Wintermeeting 2025: Gemeinsam kreativ – TentaConsult stärkt Teamgeist am Ammersee!
Fachwissen ist essenziell – doch erst ein eingespieltes Team macht exzellente Beratung möglich. Deshalb treffen sich die Teams der TentaConsult Pharma & Med GmbH einmal im Jahr zum Wintermeeting, um den interdisziplinären Austausch zu stärken und neue Impulse zu gewinnen. Dieses Jahr fand das Treffen erstmals am Ammersee im Haus der Bayerischen Landwirtschaft statt. Die neue Umgebung bot eine inspirierende Kulisse für kreative Zusammenarbeit und strategische Gespräche. Abseits des Tagesgeschäfts standen Teamstärkung, Perspektivwechsel und Wissensvernetzung im Mittelpunkt – Faktoren, die sich direkt auf die Qualität der Beratung und den Erfolg der Kunden auswirken. „Ein starkes Team schafft innovative Lösungen!“ Ralf Sibbing, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der TentaConsult Pharma & Med GmbH, unterstreicht…
Tentamus Group welcomes Christopher Loke as Director of Strategic Marketing for Tentamus North America
. The Tentamus Group welcomes Christopher Loke as Director of Strategic Marketing for Tentamus North America. Chris brings a wealth of experience and expertise to this role, most recently from ARL- a Tentamus Company. His strong background in marketing, combined with his energy, skills, and knowledge, will be invaluable as we continue to grow and innovate within the North American market. Christopher Loke is a seasoned marketing and creative leader with over 15 years of experience driving brand growth and crafting impactful marketing campaigns. He leverages his design expertise to develop strategic marketing initiatives that achieve measurable business results. In his new role, Chris will collaborate closely with Alejandra Ruiz…
Tentamus Group Welcomes Jacob Teller as Sr. Director of Quality & Accreditations for Tentamus North America
Jacob brings a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and a deep understanding of quality systems that will be instrumental in driving our continued success. He has been with ARL – a Tentamus Company for 17 years, holding several key positions including Lead Chemist, Quality Manager, and most recently, Quality Director. As Lead Chemist, Jacob developed advanced methods for ICP-MS and HPLC. As Quality Manager, he achieved ARL’s initial ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation—a milestone that set the stage for the organization’s sustained excellence in quality management. Prior to his tenure at ARL, Jacob held leadership roles in R&D and Quality Control labs for CMOs, further expanding his industry experience. Additionally, he has provided…
QSI and WESSLING statement on the concretization of the Consumer Cannabis Act
Since 1 July 2024, the Consumer Cannabis Act (KCanG) has enabled the cultivation of cannabis in Cannabis Social Clubs. However, the current legal situation poses a number of challenges for those. QSI and WESSLING, both DAkkS-accredited and GMP-certified laboratories specializing in the analysis of industrial hemp and medicinal cannabis, have submitted a joint statement to the BMG (Federal Ministry of Health) and the BMEL (Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture) to draw attention to the shortcomings in terms of quality control. The legalization of cannabis for recreational purposes (consumer cannabis) is not an insurmountable challenge for us in terms of our analytical services. There are still considerable uncertainties in the…
Stellungnahme QSI und WESSLING zur Konkretisierung des Konsumcannabisgesetzes
Seit dem 1. Juli 2024 ermöglicht das Konsumcannabisgesetz (KCanG) den Anbau von Cannabis in Anbauvereinigungen. Die aktuelle Gesetzeslage stellt die Vereine jedoch vor einige Herausforderungen. QSI und WESSLING, beides DAkkS-akkreditierte und GMP-zertifizierte Labore, die auf die Analyse von Nutzhanf und Medizinalcannabis spezialisiert sind, haben diesbezüglich eine gemeinsame Stellungnahme an das BMG (Bundesministerium für Gesundheit) und das BMEL (Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft) übermittelt, um auf die Unzulänglichkeiten in Bezug auf die Qualitätskontrolle aufmerksam zu machen. Die Legalisierung von Cannabis zu Genusszwecken (Konsumcannabis) stellt für uns in Bezug auf unsere analytischen Dienstleistungen keine unüberwindbare Herausforderung dar. Im Bereich des Konsumcannabis gibt es weiterhin erhebliche Unklarheiten gibt. Die bestehenden Regelungen im Konsumcannabisgesetz…
Bilacon receives GAFTA certification – another milestone for quality and safety in food and feed analysis
