• Medizintechnik

    Analyst & Tentamus Presenting at the Israeli Biomed 2023 Conference

    The Israel Biomed Conference is Israel’s leading event in the Life Science and Technology Industry.   The conference, held this year for the 21st time, brings together leading biotech, pharma and medical devices companies as well as healthcare life science investors worldwide. It provides a unique platform for networking opportunities, discussions and collaborations.  Analyst, a leading analytical chemistry service laboratory focusing on the biotech, pharmaceutical and foodtech thriving industries in Israel, is a member of the prestigious Tentamus international group of service labs. The Microbiology Institute – A Tentamus Company, also located in Israel, provides GMP compliant microbiological testing of medicinal products, thus enabling the Tentamus Group to provide locally in…

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  • Dienstleistungen

    Techni’Sens & aromaLAB – a collaboration between two Tentamus companies

    A SYNERGY BETWEEN TECHNI’SENS AND AROMALAB – THE ADVANTAGES OF A COOPERATION BETWEEN TWO TENTAMUS COMPANIES Techni’Sens and aromaLAB, a laboratory specialized in flavor analysis, started their first partnership shortly after Techni’Sens joined Tentamus. On behalf of a beverage company, they shared their field of competences to provide a complete “senso-olfactive” analysis on their products. Both companies analyzed the flavor and aroma of the products, with different and complementary approaches. Techni’Sens focused on carrying out an organoleptic assessment of the products done by consumers, aromaLAB executed a Gas Chromatography-Olfactometry (GC-O) among the same products. This first collaboration was a success and a learning experience on both sides. It helped Techni’Sens to…

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  • Allgemein

    Sterility Achievements at Tentamus Pharma UK

    All products labelled sterile must pass sterility tests by accredited laboratories. Tentamus Pharma UK specialises in testing pharmaceutical products and provides a variety of services. Sterility testing is one of them. And we are proud to announce the following sterility achievements:  Tentamus Pharma UK qualified our new isolator in December 2021 which allowed us to gain the sterile testing license in January 2022. Since gaining the license the laboratory quickly performed well over 1000 sterility tests using this isolator in 2022. Towards the end of the last year, Tentamus Pharma UK had 2 further isolators installed, and assembled in the cleanroom (see pic 1.). These two isolators are currently being…

  • Firmenintern

    Megsan Labs becomes Tentamus India

    The Tentamus Group and Megsan Labs are happy to announce that ‘Megsan Labs Private Limited’ has changed its name to ‘Tentamus India Private Limited’ with immediate effect. Megsan Labs is based in Hyderabad, India, and has been in operation since 2014. The company is one of the leading laboratories in India and specializes in pharmaceutical and food analytics, with customers spreading across 5 continents. Tentamus Group and Megsan started its collaboration in the year 2019 through the acquisition (majority stakes) of Megsan by Tentamus. The change of the name from Megsan to Tentamus is part of the pre-agreed deal. Mr. M. Jayapal Reddy will be the CEO of Tentamus India…

  • Biotechnik

    PFAS in juices?

    PFAS stands for "per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances". This refers to a large group of substances that, depending on the estimate, contains about 5,000 to 10,000 substances. These substances do not occur naturally, but are of anthropogenic origin. "Due to their properties, such as high thermal and chemical stability, PFAS are also referred to as "forever chemicals"," explains Arne Dübecke, Managing Director of chelab Dr. V. Ara GmbH & Co. KG (chelab). They were developed for various applications for industry and used for decades. The substances are used in various consumer goods, for example in paints, coatings for leather and textile goods, clothing, carpets, packaging, car care products, as well…

  • Biotechnik

    PFAS in Säften?

