VIDEONALE.19 Preisträgerin 2023: Eliane Esther Bots
Fluentum finanziert bereits zum vierten Mal den Videonale Preis zur Unterstützung der ausgezeichnete/n Künstler:in bei der Produktion neuer Arbeiten. Die Jury sprach eine Lobende Erwähnung aus für Kent Chan für seine Arbeit "Heat Waves" und an Alaa Mansour für ihre Arbeit "المجنون الضاحك (The Mad Man’s Laughter)". Die Preisjury: Prof. Dr. Stephan Berg (Intendant, Kunstmuseum Bonn), Julia Höner (Leitung, Kunstmuseum Gelsenkirchen), Niels Van Tomme (Direktor, ARGOS centre for audiovisual arts), Anna Lena Seiser (Leiterin Video-Forum, Kuratorin & Geschäftsführerin, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein), Lisa Long (Kuratorin, Julia Stoschek Collection). Das Statement der Jury "Wir haben einen sehr bereichernden Tag mit der Sichtung aller Arbeiten der Ausstellung verbracht. Wir waren von der Qualität…
It’s time to score!
The short film AU REVOIR JÉRÔME! by Chloé Farr, Gabrielle Selnet, and Adam Sillard has been officially selected as the one to be scored for the 11th edition of the International Film Music Competition IFMC that will take place during the Zurich Film Festival ZFF (September 28 – October 8, 2023). Those interested in the competition organized by the ZFF, the Tonhalle Association Zurich, and the Forum Filmmusik are invited to download here (free of charge) the 7-minute film to work on the score for symphony orchestra. The portal for uploading the registration documents (score, MP3 files with mockup, and click track) will be available from April 3. Early bird…
CALL FOR ENTRIES: Competition for young and upcoming composers and sounddesigners at SoundTrack_Cologne is now open
SoundTrack_Cologne 20 (June 20 – 23, 2023) invites budding composers and sound designers to compose music or create the sound design for a short film in the EUROPEAN TALENT COMPETITION and to apply in the categories WDR FILMSCORE AWARD and SOUND DESIGN. The aim is to musically interpret and connect the visuals and narration of the short film “Reunify” (D: Mette Tange & Peter Smith). Contestants may either compose the score or create the sound design for the short film and may also work together in a team with another composer or sound designer. Sound designers in particular are encouraged to submit sound-only projects! The twelve finalists will be presented…
CALL FOR ENTRIES: Wettbewerb für KomponistInnen und SounddesignerInnen bei SoundTrack_Cologne gestartet
SoundTrack_Cologne 20 (20. – 23. Juni 2023) lädt angehende KomponistInnen und SounddesignerInnen ein, im Wettbewerb EUROPEAN TALENT COMPETITION einen Kurzfilm neu zu vertonen und sich in den Kategorien WDR FILMSCORE AWARD und SOUNDDESIGN zu bewerben. Ziel ist es, Bildebene und Narration des Kurzfilms „Reunify“ (Regie: Mette Tange & Peter Smith) musikalisch neu zu interpretieren. Die BewerberInnen können entweder Score oder Sounddesign einreichen. Sie können auch als Team aus KomponistIn und SounddesignerIn zusammenarbeiten. Insbesondere SounddesignerInnen sind dazu aufgefordert, gerne auch Nur-Ton-Lösungen einzureichen! Die zwölf FinalistInnen werden im Rahmen von SoundTrack_Cologne mit ihren Arbeiten dem Publikum und der Jury vorgestellt. Das Wettbewerbsscreening und die Preisverleihungs-Gala finden am 23. Juni 2023 statt. Der…
Big success: The third edition of SoundTrack_Zurich
Over three and a half days, SoundTrack_Zurich 03 (STZ) received 1,250 visits in its 28 panels. With 62 speakers and 240 accreditations, the music congress, which took place in the framework of the Zurich Film Festival Industry Program, addressed relevant topics for film music composers. The Zurich Film Festival broke its record number of visitors this year, with 137,000, and STZ was a fundamental part of this. According to Michael P. Aust, head of STZ, "the growth of the ZFF and the integration of STZ to its industry program stimulates the creation of a unique networking opportunity for the Swiss and European film and film music scene. Building ties to…
Case studies at SoundTrack_Zurich 03: The Sandman, Tschugger, Hors Saison, Rubikon, The Good Boss and Soul of a Beast
