• Kommunikation

    IMS e SES irão expandir o acesso à Internet para comunidades colombianas carentes com O3b mPOWER

    Os serviços de trunking baseados em satélite da SES permitirão que a Integra Multisolutions (IMS), provedor líder de serviços de redes de fibra óptica na Colômbia, estenda e aprimore a conectividade com qualidade de fibra para municípios colombianos com menos de 100.000 habitantes localizados fora do alcance da infraestrutura terrestre, anunciou a SES. O novo serviço começará na constelação O3b de órbita terrestre média (MEO) da SES e posteriormente migrará para O3b mPOWER, o sistema MEO de próxima geração da SES, em 2022, com o qual se expandirá para outras cidades. O primeiro local a ser conectado será Puerto Leguizamo, município localizado no departamento de Putumayo, na fronteira sul do…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für IMS e SES irão expandir o acesso à Internet para comunidades colombianas carentes com O3b mPOWER
  • Kommunikation

    IMS y SES amplían la conectividad de internet a las comunidades colombianas desatendidas con O3b mPOWER

    SES anunció hoy que sus servicios de trunking satelital habilitarán al proveedor de servicios de redes de fibra óptica líder en Colombia, Integra Multisolutions (IMS), para extender y perfeccionar la conectividad de tipo fibra para los municipios colombianos con menos de 100 mil habitantes ubicados fuera del alcance de la infraestructura terrestre. El nuevo servicio comenzará en la constelación de órbita terrestre media (MEO) O3b de SES y luego migrará, en 2022, a O3b mPOWER, el sistema MEO de próxima generación de SES, cuando el servicio se ampliará a otras ciudades. El primer lugar que se conectará será Puerto Leguizamo, un municipio ubicado en el departamento de Putumayo en la…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für IMS y SES amplían la conectividad de internet a las comunidades colombianas desatendidas con O3b mPOWER
  • Kommunikation

    IMS and SES to Expand Internet Connectivity to Underserved Colombian Communities with O3b mPOWER

    SES’s satellite-based trunking services will enable leading Colombian fibre optic networks service provider Integra Multisolutions (IMS) to extend and enhance fibre-like connectivity for Colombian municipalities with fewer than 100,000 inhabitants located out of the reach of terrestrial infrastructure, SES announced today. The new service will begin on SES’s O3b medium earth orbit (MEO) constellation and later migrate onto O3b mPOWER, SES’s next-generation MEO system, in 2022 when service will expand to additional cities. The first site to be connected will be Puerto Leguizamo, a municipality located in the Putumayo Department in the southern border region of the country. SES and IMS will go on to deliver service to other sparsely…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für IMS and SES to Expand Internet Connectivity to Underserved Colombian Communities with O3b mPOWER
  • Kommunikation

    FCC Validates SES Phase I Accelerated C-band Clearing and Relocation Certification

    ES, the leader in global content connectivity solutions, announces the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has validated the certification of SES’s Phase I accelerated C-band clearing and relocation activities, a critical step to help meet the Commission’s objectives to quickly roll out 5G services across the United States.   With the help of trusted partners across the U.S., SES has completed all necessary Phase I clearing and relocation activities. These activities included relocating all of its existing services that are received by Incumbent Earth Stations out of the 3700-3820 MHz band exclusively in the contiguous United States and making necessary equipment changes on all associated Incumbent Earth Stations. SES also…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für FCC Validates SES Phase I Accelerated C-band Clearing and Relocation Certification
  • Kommunikation

    SES, MDDIAI RK, RCSC, and AsiaNetCom Launch Demo Project to Test High-Speed Connectivity via O3b Satellite Constellation in Remote Villages of Kazakhstan

    Residents of two remote Kazakhstan villages can now benefit from unprecedented Internet speeds via satellite-enabled Wi-Fi, through a network set up for 30 days by the leading global content connectivity solutions provider SES. The demo is implemented in cooperation with the Republican Center for Space Communications (RCSC), a subsidiary of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry and AsiaNetCom, a Kazakhstan-based connectivity provider. During the demonstration, the companies have achieved 380Mbps downlink and 120Mbps uplink via SES’s O3b satellite constellation, the highest speed ever recorded in Kazakhstan via satellite. The demo is done in the framework of the country’s national project called “Technological breakthrough via digitalisation, science and…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für SES, MDDIAI RK, RCSC, and AsiaNetCom Launch Demo Project to Test High-Speed Connectivity via O3b Satellite Constellation in Remote Villages of Kazakhstan
  • Medien

