• Elektrotechnik

    ODU MINI-SNAP® Series F Super Shorty: The compact solution for big challenges

    Space is a scarce commodity – especially in the world of electrical engineering, where every millimeter counts. Regardless of whether it is a portable optical device or a stationary installation. The trend towards ever smaller applications poses new challenges for users and manufacturers. To meet these requirements, ODU offers a suitable solution with the ODU MINI-SNAP® Super Shorty in the F series. This connector solves problems in places where there is no room for error, particularly thanks to the possibility of tailoring the cable assembly to the specific application. Optimized for demanding conditions: 25% space saving without loss of quality The ODU MINI-SNAP® Series F Super Shorty combines the advantages…

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  • Elektrotechnik

    I connettori ODU definiscono nuovi standard nei sistemi militari di addestramento e simulazione

    Le tecnologie di addestramento e simulazione in campo militare rappresentano un’applicazione chiave per le soluzioni di connessione ODU. Le prestazioni eccellenti, l’affidabilità e la precisione di questi connettori aprono nuove frontiere nella trasmissione dei dati sui tradizionali cavi in rame e su fibra ottica, oltre che sulle corrispondenti reti strutturate. I connettori ODU AMC® e ODU-MAC® sono particolarmente indicati per le moderne applicazioni militari. I connettori ODU AMC® si sono imposti sul mercato come componenti irrinunciabili per il trasferimento dei dati e dei segnali in ambito militare. Costituiscono infatti la colonna portante di sistemi di addestramento interconnessi, creando un’infrastruttura ultramoderna ideale per simulazioni realistiche e una formazione efficace. Sviluppo basato…

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  • Elektrotechnik

    ODU connector solutions: New standards in military technology for training and simulation systems

    Training and simulation technology in the military sector plays a decisive role for ODU connector solutions. The outstanding performance, reliability and precision of these connectors set new standards for data transmission via conventional copper-based cables, fiber optic cables, and their connectivity. ODU AMC® and ODU-MAC® connectors are ideally suited for modern military applications. ODU AMC® connectors have proven to be indispensable components for data and signal transmission in military applications. They form the backbone of networked training systems, providing state-of-the-art infrastructure for realistic simulation and effective training. Realistic development – Reliability in extreme conditions ODU’s unique selling point lies in continuously adapting and optimizing products to real operating conditions. Direct…

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  • Elektrotechnik

    ODU Steckverbinderlösungen: Neue Maßstäbe in der Militärtechnologie für Trainings- und Simulationssysteme

    Die Trainings- und Simulationstechnik im militärischen Bereich spielt für ODU Steckverbinderlösungen eine entscheidende Rolle. Die herausragende Leistung, Zuverlässigkeit und Präzision dieser Steckverbinder setzen neue Maßstäbe in der Datenübertragung über herkömmliche kupferbasierte Leitungen und Lichtwellenleiter sowie deren Vernetzung. Die ODU AMC® und ODU-MAC® Steckverbindungen sind bestens geeignet für moderne militärischen Anwendungen. Die ODU AMC® Steckverbinder haben sich als unverzichtbare Komponenten in der Daten- und Signalübertragung militärischer Anwendungen etabliert. Sie bilden das Rückgrat für vernetzte Trainingssysteme und schaffen eine hochmoderne Infrastruktur für realistische Simulationen und effektives Training. Realitätsnahe Entwicklung – Zuverlässigkeit unter Extrembedingungen Die kontinuierliche Anpassung und Optimierung der Produkte an reale Einsatzbedingungen sind ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal von ODU. Direkte Erfahrungen aus verschiedenen…

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  • Elektrotechnik

    Le sfide nella catena di fornitura della Difesa

    Garantire gli approvvigionamenti nel settore della Difesa richiede attualmente misure eccezionali. In tempi, come questo, di incertezze geopolitiche, tensioni diplomatiche e aumento della domanda di attrezzature per la Difesa, è fondamentale che le catene di approvvigionamento funzionino in modo efficiente e affidabile. Un aspetto significativo che influenza la capacità di approvvigionamento è la dipendenza dai fornitori. Le catene di fornitura globali possono essere interrotte da tensioni geopolitiche, restrizioni commerciali o disastri naturalie ciò richiede una diversificazione strategica della base di fornitori per rafforzare la resilienza agli imprevisti. Il rapido sviluppo di nuove tecnologie richiede un continuo adattamento di apparecchiature e sistemi, i cicli di sviluppo dei prodotti sono sempre più…