The third edition of STZ, which takes place in the context of the Industry Program of the 18th Zurich Film Festival (ZFF), presents award-winning film composers, sound designers, directors, producers and music consultants who will talk about their recent projects. An infinite source of fresh creativity: Six panels at SoundTrack_Zurich 03 (September 27th – 30th) put the lens on creating soundtracks for recently released series and films that stand out for their extraordinary work. After spending more than 100 years in prison, Morpheus, the personification of dreams (one of the seven Endless of DC Comics), must rebuild his kingdom. This is the main line under which The Sandman is developed, the…
SoundTrack_Cologne 19 announces nominees for the EUROPEAN TALENT COMPETITION and the PEER RABEN MUSIC AWARD
11 composers and sound designers are nominated for the EUROPEAN TALENT AWARD. The winners will be announced at the Grand Award Ceremony in the IHK on June 11th, 2022, moderated by composer Hanna Sophie Lüke. The EUROPEAN TALENT COMPETITION offers a platform especially for young talents. The participants‘ tasks was to compose a new musical interpretation (score and/or sound design) to the short film “UnVernunft" ("UnReason") by director Hanna Viktoria Heimann (HFF Munich). The nominees (in alphabetical order): Rossano Cariello (Score), Martina Cirillo (Score), Lorenzo Gioelli (Score), Johann Grillenbeck (Score), Victor Habes (Score), Michael Kaspar (Score), Thomas Peyrounette (Score), Manuel Seum (Score), David Videli (Score), Jenny Winter (Sound Design), Niels N. Winter (Score).…
Female Film Composer Class für Frauen in der Filmmusik
Nur 5% betrug der Anteil der Filmkomponistinnen in der europäischen TV-Fiction von 2015-2020, lediglich 9% der Kinospielfilme wurden von Frauen vertont (2016-2020) – stellt das European Audiovisual Observatory fest. Um diesen katastrophalen Zahlen, die nun erstmals offiziell bekannt wurden, wenigstens etwas entgegenzusetzen, führt die SoundTrack_Cologne nun zum dritten Mal die Female Film Composer Class durch. Es ist das einzige derartige Veranstaltungsformat in der deutschen Medienmusikbranche, das sich auf die Bedürfnisse von komponierenden Frauen in Film und TV richtet. Das Programm setzt sich zusammen aus der Teilnahme an SoundTrack_Cologne 19 (8. – 11.6.2022) und anschließend einem dreitägigen Block an Teachings (12. – 14.6.2022).Programm und Anmeldung: https://www.soundtrackcologne.de/female-film-composer-class/ Der an SoundTrack_Cologne anschließende dreitägige Block bietet vertiefende Workshops in…
SoundTrack_Cologne 19 announces Film Composers
. For me music is a way to explore the world. I compose with curiosity.” – Sanna Salmenkallio SoundTrack_Cologne is honored to announce the featured panelists of this year’s Composing for Film day on Friday, June 10, 2022. These four renowned composers will join at SoundTrack_Cologne for an in-depth discussion of their careers, musical upbringing and influencesand their perspectives on creativity: HARPA Award Winner Sanna Salmenkallio, BAFTA and Oscar winner John Ottman (“Bohemian Rhapsody”), The Danish Robert Award laureate Jon Ekstrand (“Morbius”) and Ádám Balázs, composer of "Story of my Wife" and "On Body and Soul". SoundTrack_Cologne (June 8 – 11, 2022) is Europe’s leading congress for music and sound…
SoundTrack_Cologne 19 announces Video Games Composers
Nothing helps more to immerse yourself into the world of a video game than a great soundtrack. You heard right. Sound beats graphics! Therefore, Brad Derrick (‘The Elder Scrolls Online’), Richard Jacques (‘Guardians of the Galaxy’) and Marie Havemann (‘Albion Online’) will talk about their work on games during the panel ‘Composing for Games’ (Thu, June 9, 2022) at SoundTrack_Cologne 19 (June, 8. – 11, 2022). The program consists of the four major thematic blocks ‘Composing for Games’ (Thu), ‘Composing for Film’ (Fri) ‘Composing for TV series’ (Sat) and ‘Reality Check’ (Thu – Sat), among others. Accreditations: soundtrackcologne.de/accreditations/ Brad Derrick – The Elder Scrolls Online Brad Derrick always wanted to…