PICMG Announces Official Ratification of COM-HPC Specification
PICMG, a leading consortium for the development of open embedded computing specifications, announces that COM-HPC has been approved and ratified, and is now available for public download and distribution. "Twenty-six industry-leading companies worked together diligently and cohesively over a span of five years”, said Christian Eder, the COM-HPC Working Group Chair. “I owe a big thank you to the team for the dedication and excellence they all brought to the effort. It is a clear proof of the importance of the COM-HPC specification. Now we are well prepared to address current and future technology requirements.” COM-HPC defines five module sizes to deliver edge server performance for small, rugged data centers. The…
PICMG Announces Officers for 2021 – 2022 Term
. PICMG, a not-for-profit 501(C) consortium of companies and organizations that collaboratively develop open specifications, held its bi-annual election for officers. The group elected four officers to lead the organization through 2022. The president Jess Isquith, chief technical officer Doug Sandy, and treasurer Dylan Lang were all re-elected for the 2021-2022 term. Doug Sandy has been in leadership positions at PICMG for over fifteen years. He enters his 12th year as CTO and will continue to chair the ongoing IIoT initiatives. Valerie Andrew, who previously served as the organization’s secretary, has been elected to the vice president of marketing. Ms. Andrew is the strategic marketing architect for Elma Electronic; she…