• Hardware

    All-in-one blockchain solution with InnoBTS™ SSD

    Blockchain is a new technology that is very often used in the fast-growing field of AIoT. The process was developed for storing data in accounting to protect it from unauthorized access. Blockchain is also frequently used in connection with cryptocurrencies. The technology is used whenever the stored information must be permanently correct, complete, and trustworthy, no matter how often it is accessed. In addition, the solution ensures that the data is securely protected from external influences. As the name suggests, blockchain is a chain of data, with new chain parts – i.e., data blocks – being added all the time. This chain can be continued indefinitely by continuously appending new…

  • Hardware

    All-in-one Blockchain-Lösung mit InnoBTS™ SSD

    Blockchain ist eine neue Technologie, die sehr oft im stark wachsende Bereich KIoT eingesetzt wird. Ursprünglich wurde das Verfahren für die Speicherung von Daten in der Buchführung entwickelt, um diese vor fremdem Zugriff zu schützen. Auch in Verbindung mit Kryptowährungen kommt Blockchain häufig zum Einsatz. Die Technologie kommt immer dann zum Einsatz, wenn die gespeicherten Informationen dauerhaft korrekt, vollständig und vertrauenswürdig sein müssen, ganz gleich, wie oft auf sie zugegriffen wird. Zudem sorgt die Lösung dafür, dass die Daten vor externen Einflüssen sicher geschützt sind. Die Technologie kann aber noch für viele weitere Anwendungen genutzt werden, um die Sicherheit der Transaktionen zu verbessern. Heute werden mehr und mehr sicherheitsrelevante Systeme…

  • Hardware

    Innodisk Releases CAN Bus Modules for Unmanned Smart Systems

    Innodisk recently released their latest CAN Bus modules. With a complete line of form factors and strict industrial quality, these products have proven themselves indispensable in the success of unmanned systems. The demand for unmanned systems has seen marked growth since 2020, with a report from Fortune Business Insights estimating a CAGR of 12.23% for the UAV segment. Many industry verticals have felt the impact of unmanned systems, such as agriculture, logistics, transportation, and aerospace, which have all begun to leverage the benefits of unmanned vehicle technologies. Unmanned aircraft are at the heart of all unmanned systems, but at the heart of all unmanned systems is the CAN Bus. With…

  • Hardware

    Innodisk Brings AIoT to Taipei City with Avalue Partnership

    Innodisk announced today a new partnership with Avalue, with the goal of bringing AIoT to Taipei City streets. This radical AIoT solution includes EPC-APL from Avalue and the InnoAGE SSD from Innodisk, and enables AI recognition with smart cameras for object detection, behavior identification, and traffic flow monitoring, all together making traffic easier to manage. Enabling Remote Control of Dynamic Signals Control Systems The partnership will enter a project on signal control systems run by the Taipei City Department of Transportation. The system is enabled by using the innovative InnoAGE SSD, the out-of-band management enabled by Innodisk, and the in-band-management from the Avalue RS2 solution. The IoT infrastructure will thus…

  • Hardware

    Innodisk and Avalue equip the capital of Taiwan with AIoT

    Together with its partner Avalue, Innodisk is equipping the capital of Taiwan Taipei with AIoT. This uses Avalue’s EPC-APC and Innodisk’s InnoAGE™ SSD, enabling AI detection with smart cameras for object recognition, behavior identification,and traffic flow monitoring. The aim is to simplify traffic management in the densely populated metropolis and provide innovative remote technology in the current traffic system. The two partner companies‘ solution collects data and performs computational processes and analysis, which is expected to reduce traffic jam by 10% to 15% and reduce communication costs by 85%. Innodisk and Avalue’s integrated solution provides adjustable real-time traffic signal control based on intelligent traffic flow detection, further improving traffic comfort…

