor blades or damage to auxiliary equipment such as boundary layer fences, vortex generators and zigzag belt turbulators can significantly reduce the yield. Thermography offers an efficient way to detect these defects from a distance of several hundred meters and while the rotors are running. In the online event “Applications for Thermal Imaging on Wind Power Systems”, the InfraTec experts explain how thermography can be used for the optimization, development and maintenance of wind turbines. In…
Online Event: Thermography and Digital Image Correlation
In the field of materials testing, numerous methods have been established including infrared thermography. Often, it is the combination of different methods that enables the desired results for component characterisation. For example, you can analyse displacements and mechanical deformations of material samples and components parallel with its thermal reaction. The ARAMIS system by ZEISS/GOM, using digital image correlation (DIC), offers the appropriate measurement instrument for such investigations. Corresponding DIC evaluations can be combined with thermographic measurements using infrared cameras from InfraTec. The combination of measuring results from the DIC and temperature measuring data from infrared cameras offers the simultaneous analysis of the thermal and mechanical behaviour of test specimens in…
INDU-SCAN base – Thermography Automation Solution for Industrial Applications
InfraTec is expanding its portfolio with the addition of INDU-SCAN base, a flexible and cost-effective thermography solution for use in industrial applications 24/7. The system supports continuous thermographic measurement of temperatures and monitoring of production processes for early detection of faults and their causes. Combining multiple thermography cameras with high-performance InfraTec software and a robust industrial PC, INDU-SCAN base has been designed specifically for continuous use in industrial applications. A solution that can be customised for continuous use in industrial applications INDU-SCAN base is a universal turnkey thermography automation solution integrating up to three thermography cameras (VarioCAM® HD series or TarisIR® mini) using Power over Ethernet (PoE). The cameras have…