    PFAS steht für „per- und polyfluorierte Alkylsubstanzen“. Gemeint ist damit eine große Gruppe von Substanzen, die, je nach Schätzung, ca. 5.000 bis 10.000 Substanzen beinhaltet. Diese Substanzen kommen nicht natürlich vor, sondern sind anthropogenen Ursprungs. „Aufgrund ihrer Eigenschaften, wie z.B. hohe thermische und chemische Stabilität, werden PFAS auch als „forever chemicals“ bezeichnet.“, erklärt Arne Dübecke, Geschäftsführer der chelab Dr. V. Ara GmbH & Co. KG (chelab). Sie wurden für verschiedene Anwendungen für die Industrie entwickelt und über Jahrzehnte eingesetzt. Die Stoffe kommen bei verschiedenen Konsumgütern zur Anwendung, beispielsweise in Farben, Beschichtungen von Leder- und Textilwaren, Kleidung, Teppichen, Verpackungen, Autopflegemitteln, sowie zur Produktion von Papieren mit fett-, wasser- und schmutzabweisenden Eigenschaften.…

  • Allgemein

    Symbiotic Research: Determination of Nitrosamine Impurities as Chemical Contaminants in GMP Drug Product-Metformin

    International Trade Center, Mount Olive, New Jersey–SYMBIOTIC RESEARCH, LLC (SRL), a Tentamus Company, announces a multi-residue screening and quantitative UPLC-APCI-HRMS method developed for several targeted Nitrosamine impurities as chemical cross-contaminants in manufactured drug product Metformin. The HRMS component utilizes Time of Flight (TOF) mass spectrometry. The U.S. FDA recommends drug manufacturers to monitor specific drugs which are prone to contain nitrosamines as impurities. Nitrosamines in these drugs must be monitored and quantified by HRMS techniques, as opposed to conventional nominal mass LC-MS/MS systems.  The US-FDA has already released its own high resolution full scan LC-MS quantitative method for screening such impurities: www.fda.gov/…. Dan Safarpour, Ph.D., CEO of SRL presented this…

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  • Firmenintern

    Wechsel in der Geschäftsführung beim BAV Institut GmbH

    Seit dem 01.01.2023 wurde die Geschäftsführung beim BAV INSTITUT neu aufgestellt und an bewährte, langjährige Mitarbeiter:innen übertragen. Als Paul und Iris Andrei das Unternehmen 1997 gegründet haben, hatten sie keine umfangreichen Business-Pläne, aber gute Ideen und eine Vision. Sie wollten den Kunden beste Labordienstleistungen anbieten und für die Mitarbeiter:innen ein attraktiver Arbeitgeber sein. Da die Arbeit Paul und Iris Andrei mit den Kunden und mit den Mitarbeitern:innen viel Freude bereitete, werden sie auch in Zukunft BAV treu bleiben und das Team unterstützen. Jetzt ist der richtige Moment gekommen die Geschäftsführung an zwei tolle Nachwuchskräfte zu übergeben. Julia Paustian und Reiner Schmider gehören bereits seit vielen Jahren zum BAV-Team. Sie sind…

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  • Biotechnik

    Analyst Reports Successful GMP FDA Audit with No 483s

    The FDA informed Analyst Research Laboratories, that following an inspection performed at Analyst, it has determined that the company is in compliance with regards to current good manufacturing practice (CGMP). During November, 2022, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) performed an on-site inspection at Analyst’s facilities in Ness Ziona, Israel. Following this inspection, the FDA informed Analyst it has determined that the inspection classification of this facility is "no action indicated" ("NAI") and that based on this inspection, Analyst is considered to be in an acceptable state of compliance with regards to current good manufacturing practice (CGMP). Analyst’s CEO, Dr. Vivi Ziv commented: “We are all excited and honored…

  • Biotechnik

    Environmental labeling of packaging: approaching the final deadline

    Starting from 01/01/2023 new packaging produced in Italy shall be compliant with the Decree No. 116 of 3 September 2020, which is the Implementation of Directive (EU) 2018/851 on waste and Directive (EU) 2018/852 on packaging and packaging waste. The decree aims to guide the development of the so-called “Circular Economy Package” by making the labeling of packaging with useful information mandatory, both for identification and for the classification of the materials used. This will make it easier for the user to identify the correct waste collection, but also to make a critical choice for consumers who prefer greener packaging. The compulsory information required by the decree are: The identification…

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