• Dienstleistungen

    Tentacontrol GmbH – Erweiterungen des Zertifizierungsangebots im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit

    Mit dem Beschluss der EU Kommission zum sogenannten Green Deal werden sich zukünftig auch die deutschen Wirtschaftsbeteiligten vermehrt mit dem Thema nachhaltige Unternehmensführung beschäftigen müssen. Dabei ist das Thema Nachhaltigkeit schon seit dem frühen 18. Jahrhundert in der Forstwirtschaft tief verankert. Damals definierte man Nachhaltigkeit in dem Sinne, dass dem Wald nur so viel entnommen wird, wie auch nachgewachsen ist. Heute besteht aufgrund der EU Taxonomie, CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directiv) und dem Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtgesetz Handlungsbedarf in der deutschen Landwirtschaft. Tentacontrol GmbH plant deshalb zukünftig die Zertifizierung nach dem DLG Nachhaltigkeitsstandard im Bereich Ackerbau in sein Dienstleistungsportfolio mit aufzunehmen. Hierbei erfolgt die Berechnung des individuellen Nachhaltigkeitsprofils anhand von 23 Indikatoren aus…

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  • Biotechnik

    Polyphenols evolution from grape into wine

    Polyphenolic compounds are substances naturally included in grapes which tend to progress during wine maturation and production phases. They are characterized by one or more phenolic rings: thanks to them and other compounds we obtain the color of the final product. They can be present in all the parts of the bunch, grape peels, grape seeds and stalks. They can be found above all in red wines and they are the result of the musts in contact with grape peels and grape seeds. Wine tannins depend certainly on vinification technique, but above all on the intrinsic characteristics of the vine. Furthermore, being part of antioxidants, polyphenols ensure that wine is…

  • Events

    Tentamus at the AOAC conference in New Orleans

    On August 30, Arne Duebecke, head of the Tentamus Center for Food Fraud (TCF²), will present a round table discussion together with Dr. Lorna De Leoz, Global Food Segment Manager at Agilent Technologies Inc., who will be co-chairing the event. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are manmade, ubiquitous “forever chemicals” that slowly made their way back into our food in the last decades via the air- and water cycles. PFAS are widely used in industry because of their thermal stability, hydrophobicity, and relative inertness but may cause harmful health effects. PFAS regulations for food are not well defined at this stage. As there are more than 14,000* PFAS compounds out…

  • Biotechnik

    New limits for abamectin in fruits and vegetables

    From August 20, 2023, new limits for abamectin in various fruits and vegetables will apply. Abamectin is a substance used to control plant pests, e.g., against mites (acaricide) or insects (insecticide). The use of the substance as a plant protection product is permitted in various EU countries. Commission Regulation (EC) 2023/198 of January 30, 2023, now sets new maximum residue levels for some fruit varieties and vegetables. The limits have been significantly lowered for apples, pears, strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, papayas and quinces. The new limits will be applied from August 20, 2023, WITHOUT a transition period. Only for papaya and quince a transitional arrangement is foreseen. Testing laboratories must now…

  • Biotechnik

    Neue Grenzwerte für Abamectin in Obst und Gemüse

    Ab 20. August 2023 gelten neue Grenzwerte für Abamectin in verschiedenen Früchten und Gemüsesorten. Bei Abamectin handelt es sich um eine Substanz, die zur Bekämpfung von Pflanzenschädlingen z.B. gegen Milben (Akarizid) oder Insekten (Insektizid) eingesetzt wird. Die Verwendung des Stoffes als Pflanzenschutzmittel ist in verschiedenen EU-Staaten zulässig. In der Verordnung (EG) 2023/198 vom 30. Januar 2023 der Kommission werden nun neue Rückstandshöchstgehalte für einige Obstsorten und Gemüse festgelegt. Für Apfel, Birne, Erdbeere, Tomate, Gurke, Papaya und Quitte wurden die Grenzwerte deutlich abgesenkt. Die neuen Grenzwerte sind dabei ab 20. August 2023 OHNE Übergangsfrist anzuwenden. Lediglich für Papaya und Quitte ist eine Übergangsregelung vorgesehen. Untersuchungslabore müssen ihre Methoden nun dahingehend prüfen,…