We are pleased to announce that bilacon, a leading laboratory of the Tentamus Group, has successfully achieved GAFTA (Grain and Feed Trade Association) certification. This certification is a significant step that underlines our competence and commitment to the highest standards in the analysis of grain, feed and related products. GAFTA certification is an internationally recognized seal of approval that confirms compliance with the strictest requirements for quality, safety and reliability. With this award, bilacon is now an officially recognized laboratory that can perform GAFTA-compliant analyses for trading partners worldwide. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR OUR CUSTOMERS? GAFTA certification offers our customers the certainty that our analyses meet the highest international…
Bilacon erhält GAFTA-Zertifizierung – Ein weiterer Meilenstein für Qualität und Sicherheit in der Lebens- und Futtermittelanalytik
Wir freuen uns, bekannt zu geben, dass bilacon, ein führendes Labor der Tentamus Group, erfolgreich die GAFTA-Zertifizierung (Grain and Feed Trade Association) erhalten hat. Diese Zertifizierung ist ein bedeutender Schritt, der unsere Kompetenz und unser Engagement für höchste Standards in der Analyse von Getreide, Futtermitteln und verwandten Produkten unterstreicht. Die GAFTA-Zertifizierung ist ein international anerkanntes Gütesiegel, das die Einhaltung strengster Anforderungen an Qualität, Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit bestätigt. Durch diese Auszeichnung ist bilacon nun ein offiziell anerkanntes Labor, das GAFTA-konforme Analysen für Handelspartner weltweit durchführen kann. WAS BEDEUTET DAS FÜR UNSERE KUNDEN? Die GAFTA-Zertifizierung bietet unseren Kunden die Gewissheit, dass unsere Analysen den höchsten internationalen Standards entsprechen. Insbesondere Unternehmen, die im…
Tentamus Group reinforces its commitment to Central and Southern Italy
The Tentamus Group Italy announces the merger between MK’s headquarters in Città di Castello and Tentamus Agriparadigma, creating the latter’s fourth operational headquarters in the heart of Umbria. The operational headquarters will be up and running from February 2025 under the new name "Tentamus Agriparadigma". This represents a strategic step for the Group, aimed at strengthening its presence in the territory and expanding the range of services for local and domestic companies. Already part of the Tentamus Group and recognised for its expertise in chemical and microbiological analysis, the MK’s headquarters is being renewed thanks to its synergy with Tentamus Agriparadigma, a leader in agri-food market analysis. This merger allows…
VelaLabs Announces Strategic Partnership with EarlyHealth Group to Support Biological Drugs Development
VelaLabs GmbH, a leading provider of analytical and quality services for biopharmaceutical development, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with EarlyHealth Group to establish comprehensive solutions for the development of advanced biological drugs. The partnership brings together the strengths of both companies in streamlining biological drug development and providing end-to-end support, from early product development to market release. Under the agreement, EarlyHealth Group will manage the supply of clinical trial materials, packaging and labeling, logistics, and early access programs. VelaLabs will complement this offering with advanced characterization and quality control (QC) testing of biomolecules, delivering a complete package for sponsors and Contract Research Organizations (CROs). “This partnership with EarlyHealth…
Established Products and New Limits in Agrochemicals and Biocides
The global focus on green agrochemistry and the health of consumers and operators continues to grow, driving significant changes in the regulation of agrochemicals. Agrochemicals are increasingly subject to recertification as new regulations are introduced annually. Even long-established products must now provide updated impurity data, often with stricter limits than before. A notable example includes fertilizers (Regulation EU 2019/1009) as well as copper and sulfur formulations (Regulation EU 1107/2009), which are widely used in both conventional and organic agriculture. Unlike before, current regulations require metal impurity analyses for both technical and formulated products. These analyses demand detection limits below parts per billion (ppb) and must contend with highly complex matrices.…