SCIENION & Cellenion launch the proteoCHIP LF 48, for label-free single-cell proteomics sample preparation on the cellenONE® platform
Today, SCIENION and its subsidiary Cellenion, both companies part of the bioconvergence powerhouse BICO, announced the release of the proteoCHIP LF 48. This chip represents the first commercially available solution enabling reproducible automated miniaturized single-cell proteomics sample preparation and standardized workflow for label-free single-cell mass spectrometry-based proteomics analysis. The proteoCHIP LF 48 was developed in partnership with the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology in Vienna, Austria. Single-cell proteomics is a cutting-edge field of research, as proteins are the main drivers of cellular function. In-depth characterization of individual cells by mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics leads to new discoveries about biological processes and allows better understanding of disease mechanisms. Cellenion has been…
SCIENION announces expansion in the UK with the opening of new R&D and manufacturing facilities
Together with numerous guests from politics, economics, life sciences and medical diagnostics, SCIENION the precision liquid handling specialist and part of bioconvergence powerhouse BICO, today celebrated the opening of new state of the art facilities in Portsmouth. More than 1,000 square meters will enable SCIENION UK to run customer R&D projects including single cell applications. The new location provides ISO5 clean room facilities for contract manufacturing services to address the rapidly growing UK and worldwide customer base. SCIENION’s UK customer base has significantly expanded over the last 15 years. In order to interact closer with its customer base, SCIENION UK Ltd. was founded in Chichester in 2019 and led to…
Highfield Diagnostics and SCIENION Sign Memorandum of Understanding
Highfield Diagnostics Ltd (HDx) and SCIENION GmbH have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) regarding the development and deployment of equipment which can mass manufacture lateral flow tests (LFTs) that incorporate HDx’s flowDx technology. The MoU lays out the framework of the cooperation, which will include utilization of SCIENION’s world-class design and manufacturing capabilities to finalize equipment designs and manufacturing processes for the cost-effective and high throughput production of flowDx enabled LFTs. flowDx allows precise control of fluidic flows in a LFT, enabling capabilities including parallel multiplexing, enhanced accuracy, and semi-quantitative results. This pioneering technology is the result of more than seven years of academic research, conducted mainly via funding…
SCIENION Appoints Frauke Hein as CEO
SCIENION GmbH, a BICO company and the precision liquid handling technology company powering life sciences and diagnostics for the future of health, today appointed Dr. Frauke Hein as co-Chief Executive Officer (CEO) alongside current CEO Dr. Holger Eickhoff, effective immediately. Hein and Eickhoff will lead the firm as co-CEOs during a transition period, after which Frauke Hein will take the helm as CEO and Holger Eickhoff will be focusing on leading and growing the BICO Bioautomation Business Area. Dr. Frauke Hein is an executive, investor and entrepreneur in the life science industry with a track record of achievements in management, business, research and development, and is highly regarded for her…
SCIENION bestellt Frauke Hein als CEO
Die SCIENION GmbH, ein BICO-Unternehmen und Anbieter von Präzisions-Flüssigkeitstechnologien, die Life Sciences und Diagnostik für die Zukunft der Gesundheit voranbringen, hat heute Dr. Frauke Hein mit sofortiger Wirkung zum Co-Chief Executive Officer (CEO) neben dem derzeitigen CEO Dr. Holger Eickhoff ernannt. Hein und Eickhoff werden das Unternehmen während einer Übergangsphase als Co-Geschäftsführer leiten. Danach wird Frauke Hein das Ruder als CEO übernehmen und Holger Eickhoff wird sich auf die Leitung und das Wachstum des Geschäftsbereichs BICO Bioautomation konzentrieren. Dr. Frauke Hein ist eine Führungskraft, Investorin und Entrepreneurin in der Life-Science-Branche mit einer Erfolgsbilanz in den Bereichen Management, Geschäftsentwicklung, Forschung und Entwicklung und ist für ihre Führungsqualitäten und ihre Erfahrung in…
