• Fahrzeugbau / Automotive

    The Mitsubishi Chemical Group (MCG) support BMW Group’s sustainability efforts with a new component for the BMW 7 Series

    The Mitsubishi Chemical Group (MCG) is proud to celebrate one year since its bio-based engineering polymer, DURABIO™, was first featured on BMW Group’s 7 Series sedan. This sedan, launched in October 2023, displayed DURABIO™ on its kidney grille surround. The distinctive kidney ring surround is characterized by its deep piano black colour and high surface gloss. With a range of superior properties such as weather, impact, and scratch resistance, DURABIOTM is ideal for high-quality exterior and interior applications, such as radiator grilles, rear spoilers, and various trim strips as well as decorative parts that require a high-gloss finish. Applications made from DURABIOTM are Mold In Color (MIC), so they do…

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  • Forschung und Entwicklung

    The Mitsubishi Chemical Group announces the Winner of the 3D Printing FGF Engineering Challenge

    Last year in October, Mitsubishi Chemical Group’s Growth Garage, in collaboration with partners launched the 3D Printing FGF Engineering Challenge. This Open Innovation program aimed to invigorate co-innovation between top industry players from the 3D Printing industry and forward-thinking companies. MCG’s Growth Garage collaborated with selected industry partners including Alstom, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, CEAD, Adaxis, Fis Robotics and Nedcam. To promote sustainable innovation, the Global KAITEKI Center and the Arizona State University also supported in the Engineering Challenge. Based on the judging criteria, the expert jury team panel selected the Overall Challenge Winner who will receive $25,000 worth of support in expertise in finding the right 3D Printing material, design,…

  • Produktionstechnik

    The Mitsubishi Chemical Group Launches Engineering Challenge on 3D Printing Fused Granulate Fabrication

    Mitsubishi Chemical Group (MCG) Growth Garage, in collaboration with partners from the 3D Printing industry, announces the commencement of the 3D Printing Challenge  on Fused Granulate Fabrication (FGF) Engineering. It aims to invigorate co-innovation between top industry players from the 3D Printing industry and startups, scaleups, and forward-thinking companies.. In this open innovation program, MCG’s Growth Garage collaborates with selected industry partners including Ford, Alstom, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, CEAD, Adaxis, Belotti, Fis Robotics, Haddy and Nedcam. To promote sustainable innovation, The Global KAITEKI Center and the Arizona State University are also part of the Engineering Challenge. MCG and its partners are inviting all interested parties who would like to explore…

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  • Maschinenbau

    The Mitsubishi Chemical Group announces the Winners of the Composite Engineering Challenge

    Last year in November Mitsubishi Chemical Group’s launched the Composite Engineering Challenge. Innovators, entrepreneurs, and early adopters using fiber reinforced composites were invited to submit their project ideas. There will be three categories of Winners, of which the Overall Winner will receive $25,000 worth of support in expertise in finding the right fiber reinforced composite material, design, and manufacturing process to grow their business. 1) Overall Challenge Winner ($25,000 worth of support) Herone, Germany Herone produces high performance composite products made from realigned recycled carbon fibers. The combination of automated textile preforming with efficient press molding enables them to produce high performance parts from recycled carbon fiber. 2) Innovation Award Winner ($10,000…

  • Biotechnik

    Mitsubishi Chemical Group Announces New Group Concept (Purpose, Slogan, Our Way)

    The Mitsubishi Chemical Group ("the Group") announced its new Group Concept, that includes Purpose, Slogan and Our Way, that will define the Group’s internal and external communications beginning in February of this year. The Group is committed to achieving growth and increasing corporate value through its new Purpose, Slogan and Our Way. And these are an integral part of how its employees set about achieving those goals for the benefit of all stakeholders, including our customers and shareholders. Purpose The Purpose is an expression of what it is striving for and why it exists. It expresses the Group’s persistent determination to realize KAITEKI, the Group’s North Star, which has guided…

  • Maschinenbau

    The Mitsubishi Chemical Group launches the Composite Engineering Challenge

    Growth Garage Business Incubator of the Advanced Materials Division of the Mitsubishi Chemical Group is calling upon entrepreneurs, innovators and founders aiming to lightweight parts and applications with carbon fiber-reinforced composite materials (CFRP) to submit their big idea to the Composite Engineering Challenge. The winner will receive a support package valued at $25,000 tailored to their current business and product development stage. This Challenge is open to everyone around the globe striving to lightweight with CFRP and scale up their production.    “To meet the challenges of tomorrow, we have to nurture the visionaries of today,” says Tim Vorage, Senior Manager and Founder of Business Incubator Growth Garage. ”We foster…