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  • Elektrotechnik

    Supply Chain Challenges in the Defence Industry

    Ensuring supply capability in the defence sector currently requires challenging measures. Especially in times of geopolitical uncertainties, diplomatic tensions and increased demand for defence equipment, it is crucial that supply chains function efficiently and reliably. One significant aspect that influences a manufacturers supply capability is dependence on their own sub-suppliers. Global supply chains can be affected by geopolitical tensions, trade restrictions or natural disasters. This requires a strategic diversification of the supplier base in order to strengthen resilience to external influences. The rapid development of new technologies requires continuous adaptation of equipment and systems. The associated shorter development cycles make it necessary to proactively manage supply chains with consistently high…

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  • Elektrotechnik

    Herausforderungen in der Lieferkette im Verteidigungsbereich

    Die Sicherstellung der Lieferfähigkeit im Verteidigungsbereich erfordert gegenwärtig herausfordernde Maßnahmen. Insbesondere in Zeiten geopolitischer Unsicherheiten, diplomatischer Spannungen und einer verstärkten Nachfrage nach Rüstungsgütern ist es von entscheidender Bedeutung, dass die Lieferketten effizient und zuverlässig funktionieren. Ein signifikanter Aspekt, der die Lieferfähigkeit beeinflusst, ist die Abhängigkeit von Zulieferern. Globale Lieferketten können durch geopolitische Spannungen, Handelsbeschränkungen oder Naturkatastrophen beeinträchtigt werden. Dies erfordert eine strategische Diversifizierung der Lieferantenbasis, um die Resilienz gegenüber externen Einflüssen zu stärken. Die rasante Entwicklung neuer Technologien erfordert eine kontinuierliche Anpassung von Ausrüstungen und Systemen. Die damit verbundenen, verkürzten Entwicklungszyklen erfordern es, die Lieferketten proaktiv mit gleichbleibend hohen Qualitätsstandards zu steuern. Verteidigungsunternehmen stehen vor der Notwendigkeit einer Risikoneubewertung der…

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  • Elektrotechnik

    The increasing importance of online product searches in a networked world – ODU Product Finder as an innovative solution

    In recent years, the digital transformation has not only affected and changed the B2C market, but also the B2B sector. One of the most notable changes is the increasing importance of online product search engines. Companies are increasingly looking for efficient and time-saving methods to find business partners and suppliers and to evaluate products and services. In this context, online product search is rapidly gaining relevance in the B2B sector, as it not only speeds up searches but also facilitates access to global markets. As a leading international manufacturer of connectors, ODU recognizes the need to support traditional product search methods while also continuously investing in the further development of…

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  • Elektrotechnik

    EnforceTac – Anteprima della fiera

    Le operazioni militari sono esposte a una serie di sfide e molto spesso si svolgono in condizioni ambientali estreme e impegnative. Terreni accidentati, fangosi, sabbiosi, ma anche condizioni meteorologiche estreme come caldo, freddo, e forti precipitazioni non devono mettere a rischio la prontezza operativa di soldati, macchinari e dispositivi critici per la missione. La durata e la resistenza del materiale in uso sono decisive per il successo delle operazioni.  La resistenza a condizioni ambientali estreme può ridurre i rischi per le persone, i macchinari e le infrastrutture. Inoltre, è necessario garantire il collegamento in rete delle unità sul campo. Le forze operative devono agire in modo efficiente su ampie aree…

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  • Elektrotechnik

    EnforceTac – Trade fair preview

    Military operations are subjected to a variety of challenges. They are characterized by extreme and demanding environmental conditions. Rough terrain, different ground conditions, but also extreme weather conditions such as heat, cold, precipitation and dust should not jeopardize the operational readiness of soldiers, special forces, equipment and mission-sensitive applications. The durability and robustness of the material in use are crucial to the success of military operations.  Recognizing and recording environmental conditions can reduce risks for the task-force, equipment and infrastructure. In addition, the networking of military units must be ensured and maintained. Operational forces need to act efficiently in resolving all kinds of tasks and thereby require information about their…

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