• Biotechnik

    Microlab Laboratories joins the Tentamus Network!

    Tentamus Group is proud to welcome Microlab as its newest member of the global network of laboratories. Isaac Assouline, CEO of Microlab is excited: “It was our goal to find a strategic and international partner that understands our business and continues its legacy together with us. Joining the Tentamus Group represents an important milestone for us and for our clients. Furthermore, the network of the Tentamus Group opens up new opportunities to leverage our knowledge and know-how. We are delighted and excited about the journey ahead.” Microlab strengthens Tentamus Group’s global offer of services in plant, wine, vegetable and cosmetic testing while adding additional competences in seed testing. Abgar Barseyten,…

  • Events

    Exciting Session planned for AOAC 2022

    This year’s AOAC annual meeting will take place from August 26 to September 1 in Scottsdale, Arizona, where several hundred international experts for analysis of foods are expected. Our colleague Arne Dübecke, Managing Director of Chelab Dr. V. Ara GmbH & Co. KG and Head of the TCF² will join the conference. Of course not empty handed! As in the last 4 years he will take along a session including several speakers. The session topic  this year will be „Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Food Fraud and Food Safety: Disruptive Game Changers or Fancy Buzzwords?“. Food authenticity and safety is an ongoing hot topic, analytical questions that need to…

  • Forschung und Entwicklung

    Aroma profile analysis – possible applications and informative value of a proven sensory procedure

    Aroma profile analysis – carried out according to DIN EN ISO 13299:2016 – allows aromaLAB to provide quick and substantial statements about the overall aroma of a food, but also about individual dominant odour notes that stand out in the sample. The method is therefore suitable for making comparisons between samples, for assessing the overall aroma including the dominant olfactory notes and for detecting off-flavours. The procedure does not require any instrumental equipment – thus enabling a quick first sensory impression of a product – but years of experience and sensory training which affect the outcome. A trained sensory panel evaluates fixed aroma descriptors on a scale from 0 (not…

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  • Dienstleistungen

    Tentamus North America launches new Website

    In addition to the laboratories’ ongoing work to add new test methods, the team of Tentamus North America has been busy creating a new website to showcase its capabilities. The site features a modern design, with easy navigation to help visitors find exactly what they’re looking for. You can visit the new website here: https://www.tentamus-na.com Kaitlyn Gerhart, General Manager of Tentamus North America, is excited: “Our new site provides key information on who we are, how to reach us, and tools to help you select your testing. You will also find resources such as links to our accreditation, instructions for how to submit your samples, and technical data sheets that…

  • Medizintechnik

    Determination of Microbial Population in Medical Devices

    Recently, MK Laboratory has developed an analysis service for sterilization plants of public and private hospitals to determine the microbial population of surgical sets. Additionally, MK offers sampling services. This new service was developed with the specialized technicians of the sterilization central units. Therefore, MK is able to develop customized operational protocols based on sector regulations (eg: UNI EN ISO 11737). MK analyses are based on culture techniques and enumeration of microorganisms before sanitization and sterilization of the surgical instrument (immediately after being used in operating rooms) as well as after the removal of the microorganisms with procedures used by hospital sterilization units and chosen according to the shape, size,…

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  • Biotechnik

    The bilacon laboratory site in Rotterdam is celebrating its 5th anniversary!

    bilacon GmbH Rotterdam is a residue analysis laboratory, specialized in express analyses of food. The site was established in 2017 providing only a sample pickup service, this year is its 5th anniversary! In September 2019 an analytical laboratory was established with state-of-the-art instruments for gas and liquid chromatography in the hands of competent analysts, freshly trained in the main bilacon laboratory in Berlin. In December 2019 the accreditation audit was realised with positive feedback from the auditors of the Dutch Accreditation Council (Raad voor Accreditatie, RvA), who highlighted the fast and accurate validation process. March 2020 marks the opening of its services for urgent residue analysis (pesticides, many additional parameters)…

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  • Biotechnik

    Successful Private Inspection of the Molecular Laboratory in Athens

    On Friday 10th of June 2022, a workshop took place at the premises of Veltia Labs for Life in Athens among Veltia delegations and a great seed production multinational company. The purpose of the meeting was to inspect the Molecular Laboratory at the facility in Markopoulos. An inspection was carried out throughout the sample management procedure. The entire process, beginning with the reception of the samples to their storage and destruction was reviewed. In the context of traceability of the samples, the entire process of the initial treatment and homogenization of samples for analysis, the isolation of genomic DNA, RT-PCR execution, treatment and interpretation of the results, various protocols, work…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für Successful Private Inspection of the Molecular Laboratory in Athens
  • Forschung und Entwicklung

    Tentamus Group establishes Tentamus Innovation Hub

    The Tentamus Group, a global network of highly specialized laboratories in the life science sector, is once again expanding its business area with the founding of Tentamus Innovation Hub, a company focused on digitalization and automation projects. In the future, Tentamus Innovation Hub GmbH will provide consulting and design support to the entire Tentamus Group and its customers in the areas of digitalization, automation and sustainability. Thus, the Tentamus Group now has a single point of contact for the topics: Digitalization and automation Sustainability Stimulating research and development in all areas The two managing directors Dr. Yvonne Pfeifer and Dr. Mathias Pohl are pleased: "By founding the Tentamus Innovation Hub,…

  • Forschung und Entwicklung

    Tentamus Group gründet Tentamus Innovation Hub

    Die Tentamus Group, ein globales Netzwerk von hochspezialisierten Laboren im Life-Science Bereich, erweitert erneut den Geschäftsbereich mit der Gründung des Tentamus Innovation Hub, einem Unternehmen mit Fokus auf Digitalisierungs- und Automatisierungsprojekte. Die Tentamus Innovation Hub GmbH wird zukünftig der gesamten Tentamus Group und deren Kunden in den Bereichen Digitalisierung, Automatisierung und Nachhaltigkeit beratend zur Seite stehen und gestaltend unterstützen. Damit steht in der Tentamus Group nun ein Ansprechpartner zur Verfügung für die Themen: Digitalisierung und Automatisierung Nachhaltigkeit Anschub von Forschung und Entwicklung in allen Bereichen Die beiden Geschäftsführer Dr. Yvonne Pfeifer und Dr. Mathias Pohl freuen sich: „Durch die Gründung des Tentamus Innovation Hub haben wir eine zentrale Stelle im…

  • Allgemein

    CONIDIA CONIPHY joins Tentamus

    Tentamus Group is proud to welcome CONIDIA CONIPHY as its newest member of the global network of laboratories. CONIDIA CONIPHY offers market leading microbiological expertise. Sébastien Vacher, CEO of CONIDIA CONIPHY is excited: “It was our goal to find a strategic and international partner that follows a similar entrepreneurial spirit as we do. Joining the Tentamus Group represents an important milestone for us and for our clients. Furthermore, the network of Tentamus opens up new opportunities to leverage our knowledge and know-how. We are delighted and excited about the journey ahead.” CONIDIA CONIPHY strengthens Tentamus’ global offer of services in microbiological assessments while adding new competences in industrial microbiology and…