  • Hardware

    Innodisk und Avalue statten die Hauptstadt von Taiwan mit AIoT aus

    Gemeinsam mit seinem Partner Avalue rüstet Innodisk die Hauptstadt von Taiwan Taipeh mit AIoT aus. Dabei kommt das EPC-APC von Avalue und die InnoAGE™ SSD von Innodisk zum Einsatz und ermöglichen so die KI-Erkennung mit intelligenten Kameras zur Objekterkennung, Verhaltensidentifizierung und Überwachung des Verkehrsflusses. Ziel ist eine einfachere Verwaltung der Verkehrssituation in der dicht bevölkerten Metropole und eine innovative Remote-Technologie im aktuellen Verkehrssystem. Die Lösung der beiden Partnerunternehmen sammelt dabei Daten und führt Rechenprozesse und Analysen durch, was Staus um 10% bis 15% reduzieren und die Kosten für die Kommunikation um 85% senken soll. Die integrierte Lösung von Innodisk und Avalue bietet eine einstellbare Echtzeit-Verkehrssignalsteuerung, die auf der intelligenten Erfassung…

  • Hardware

    Innodisk to Release Blockchain SSD Securing Radical Edge Data Integrity

    Innodisk’s new-patented blockchain technology brings to its latest SSD solution “InnoBTSTM SSD” and alleviates these concerns through sophisticated use of digital signature and blockchain that is fully software independent. Integrated with Distributed Ledger Technology and Tamper-proof Innodisk announces its new solution combines blockchain technology to secure the valuable data in recent IoT scenarios, such as POS systems at unmanned stores, smart meters, digital ID cards. The important data written to the SSD will create an encrypted hash string that corresponds to the specific data set, and the encrypted hash string is spread on the blockchain network, essentially creating a decentralized ledger that is distributed between numerous unique computers. The process…

  • Hardware

    Blockchain SSD from Innodisk

    The increasing presence of AI in everyday applications brings concerns about data integrity and validation. Innodisk has integrated a new patented blockchain technology into its storage solution "InnoBTS™ SSD". The use of digital signature and blockchain implemented in its software-independence. The Taiwanese manufacturer of industrial SSD solutions combines blockchain technology to protect the data in current IoT applications such as POS systems at unmanned stores, smart meters, or digital ID cards from third-party access. The important data written to the SSD generates an encrypted hash string corresponding to the specific data set, and the encrypted hash string is spread on the blockchain network, essentially creating a decentralized ledger distributed between…

  • Hardware

    Blockchain-SSD von Innodisk

    Die zunehmende Präsenz von KI in alltäglichen Anwendungen bringt Bedenken hinsichtlich der Datenintegrität und -validierung mit sich. Innodisk hat eine neue patentierte Blockchain-Technologie in seine Speicherlösung "InnoBTS™ SSD" integriert. Die darin implementierte Nutzung von digitaler Signatur und Blockchain ist softwareunabhängig. Der taiwanesische Hersteller von industriellen SSD-Lösungen kombiniert dabei die Blockchain-Technologie, um die Daten in aktuellen IoT Anwendungen wie Kassensysteme in Geschäften ohne Besetzung, intelligente Zähler oder digitale ID-Karten vor einem Fremdzugriff zu schützen. Die wichtigen Daten, die auf die SSD geschrieben werden, erzeugen eine verschlüsselte Hash-Zeichenkette, die dem spezifischen Datensatz entspricht, und die verschlüsselte Hash-Zeichenkette wird auf dem Blockchain-Netzwerk verbreitet, wodurch im Wesentlichen ein dezentralisiertes Ledger entsteht, das zwischen verschiedenen…

  • Hardware

    Industrial quality DRAM modules – Robust reliability for FPGAs

    Innodisk offers industrial DRAM modules for FPGA applications. FPGAs generally offer higher performance with lower power consumption than GPUs and greater flexibility in on-site customization than ASICs. The portfolio was specially developed for system integrators and network operators. The products offer a robust design, reliability, and complete form factor support for single and dual rank operations with high capacity for AI and IoT applications. They are designed for the extended industrial temperature range from -40 ° C to + 85 ° C. An anti-sulfur coating protects the DRAM silver alloys from sulfur corrosion and a HumiSeal coating prevents damage from dust, dirt, and corrosion. The soldering points between the chip…