    New TV Channel Shop LC available in HD via SES on ASTRA 19.2 degrees East

    Shop LC GmbH, a subsidiary of VGL Global, has partnered with SES in a new multi-year agreement to broadcast its live commerce channel in HD. Shop LC will be using SES’s satellites to reach millions of satellite TV households across Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Shop LC delivers a premium shopping experience featuring a curated range of jewelry, cosmetics, home accessories, fashion and much more offered at attractive prices and all viewed from the comfort and convenience of home. The new free-to-air 24/7 programme of Shop LC will be available in HD via SES’s prime TV neighbourhood of ASTRA 19.2 degrees East. Shop LC’s continued expansion into new markets will also…

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  • Luft- / Raumfahrt

    SES-17 Successfully Launched on Ariane 5

    SES announced today that the SES-17 satellite was successfully launched into space onboard an Ariane 5 launcher operated by Arianespace from the Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana at 11:10 pm local time (02:10 am UTC). The multi-mission Ka-band satellite will provide comprehensive coverage across the Americas, the Caribbean and the Atlantic Ocean. From its orbital slot of 67.1 degrees West orbital slot, the very high throughput geostationary (GEO) satellite incorporating cutting-edge technologies is set to deliver the best connectivity experience for SES customers operating in the aeronautical, maritime, enterprise, and government markets.  Built by Thales Alenia Space, SES-17 marks an important milestone in satellite technology as the first Ka-band…

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  • Luft- / Raumfahrt

    Watch SES-17 Launch Live on 23 October

    SES-17 is set to launch on 23 October between 10:01 pm to 12:30 am local time (01:01 am to 03:30 am UTC on Sunday, 24 October). Built by Thales Alenia Space, SES-17 will be launched by Arianespace at the Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. The launch broadcast will start at 09:24 pm local time (12:24 am UTC) and can be viewed here in English and French. Go SES-17! Über SES SES has a bold vision to deliver amazing experiences everywhere on earth by distributing the highest quality video content and providing seamless connectivity around the world. As the leader in global content connectivity solutions, SES operates the world’s only…

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  • Kommunikation

    Le SnT et SES renforcent leur partenariat et lancent un laboratoire commun pour accélérer l’innovation

    Les développements technologiques de premier plan réalisés par les équipes de recherche conjointes vont s’orienter sur la nouvelle génération de réseaux de connectivité par satellite et leur valeur ajoutée, notamment en matière de communications quantiques SES et le SnT (Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust) de l’Université du Luxembourg ont annoncé ce jour la création d’un laboratoire commun visant à explorer les apports des systèmes satellitaires à très haut débit dans le domaine des réseaux de nouvelle génération, y compris ceux des communications quantiques et de la cybersécurité. En vertu de cet accord, les deux institutions utiliseront conjointement les installations de leurs sites respectifs pour étendre et renforcer leur…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für Le SnT et SES renforcent leur partenariat et lancent un laboratoire commun pour accélérer l’innovation
  • Kommunikation

    Das SnT und SES erweitern Partnerschaft und starten ein gemeinsames Labor zur Innovationsförderung

    Die technologischen Fortschritte, die durch die langfristige Partnerschaft der beiden Teams erzielt wurden, werden sich in Zukunft auf die Möglichkeiten moderner Satellitennetzwerke in Bereichen wie unter anderen der Quantenkommunikation konzentrieren Luxembourg / Esch-sur-Alzette, 14. Oktober 2021 – SES und das Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) der Universität Luxemburg gaben heute die Gründung eines gemeinsamen Labors bekannt, das die Möglichkeiten von Hochdurchsatz-Satellitensystemen in den Bereichen Netze der nächsten Generation, einschließlich Quantenkommunikation und Cybersicherheit, untersuchen wird. Die Vereinbarung sieht vor, dass beide Institutionen gemeinsam ihre jeweiligen Einrichtungen nutzen, um ihre Partnerschaft auszubauen und zu stärken, indem sie die luxemburgische Forschung und Entwicklung und die marktführende Position von SES nutzen,…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für Das SnT und SES erweitern Partnerschaft und starten ein gemeinsames Labor zur Innovationsförderung