• Kommunikation

    SES Government Solutions Rapidly Deploys O3b Service in Response to Hurricane Ian

    SES Government Solutions (SES GS), a wholly-owned subsidiary of SES, rapidly deployed high-throughput low-latency medium earth orbit (MEO) satellite service and ground terminals to restore broadband connectivity for local communities and first responders in Lee County, Florida, who were impacted by Hurricane Ian.  SES GS, alongside SES and SimbaCom, responded with the deployment of the high-performance connectivity service in support of the AWS Disaster Response program and their standby partner, Help.NGO. The interim service was provided over the affected very large territories in the hours immediately following the major devastation caused by Hurricane Ian in September. In the wake of Hurricane Ian’s landfall in Southwest Florida, SES GS and SimbaCom…

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  • Kommunikation

    Claro Brasil to Extend 4G and 5G-Ready Mobile Services Across Amazon Region with SES’s O3b mPOWER

    With unprecedented demand for high-powered mobile connectivity in the most isolated communities of the Amazon, SES today announced it has signed a multiyear capacity renewal with Claro Brasil, through Embratel, its corporate solutions division, to enable the delivery of enhanced 4G/5G-ready services via its O3b mPOWER network, SES’s next-gen medium earth orbit (MEO) communications system, in at least eight of 23 cities the telco serves via SES’s multi-orbit satellite network across the region. Under the renewal agreement, Embratel could leverage 4 Gbps over SES’s O3b mPOWER network to extend its high-powered mobile backhaul service through this cutting-edge technology to serve more than 260,000 inhabitants of the eight cities in the…

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  • Kommunikation

    SES Successfully Launches Second and Third C-Band Satellites on ULA Rocket

    SES announced today that the SES-20 and SES-21 satellites were successfully launched into space by the United Launch Alliance’s (ULA) Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida, United States, at 5:36 pm local time on Tuesday, October 4. Both C-band satellites will enable SES to continue delivering TV and radio to millions of American homes and provide other critical network communications services. SES-20 and SES-21 will operate in the 103 degrees West and 131 degrees West orbital slots, respectively, and are expected to begin operations in November 2022. These launches are part of a broader Federal Communications Commission (FCC) program to clear a portion of C-band…

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  • Kommunikation

    SES, l’ESA et la Commission européenne s’associent pour fournir un système de cryptographie quantique par satellite pour la cybersécurité européenne

    Un consortium de 20 entreprises européennes dirigé par SES avec le soutien de l’Agence spatiale européenne (ESA) et de la Commission européenne sera chargé de concevoir, développer, lancer et exploiter le système satellitaire EAGLE-1 dédié à la distribution quantique de clés cryptographiques (QKD – Quantum Key Distribution), et réaliser la phase de démonstration et validation en orbite (IOV) du futur dispositif de cybersécurité paneuropéen. Ce partenariat inédit entre l’ESA et un consortium emmené par SES, avec le soutien de la Commission européenne, fera progresser l’Europe sur le front de l’innovation spatiale et des systèmes QKD par satellite. Conjointement avec ses partenaires européens, SES bâtira le premier système de QKD spatial…

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  • Kommunikation

    SES, ESA and European Commission Partnering to Deliver Satellite Quantum Cryptography System for European Cybersecurity

    An SES-led consortium of 20 European companies, with the European Space Agency (ESA) and European Commission support, will design, develop, launch and operate the EAGLE-1 satellite-based end-to-end system for secure Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), enabling in-orbit validation and demonstration of next-generation cyber-security across Europe. The groundbreaking partnership between ESA and an SES-led consortium, with the European Commission support, is advancing Europe to the front of space innovation with satellite-enabled QKD. Together with its European partners, SES will build the first sovereign European end-to-end space-based QKD system, developing and operating a dedicated low earth orbit (LEO) satellite and building a state-of-the-art QKD operations centre in Luxembourg. The project is co-funded by…

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  • Kommunikation

    SES Extends Digicel Partnership to Provide Tonga with Disaster Network Resiliency via O3b

