Eike Walters unterstützt die Tentamus Group ab August als neuer CFO
Der ausgewiesene Finanzfachmann folgt ab 1. August 2023 auf Anastasia Röhrig, die sich aus persönlichen Gründen dazu entschieden hat, den global tätigen, hochspezialisierten Anbieter von Labor-Analysen, zu verlassen. Mit seinem Einstieg wird Eike Walters zudem Mitglied des globalen Management Boards. “Wir sind davon überzeugt, mit Eike Walters persönlich und fachlich die richtige Wahl getroffen zu haben. Mit seiner Finanz-Expertise und seiner Erfahrung wollen wir gemeinsam die nächsten Wachstumsschritte der Tentamus Group gehen. Wir freuen uns sehr auf die künftige Zusammenarbeit”, erklärt Dr. Jochen P. Zoller, CEO und Gründer der Tentamus Group. Außerdem kommentiert Dr. Jochen P. Zoller: „Wir danken Anastasia Röhrig für Ihre herausragende Leistungen. Sie hat in Ihrer Zeit bei…
Can a Software be a medical device?
Many different opinions were issued in the meantime, which aim was to define a decision criterion to classify software as medical device or not. Two kinds of software are related to medical devices: Embedded Software and Stand-Alone Software. The first one is related to a medical electrical equipment, and it drives the performances, the user interface and the patients interaction, while the second one is related to an application running on general purposes computer systems, such as PCs, Servers, Apps in cloud or mobile systems. The question about a software being a medical device or not concerns mainly the Stand-Alone software, because the embedded one is essentially a component of…
AXENS to appoint Ms. Clotilde Staes quality manager and refurbishes its site of DOUAI
Clotilde holds a master’s degree in nutrition and food science from the University of Lille. Before joining AXENS in 2021, Clotilde held leadership roles in quality management in the food industry. In addition to her project manager position, Clotilde will focus on further leveraging AXENS’ quality system across all sites. “I am thrilled to take on this new role and bring my experience in quality management to AXENS” stated Clotilde. Thomas Wolf, General Manager, “We are very fortunate to have an experienced manager of the caliber of Clotilde with us. We are convinced that Clotilde will be instrumental in further advancing our quality system”. AXENS wishes Clotilde all the best…
BluTest Laboratories to Exhibit at Biocides Europe 2023
After a successful visit as delegates at the previous year’s event, BluTest is eager to showcase its cutting-edge solutions and establish new partnerships in the field of biocides research and development. The Biocides Europe conference, known for bringing together industry experts, regulatory bodies, and key stakeholders, serves as an ideal platform for BluTest to highlight its expertise and advancements in microbiology and biocide research. The event, scheduled to take place on 11-12 December, promises to be an enriching experience for attendees seeking insights into the latest trends, regulations, and innovative approaches to tackling the issues faced in the control of harmful organisms. BluTest offer an array of microbiology solutions tailored…
Successful first half-year for Veltia Labs for Life
They are the accreditation of PFAS in a broad testing scope, as well as the renewed participation in the EU-GR Co-founded Research Program called SmartLab 4.0 with its partner “D-Cube”. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of man-made chemicals that have been widely used in various industrial and commercial applications, including packaging materials. They are persistent in the environment, meaning that they are not easily degradable and can accumulate in living organisms over time. This can lead to various health problems, including liver damage, thyroid disease, and cancer. That’s why Veltia Labs for Life decided to become the first company in Greece achieving this accreditation. The “SmartLab4.0” project…
Tentamus is involved in a project in Africa through TCF² and QSI again this year
The aim of the project, which is being carried out by the honey laboratory QSI in Bremen with the support of the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit as well as the Tentamus Center for Food Fraud (TCF²), is to produce high-quality honey for the local market and especially for export. Last year, the training of experienced beekeepers took place in different regions of Ghana to further increase the quality of the honey produced there and to create a solid basis of beekeeping knowledge in Ghana. However, more beekeepers are needed to achieve the necessary quantity for export. Therefore, young beekeepers are being trained this year. For this purpose, the training is…
Tentamus engagiert sich auch dieses Jahr wieder durch das TCF² und die QSI in Afrika
Ziel des Projektes, das von dem Honiglabor QSI in Bremen mit Unterstützung der Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit sowie dem Tentamus Center for Food Fraud (TCF²) durchgeführt wird, ist die Produktion qualitativ hochwertigen Honigs für den lokalen Markt und insbesondere für den Export. Bereits im letzten Jahr fanden Trainings erfahrener Imker in verschiedenen Regionen Ghanas statt, um die Qualität des dort produzierten Honigs weiter zu steigern und eine solide Basis imkerlichen Wissens in Ghana zu schaffen. Damit aber auch die für den Export notwendige Quantität erreicht werden kann, sind weitere Imker notwendig. In diesem Jahr werden daher Jungimker angelernt. Dazu finden Trainings in drei verschiedenen Regionen in Ghana in den Städten…
Quant Qualitätssicherung GmbH bietet Schulungen und Beratung nach dem neuen IFS Food V08 Standard an
Die Schulungen können sowohl im Schulungsraum in Martinsried als auch online durchgeführt werden. Ziel der Aktualisierung ist es, weitere Anforderungen von der GFSI und gesetzlichen Vorgaben gerecht zu werden. Außerdem ist der IFS-Standard ein Standard des Einzelhandels und auch hier wurden weitere Vorgaben aktualisiert. Der IFS-Standard besteht bereits seit über 20 Jahren und kann auf eine Erfolgsgeschichte zurückgreifen. Er ist bei der GFSI anerkannt mit anderen gleichwertigen Standards. Auch hierzu bietet das Expertenteam der Quant Qualitätssicherung Schulungen und Beratungen an (z.B. GS BRC Food oder FSSC 22000). „Nach der Corona-Krise freuen wir uns jetzt auch wieder besonders die Schulungen physisch durchführen zu können, da der Nutzen, Mehrwert und Austausch durch…
Minerva adds ‘analysis of heavy metals by ICP-MS’ to its portfolio
Minerva is the leading expert in honey testing in the UK. The company has recently purchased a state-of-the-art Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrophotometer (ICP-MS), expanding Minerva’s existing on-site capabilities and the portfolio of Tentamus UK. The ICP-MS will be applied in the determination of heavy metals by using a highly sensitive, quantitative method that has been developed for honey by experts at Minerva! What are Heavy Metals? Heavy metals are elements with high atomic weights, such as lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic, many of which are ubiquitous in nature. Heavy Metals in Honey Heavy metals can find their way into Honey products in various ways: Examples of potential sources…
A new Company joins the Tentamus Group in Italy!
Based in Ancona (Italy), Pegaso Management Srl offers organizational and management consulting services, acting as a reference partner to translate the reorganization needs of companies into projects. Innovation and sustainability are the requirements on which Pegaso has built its evolution, addressing companies that aim to compete by innovating and building sustainable value from an environmental, social, and economic point of view. Furthermore, Pegaso supports its clients in the food industry with audit and certification services for quality schemes, including IFS, HACCP, labeling, food traceability and consulting services. "Pegaso Management is the result of a journey that began 25 years ago. After gaining important experiences in the field of regulatory compliance,…