  • Biotechnik

    Die Mitsubishi Chemical Group auf der K 2022: Gemeinsam eine nachhaltige Zukunft gestalten

    Die Mitsubishi Chemical Group präsentiert auf der K 2022, der Leitmesse für die Kunststoff- und Kautschukindustrie, ihre Werkstoff-Highlights. Das Unternehmen, das seit Juli 2022 unter dem neuen Namen Mitsubishi Chemical Group firmiert, konzentriert sich weiterhin auf innovative und nachhaltige Spezialmaterialien für viele Branchen. Dies spiegelt sich in der Zusage wider, bis 2050 Klimaneutralität mit Netto-Null-Treibhausgas -Emissionen zu erreichen. Ausgestellt werden Lösungen, die durch verschiedene Ansätze zur Kreislaufwirtschaft beitragen. Biobasierte Materialien wie BioPBS™, VINIKA VG™ und TEFABLOC TG™ werden aus natürlichen Ressourcen gewonnen. Ebenso sind Materialien mit hohem Recyclinganteil wie Polyesterfolien mit einem Anteil an Post-Consumer-Rezyklat –  Hostaphan® PCR – Teil der Ausstellung. Andere sind direkt für die Kreislaufwirtschaft konzipiert, um…

  • Biotechnik

    The Mitsubishi Chemical Group at K 2022: Building a sustainable future together

    The Mitsubishi Chemical Group (MCG) will present its material highlights at K 2022, the leading exhibition for the plastics and rubber industry. The company, which has been operating under the new name Mitsubishi Chemical Group since July 2022, continues to focus on innovative and sustainable specialty materials for many industries. This is reflected by their pledge to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 with net zero greenhouse gas emissions. On display will be solutions that contribute to the circular economy through different approaches. Bio-based materials such as BioPBS™, VINIKA VG™ and TEFABLOC TG™ are derived from natural resources. While further materials contain recycled content such as polyester films with a proportion…

  • Biotechnik

    Mehrschichtfolien, die bis zu 15 Gewichtsprozent des Barrierematerials SoarnoL™ EVOH enthalten, sind als rezyklierbar zertifiziert

    Das Barrierematerial SoarnoL™ Ethylen-Vinylalkohol-Co-Polymer (EVOH) der Mitsubishi Chemical Gruppe mit einem Ethylengehalt ≥ 29mol% wird als kompatibel für die Rezyklierung von Polyethylen-Folien erachtet. In Kombination mit Soaresin™ RG500 stellt es wertvolles Material bei der Rezyklierung von Polyethylen-Folien dar. Auch wenn eine mehrschichtige Verpackungsfolie mehr als 15 Gewichtsprozent (Gew.-%) an SoarnoL enthält, kann sie vollständig rezykliert werden, solange sie wenigstens 30 Gew.-% Soaresin RG500 des eingesetzten SoarnoL enthält. Dies hat das Institut cyclos-HTP GmbH, ein unabhängiges europäisches Testlabor, bestätigt. Die Tests wurden nach offiziellen Methoden durchgeführt:  der Recyclingkompatibilitätsprüfung für flexible Verpackungen aus LDPE (CHI-C8-PEF-1) und der Prüfung von PE-basierten Blasfolienanwendungen (CHI-C8-BFPE). Die zertifizierte Kompatibiltät des untersuchten SoarnoL in Kombination mit Soaresin…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für Mehrschichtfolien, die bis zu 15 Gewichtsprozent des Barrierematerials SoarnoL™ EVOH enthalten, sind als rezyklierbar zertifiziert
  • Biotechnik

    Multilayer Films Containing the Mitsubishi Chemical Group´s SoarnoL EVOH Resins Up To 15 weight% Are Certified Recyclable

    The Mitsubishi Chemical Group’s SoarnoL™ ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (EVOH) resins, with an ethylene content ≥ 29mol% can be considered as recycling compatible for polyethylene film recycling. In combination with Soaresin™  RG500 it can be considered as valuable material for polyethylene film recycling. Even if a multilayer packaging film contains 15 weight percentage (wt%) SoarnoL, it can be fully recycled if it contains at least 30wt% Soaresin RG500 to SoarnoL.  This has been confirmed by the Institute cyclos-HTP GmbH, an independent European test laboratory. The tests were carried out according to their official method, the Recycling Compatibility Test for LDPE flexible Packaging (CHI-C8-PEF-1) and the Blown-Film Application Tests PE-based (CHI-C8-BFPE). The…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für Multilayer Films Containing the Mitsubishi Chemical Group´s SoarnoL EVOH Resins Up To 15 weight% Are Certified Recyclable