    SES and international mobile network operator Digicel announced today they will extend their partnership to provide the Kingdom of Tonga with long-term disaster resiliency to minimise bandwidth disruptions. Under the agreement, Digicel will benefit from SES’s expertise in offering disaster resiliency via SES’s O3b satellite constellation to deliver low-latency and high-throughput connectivity and protect the Tonga population from future communication interruptions in the event of a natural disaster. Launched in 2013, SES’s O3b satellites are orbiting 8,000 km above the Earth’s surface in medium earth orbit (MEO) and delivers low-latency connectivity services to any area within 50° north or south of the equator. For the past decade, governments and businesses…

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  • Kommunikation

    SES and Microsoft Team Up to Virtualise Cloud-Native Satellite Ground Networks

    SES and Microsoft today announced an expansion of their technical and business partnership through a new initiative designed to make the satellite industry more responsive to evolving customer needs through cloud-native service delivery architectures that are more open, virtualised and programmable. Called the Satellite Communications Virtualisation Program, the effort will focus on creating a new fully virtualised satellite communications ground network through a broader industry ecosystem delivering everything from software-defined radios and customer edge terminals to new virtual network functions and edge cloud applications. Both SES and Microsoft believe this new fully virtualised ground network will serve as an industry blueprint to align cloud and satellite network architectures and accelerate…

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  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    Résultats du S1 2022

    SES S.A. publie ses résultats financiers pour le premier semestre 2022, clos le 30 juin 2022. De solides performances financières semestrielles • Chiffre d’affaires à 899 millions EUR (+2,8 % en glissement annuel, tel que reporté) et EBITDA ajusté(1) à 545 millions EUR (stable en glissement annuel, tel que reporté) • D’importants renouvellements contractuels pour l’activité Video (-5,1 % en glissement annuel, en incluant les revenus récurrents(2)) soutiennent les perspectives pour l’exercice complet • La hausse du chiffre d’affaires au T2 2022 soutient la croissance de l’activité Networks (+2,1 % en glissement annuel(2,3)) et les perspectives de croissance pour l’exercice complet • Un résultat net ajusté en hausse de 11…

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  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    SES Halbjahresergebnisse 2022

    SES S.A. gibt Finanzergebnisse für das am 30. Juni 2022 abgeschlossene erste Halbjahr 2022 bekannt. Solide Finanzleistung im ersten Halbjahr • Umsatz von 899 Millionen EUR (+2,8 % im Jahresvergleich wie berichtet) und bereinigtes EBITDA(1) von 545 Millionen EUR (gleichbleibend im Jahresvergleich wie berichtet) • Bedeutende Vertragsverlängerungen bei Video (-5,1 % im Jahresvergleich einschl. periodischer Einnahmen(2))untermauern die Prognosen für das Gesamtjahr • Umsatzsteigerung im zweiten Quartal 2022 fördert Wachstum bei Networks (+2.1 % im Jahresvergleich(2,3)) und unterstreicht die Wachstumserwartungen für das gesamte Jahr • Anstieg des bereinigten Konzernüberschusses um 11 % im Jahresvergleich auf 168 Millionen EUR, bei gleichzeitiger Reduktion der Verschuldungsquote auf das 3,0-fache (3) Auf bestem Weg zu…

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  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    SES H1 2022 Results

    SES S.A. announces financial results for the six months ended 30 June 2022. Solid First Half financial performance • Revenue of €899 million (+2.8% YOY as reported) and Adjusted EBITDA(1) of €545 million (flat YOY as reported) • Important renewals in Video (-5.1% YOY including periodic(2)) underpin Full Year outlook • Revenue expansion in Q2 2022 driving Networks growth (+2.1% YOY(2)) and supporting Full Year growth expectation • Adjusted Net Profit improved by 11% YOY to €168 million, while leverage reduced to 3.0 times(3) On track to deliver robust 2022 Revenue and EBITDA and drive long-term value from differentiated growth investments • Over 90% of 2022 Group Revenue outlook (€1,750-1,810…

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