• Finanzen / Bilanzen

    Gold und Silber auf Rekordjagd

    Die Edelmetallmärkte erleben derzeit eine beeindruckende Rallye: Der Goldpreis hat die Marke von 2.700,- US-Dollar überschritten und steuert auf 3.000,- US-Dollar zu. Silber folgt mit Hebel! Sehr geehrte Leserinnen und Leser, der Silberpreis steht vor dem Ausbruch, da sind sich Marktbeobachter einig. Viele dieser Experten erwarten das dieses Jahr, das Jahr des Silbers wird, aufgrund des immer weiter anwachsenden Defizits. Inmitten dieses Booms … Lesen Sie hier gerne unseren vollständigen Artikel. Viele Grüße und maximalen Erfolg bei Ihren Investments, Ihr Jörg Schulte Quellen: Wallstreet Online, Investmentweek, Marketscreener, finanzen.net, Endeavour Silver, eigener Research und eigene Berechnungen. Bild-Quellen: Endeavour Silver, Intro-Bild: stock.adobe.com Dieser Werbeartikel wurde am 19. Januar 2025 durch Jörg Schulte, Geschäftsführer der JS…

  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    Gold and silver are good for the portfolio

    If you look around the world, the biggest increase in the price of gold was recorded in Egypt at 108%. Inflation in Egypt was 25 percent in November. Brazil is in second place with an increase of 62 percent. Inflation here amounted to 4.8 percent. It is followed by Argentina, Ghana, Turkey, Mexico and Russia. In all cases, with the exception of Egypt, the increase was always in double figures. Calculated in US dollars, the precious metal recorded its biggest annual gain since 2010. The price of platinum and palladium fell last year. The weakening automotive industry probably had an impact here. Incidentally, the best month in the gold price…

  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    Industrielle Silbernachfrage 2024 auf Rekordhoch

    1,21 Milliarden Unzen Silber machte die globale Silbernachfrage im vergangenen Jahr aus, so das Silver Institute. Der Schmuck- und Silberwarenbereich haben sich erholt und die Industrie, im speziellen die Photovoltaikbranche, verschlangen das viele Silber. Auf der Angebotsseite steht dagegen nur ein Wachstum von einem Prozent. Geschätzte 837 Millionen Unzen sollen in 2025 im Bergbau produziert werden. Die Angebotslücke muss Recycling schließen. Für 2024 wird mit einem Anstieg der industriellen Nachfrage von sieben Prozent gerechnet. Damit wird erstmals die 700-Millionen-Unzen-Marke überwunden. Neben der Solarbranche braucht auch die Automobilbranche mehr Silber als früher, denn es werden mehr anspruchsvolle Komponenten verbaut, die Silber enthalten. Ein großer Silbernachfrager wird dieses Jahr wohl Indien sein.…

  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    Indische Frauen besitzen riesige Goldreserven

    Mit rund 24.000 Tonnen Gold verfügen indische Frauen über mehr Gold als die fünf größten Nationen zusammen, so das World Gold Council. Die USA besitzen rund 8.000 Tonnen Gold, die Goldreserven Deutschlands, Italiens, Frankreichs und Russland hinzugerechnet, ist dies weniger als 24.000 Tonnen Gold. Die kulturelle Bedeutung des Edelmetalls ist in Indien also nicht zu unterschätzen. Gold ist bei Hochzeiten und als Generationenvermögen immer dabei. Besonders in Südindien wird viel Gold angehäuft. Gemäß den indischen Steuergesetzen dürfen verheiratete Frauen bis zu 500 Gramm Gold besitzen ohne irgendwelche Steuern in diesem Zusammenhang zu zahlen, für unverheiratete Frauen ist die erlaubte Goldmenge auf 250 Gramm beschränkt. Und Männer dürfen nur 100 Gramm…

  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    Fighting climate change with the help of raw materials

    2024 was the warmest year on record. CO2 emissions were higher than ever before. Floods, heavy rainfall and a record-breaking hurricane season also show that 2024 was not such a good year for the earth. CO2 emissions can be reduced with electromobility. Norway is setting a good example. In 2024, almost nine out of ten cars were electric. This was achieved by controlling prices accordingly. In this country, too, the drive costs of electric vehicles in 2024 were significantly lower than those of vehicles with combustion engines. If the electric car was charged at home, around 47 percent could be saved compared to petrol cars. Amazon has also opted for…

  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    Indian women own huge gold reserves

    With around 24,000 tons of gold, Indian women own more gold than the five largest nations combined, according to the World Gold Council. The USA owns around 8,000 tons of gold; if the gold reserves of Germany, Italy, France and Russia are included, this is less than 24,000 tons of gold. The cultural significance of the precious metal in India should therefore not be underestimated. Gold is always present at weddings and as a generational asset. A lot of gold is accumulated in South India in particular. According to Indian tax laws, married women are allowed to own up to 500 grams of gold without paying any taxes in this…

  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    Copper is becoming scarce – good for companies with copper

    The amount of copper required worldwide is increasing all the time.  We can’t do without cables and batteries. At the same time, new discoveries of copper deposits are few and far between. In addition, the copper content is declining, while at the same time copper mining is becoming increasingly expensive. It is therefore not surprising that some mining companies, such as Barrick Gold, are also seeking their fortune in riskier areas. Once the net-zero economy becomes a reality, demand for raw materials will presumably fall. Before that, however, billions of tons of metals will be needed to create the necessary infrastructure. Whether wind turbines or electromobility, these areas consume more…

  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    Nuclear energy on the verge of a global comeback

    Interest in nuclear energy is now greater than it has been since the 1970s and the oil crisis. According to the IEA, more than 40 countries want to expand nuclear energy. And the demand for electricity is not only increasing in traditional areas such as industry, but also in new sectors that urgently need electricity. These include electromobility, data centers and artificial intelligence. By 2030, it is predicted that artificial intelligence alone will require more than 200 TWh of additional electricity. There are around 420 reactors on the grid worldwide and they are expected to generate a new peak in energy production this year. Technology companies such as Microsoft are…

  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    Industrial demand for silver at record high in 2024

    Global demand for silver amounted to 1.21 billion ounces last year, according to the Silver Institute. The jewelry and silverware sectors have recovered and industry, in particular the photovoltaic sector, gobbled up all the silver. On the supply side, however, there was only a one percent increase. An estimated 837 million ounces are to be produced in mining in 2025. Recycling must close the supply gap. Industrial demand is expected to increase by seven percent in 2024. This means that the 700-million-ounce mark will be surpassed for the first time. In addition to the solar industry, the automotive industry also needs more silver than before, as more sophisticated components containing…

  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    Small modular reactors revolutionize the nuclear energy industry

    The use of nuclear energy could experience a turning point through the use of SMRs. Energy production needs new approaches in order to produce enough safe electricity and to successfully counter the CO2 crisis. Compact nuclear reactors, especially those with molten salt, could dispel fears from previous accidents. They promise a flexible energy source that can be used in industry as well as in remote areas. The Small Modular Reactors with a capacity of less than 300 megawatts of electrical power can be mass-produced and assembled in a modular fashion. Data centers in particular, as huge energy consumers, are striving to cover their energy requirements with SMRs. The focus is…