SCIENION celebrates the laying of the foundation stone for new headquarters in Berlin Adlershof
Together with numerous guests from politics, economics and science, SCIENION GmbH today celebrated the laying of the foundation stone of its new headquarters in Berlin Adlershof. The building complex will be constructed on a space of over 3000m², enabling the company to bundle global activities from a site with sufficient space to pave the way for further growth. One of the first congratulators at the ceremony was Dr. Gregor Gysi, a prominent member of the German Parliament. The new construction at Wagner-Régeny-Straße 15 is located in his electoral district of Berlin Treptow-Köpenick. In his welcoming address he noted: “SCIENION GmbH is an example of the success of the science location…
SCIENION GmbH feiert Grundsteinlegung für neue Unternehmenszentrale in Berlin Adlershof
Die SCIENION GmbH hat heute mit zahlreichen Gästen aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft die Grundsteinlegung zum Neubau ihrer neuen Unternehmenszentrale in Berlin Adlershof gefeiert. Hier entsteht nun auf einer Fläche von rund 3000 m² ein viergeschossiges Gebäude, das die Bündelung der globalen Aktivitäten künftig von einem ausreichend großen Standort ermöglicht und die weitere Expansion des Unternehmens erleichtert. Zu den ersten Gratulanten bei der feierlichen Zeremonie der Grundsteinlegung am 13. April 2022 gehörte der Bundestagsabgeordnete Dr. Gregor Gysi, in dessen Wahlkreis der Neubau an der Wagner-Régeny-Straße 15 liegt. In seinem Grußwort hob er hervor: „Die SCIENION GmbH steht exemplarisch für den Erfolg des Wissenschaftsstandorts Wista in Adlershof. Das Unternehmen wurde hier…
GILUPI and SCIENION announce Collaboration for the Development of Single-Cell CTC Analysis
GILUPI GmbH and SCIENION AG today announced that the companies intend to intensify their collaboration in the field of single circulating tumor cell (CTC) analysis. CTCs are rare cells that can be found in the peripheral blood of cancer patients, often causing metastasis. Their potential in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer has initiated worldwide research towards new methods for the separation and detection of CTCs from whole blood. GILUPI is the manufacturer of the GILUPI CellCollector®, the first CE labeled medical device for in vivo CTC collection, whereas SCIENION has developed the cellenONE® dispensing technology for low volume and high accuracy single cell isolation and dispensing. The companies believe…
SCIENION continues to grow and will build new headquarters in Berlin Adlershof
SCIENION AG, located in the Technology Park Adlershof since its foundation in 2001, today announced that the expanding company will build larger new headquarters at Wagner-Régeny Street in the same district of Berlin. In February 2020, SCIENION acquired the leasehold for the 3,037 m² state-owned property from urban development agent WISTA.Plan GmbH. The building permit has also been granted, and plans encompass the construction of a four-storied building complex with laboratories, clean rooms, production facilities, storerooms, areas for services, administration, sales and marketing as well as an underground car park. Construction is expected to be completed by the end of 2022. Dr. Holger Eickhoff, CEO of SCIENION AG, states: “We…
SCIENION AG expandiert weiter und baut neue Unternehmenszentrale in Berlin Adlershof
Die SCIENION AG, die bereits seit Firmengründung 2001 im Technologiepark Adlershof ansässig ist, vergrößert sich weiter und baut ihren neuen Hauptsitz an der Wagner-Régeny-Straße in Berlin Adlershof. Für das 3.037 m² große landeseigene Grundstück hat das Life-Science-Unternehmen im Februar 2020 vom städtebaulichen Entwicklungsträger WISTA.Plan GmbH das Erbbaurecht erworben. Auch die Baugenehmigung liegt vor und so entsteht bis voraussichtlich Ende 2022 ein viergeschossiges Gebäude mit Laboren, Reinräumen, Produktions-, Lager-, Verwaltungs-, Vertriebs- und Serviceflächen sowie eine Tiefgarage. Dr. Holger Eickhoff, CEO und Firmengründer der SCIENION AG, sagt: „Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir unsere globalen Geschäftsaktivitäten in naher Zukunft von einem ausreichend großen Standort in Adlershof bündeln können. Zudem freuen wir uns…