Fumigants – more of a curse than a blessing? Are there alternatives?
The use of ethylene oxide in cereal products and spices repeatedly leads to massive recalls in the international trade. Due to the strict requirements regarding phytosanitary import controls, fumigants are currently the only effective alternative to prevent the introduction and spread of pests from importing countries. Thus, fumigation of containers for shipment, as well as fumigation of warehouses is a common practice. The fumigants methyl bromide, ethylene oxide and phosphine are primarily used because of their effectiveness in pest control. The use of methyl bromide as a fumigant has no longer been permitted in the EU since 2010. The use of ethylene oxide is also only possible to a limited…
Begasungsmittel – mehr Fluch als Segen? Gibt es Alternativen?
Die Anwendung Ethylenoxid führt bei Getreideprodukten und Gewürzen immer wieder zu massiven Rückrufaktionen im internationalen Handel. Auf Grund der strengen Vorgaben hinsichtlich der phytosanitären Importkontrollen sind Begasungsmittel derzeit die einzige effektive Alternative, um das Einschleppen und Verbreiten von Schädlingen aus Importländern zu verhindern. So ist das Begasen von Containern zur Verschiffung, sowie die Begasung von Lägern eine gängige Praxis. Dabei werden vorrangig die Begasungsmittel Methylbromid, Ethylenoxid und Phosphin auf Grund ihrer Effektivität bei der Schädlingsbekämpfung eingesetzt. Der Einsatz von Methylbromid als Begasungsmittel ist seit 2010 in der EU nicht mehr zulässig. Auch der Einsatz von Ethylenoxid ist auf Grund seiner Rückstandsdefinition welche den Metaboliten 2 – Chlorethanol miterfasst, der wiederum…
Dolmar Laboratory joins Tentamus Group!
Dolmar Laboratory, specialized in wine and other alcoholic beverages, joins the Tentamus Group. Dolmar Laboratory, based in La Rioja (Spain), currently has the widest scope of accreditation in the field of oenological analysis in Spain. It offers a wide range of accredited analytical services and technical advice to more than 2,000 wineries and other companies involved in the production of vinegars and other alcoholic beverages (beers, ciders, spirits…). In addition, Dolmar has a tasting panel accredited by ENAC from where they offer a complete organoleptic and sensory analysis of wines. This service is also in great demand by another customer profile: The Certification Bodies that grant, for example, the famous…
Extended GLP certification at VelaLabs
VelaLabs announces that it has successfully been granted the extension of its GLP certification for another 3 years. A GLP certification (Good Laboratory Practice) is essential in the testing of substances in drug development. It confirms compliance with a quality management system that includes responsibilities, proceedures and framework conditions for the testing of samples from non-clinical studies. Non-clinical trials take place in the early stages of drug development. Clients working with a GLP contract laboratory such as VelaLabs can rely on proceedures in accordance with GLP to maintain high standards. Klaus Hajszan, Head of Quality and Test Site Manager, about this important step: “We have been GLP certified in 2020…
Megsan Labs opens Food Laboratory in Hyderabad
Mr. Jayapal Reddy Madireddy, CEO and Mrs. Jyothirmai Madireddy, Director of Megsan labs are excited to announce the opening of Megsan Food Lab, as the infrastructure work has been completed ahead of the targeted timelines. To celebrate this, Megsan invited its team to an opening ceremony involving traditional rituals and also a get together to cheer up all the key people who were part of this progress. Team Megsan is very excited to add up this new vertical to their core services. With a total area of around 15.000 square feet, in Phase 1, with dedicated areas assigned for Microbiology, Wet Chemistry, Honey, Water, Special Projects etc, Megsan aims to…
Nutzung von Geschlechtsbestimmungen zur Überprüfung der Auslobung von Lebensmitteln
Oft wird ein hochpreisiges Lebensmittel mit besonderen Auslobungen beworben, wie z.B. besonders zartes Färsenfleisch statt Jungbulle, oder Hühnerfleisch aus der Bruderhahn-Aufzucht. Eine Färse ist ein geschlechtsreifes weibliches Rind, das noch nicht gekalbt hat. Färsenfleisch ist besonders feinfaserig und aromatisch. Da Färsen langsamer wachsen und kein so hohes Schlachtgewicht wie Jungbullen erreichen, ist dieses Fleisch normalerweise teurer. Die Bruderhahn-Aufzucht wird aus ganz anderen Gründen beworben: Genau wie Legehennen setzen auch die Hähne dieser Rasse weniger und sehr viel langsamer Fleisch an als die Masthühnerrassen, ihre Aufzucht ist also deutlich teurer. Daher wurden sie bisher nach dem Schlüpfen aussortiert und getötet. Ab 2022 ist allerdings das Töten von geschlüpften Eintagsküken verboten, das…
Tentamus Group and Wabel close Cooperation
The Tentamus Group, a global network of highly specialized laboratories in the life science sector, is pleased to announce a collaboration with Wabel, the experts in B2B matchmaking. By working closely together, the two companies can achieve a unique USP for customers by considering FMCG quality and safety right from the start. Thomas Wolf, Country Manager France and Yvonne Pfeifer Director Digital & Innovation rate this step as an important milestone. "Wabel is a perfect fit for us with its unique platform and large network. We are now happy to be a part of the network" Antoine Bonnel, Co-Founder, also sees the cooperation as a strategic step: "The unique expertise…
Axens and Consoreal join the Tentamus Network!
Tentamus Group is excited to welcome Axens and Consoreal as its newest members of the global network of laboratories. Axens and Consoreal are consumer and sensory analysis institutes. Axens and Consoreal operate state-of-the art facilities in Lille, Douai, Cergy and Valenciennes, respectively. Axens and Consoreal support the FMCG industry in developing and improving their products. All together both companies employ a staff of nearly 50 members. Sebastian Rössle, Head of M&A at Tentamus Group highlights that “the acquisition of Axens and Consoreal supports and accelerates Tentamus Group’s long-term strategy of offering a broad portfolio of quality control and product development services for FMCG companies, and retailers in particular. This move…
Lambda Scientific – Implementation of photovoltaic energy as the main power supply
Lambda Scientific completed the installation and connection of 60 solar panels at its laboratory facilities in Mexico City as part of a three-stage plan to generate clean energy to supply between 75% and 95% of the laboratory’s electricity demand through this type of energy. Efficient ways of working have gained in importance at a dizzying pace in recent years. Mauricio Ibarmea Elizalde, General Manager of Lambda Cientifica, further explains: “This is not only due to the pandemic, but even years before 2019 there were already clear trends as key issues of the future that routine industrial and chemical testing laboratories like us must achieve in the coming years to keep…
Tentamus reached an agreement with OpenCV and Luxonis
1st March 2022, the data science team at Tentamus Group is working with OpenCV and Luxonis to collaborate on developing customized pipelines for computer vision tasks in TIC industry. This partnership was proposed by Tentamus Group after successful implementation of several experiments using OpenCV AI Kit in two innovative products by data science team. The OpenCV AI Kit (OAK) is a series of high resolution, small, and AI enabled cameras which can implement state-of-the-art algorithms in computer vision on its small processor, making it independent of high-performance expensive computers and thus, a suitable 4K video input unit for small devices. OAK is open source in hardware and software that means…