  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    Tentamus Group agreed to acquire all shares of Warrantek Joint Stock Company

    Tentamus Group announced today that they have agreed to acquire all shares of Warrantek Joint Stock Company (a Vietnamese food testing laboratory). Warrantek is one of the leading testing companies in Vietnam, with a strong focus on testing of seafood, honey as well as other agricultural products such as rice, cashew nut, fruit, vegetables, peppercorns and coffee. Warrantek operates laboratories in Can Tho City and in Ho Chi Minh City. The acquisition is the cornerstone of Tentamus’ Southeast Asia strategy to support local food producers as well as exporters within the region. Tentamus and Warrantek will offer services together for food products of all stages of the food supply chain,…

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  • Biotechnik

    Tentamus Laboratories in Spain extend its ENAC accreditation

    Once again, pursuing the objective of offering the best service to customers and maintaining the high-quality standards required of all Tentamus laboratories, three of our Spanish laboratories have obtained ENAC accreditation in a wide range of new tests after passing the demanding audits by the ENAC. The milestones achieved were the following: Five years ago, Laboratorio Kudam (based in Alicante) launched the Nutritional Composition area, achieving accreditation for most of the mandatory nutrition labeling of Regulation (EU) 1169/2011 tests for several food groups. The KUDAM Laboratory had its accreditation of the different nutritional composition parameters extended to all foods (except dairy and alcoholic beverages) for mandatory labeling. Kudam can now offer the following accredited…

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  • Biotechnik

    Sensory training is about to become even easier: aromaLAB presents its new offer of ready-to-use flavor sticks

    How is sensory training performed in most companies up to now? For most people involved in sensory research today, the ideal is not just to train your sensory panel on the finished product, intermediate products or raw materials. Instead, additional courses are held with solutions of specific flavor compounds adapted to the individual sensory qualities of the company´s products. This helps a panel to develop a common “sensory language” and to describe odor impressions or off-flavors in a standardized way. Unless the company is able to produce solutions of the desired flavorings itself, the solutions are purchased from a suitable supplier. Typically, these are concentrated solutions which need to be…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für Sensory training is about to become even easier: aromaLAB presents its new offer of ready-to-use flavor sticks
  • Firmenintern

    VelaLabs GmbH under new management

    Times are changing and so are we – VelaLabs has grown up and is now moving into the next evolving step of the organization. The former Co-founder and COO of VelaLabs could be onboarded as new Managing Director of VelaLabs GmbH replacing the very successful management board Markus Roucka, Albert Lauss and Klaus Hajszan. Within the last 4 years, the management board almost tripled the turnover and the number of employees started 2019 with 43 and is now close to 100 employees. Bringing back Dr. Andreas Nechansky will further drive the innovative way of thinking, and will expand the client base for state-of-the-art analytical services. BUT WHO IS THE NEW…

  • Firmenintern

    Eike Walters supports the Tentamus Group as new CFO from August

    As of August 1, 2023, the proven financial expert will succeed Anastasia Röhrig, who has decided to leave the globally active, highly special­ized network of labo­ra­to­ries, for personal reasons. With his entry, Eike Walters will also become a member of the global management board. “We are convinced that we made the right choice in Eike Walters. With his personality, financial expertise and experience, we want to take the next growth steps of the Tentamus Group together. We are very much looking forward to our future cooperation," explains Dr. Jochen P. Zoller, CEO and founder of the Tentamus Group. In addition, Dr. Jochen P. Zoller comments: “We would like to thank…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für Eike Walters supports the Tentamus Group as new CFO from August