• Optische Technologien

    Terahertz Enables Wireless 6G Communication

    Sixth-generation mobile communications (6G) will enable completely new application scenarios in industry, medical technology and everyday life. This will be accompanied by new requirements in terms of latency or the transmittable data rate, which cannot be met by current communication systems. A promising technological solution to enable the highest data rates is the development of new frequencies up to the terahertz (THz) range. For the development of 6G, it is therefore important to develop THz transmission sources that have high signal quality and cover as wide a frequency range as possible. This goal can be achieved in the future by integrating optical technologies and electronics. If successfully developed, such THz…

  • Firmenintern

    TOPTICA-Team erfüllt Weihnachtswünsche von Kindern mit schwerer Mehrfachbehinderung

    Pünktlich zum Weihnachtsfest sollen die Geschenke schön verpackt und festlich geschmückt an die jungen Besucher und Besucherinnen des Förderzentrums der Helfenden Hände übergeben werden. Dieses Jahr sollen alle Kinder des Förderzentrums ihren eigenen Wunsch erfüllt bekommen: sie haben im Vorfeld Baumanhänger mit ihrem Namen und Weihnachtswunsch gebastelt. Diese Anhänger können die TOPTICA MitarbeiterInnen vom Firmenweihnachtsbaum pflücken und das Geschenk besorgen. Die Übergabe aller Geschenke mit Fototermin erfolgt am Donnerstag, 22.12. 2022 um 10:00 Uhr bei Helfende Hände, Rupert-Bodner-Str. 6, 81245 München Das Team von Helfende Hände und TOPTICA freut sich über rege Bekanntmachung der Aktion! Schauen Sie gerne vorbei und erfahren Sie mehr über die Arbeit des Vereins zur Förderung…

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  • Optische Technologien

    New Light Sources for the Second Quantum Revolution

    Diode-laser-based technology is a key enabler for quantum optics. Within the DigiQuant project new laser diodes will be developed at ams OSRAM, which are suitable for hybrid integration of photonic waveguides and digital control electronics at TOPTICA. In parallel, the miniaturization of electronics in integrated circuits for digitized operation of any material class laser diodes from diverse manufacturers will be investigated with Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS and TOPTICA. The miniaturized and digitized subsystem will be tested in two different applications, a quantum computer application and in an industrial application to readout a digital code with a hand-held scanner. Bringing quantum computers to market These combined developments will enable…

  • Firmenintern

    TOPTICA increases capacity for growing workforce

    Subsidiary North America TOPTICA Photonics, Inc., a leading laser manufacturer based near Rochester, NY, has moved from its Ontario County location in Farmington to Pittsford on September 9. The new facility more than doubles the footprint, allowing the company to increase its lab and production spaces that are critical for anticipated growth over the next decade.  At the new location at 1120 Pittsford Victor Road, TOPTICA will occupy more than 2/3rds of the space, with options to expand in the future. The building features multiple custom facilities for manufacturing and development, including robust R&D space and multipurpose cleanrooms.   The move is fueled by rapid growth over the past two…

  • Firmenintern

    „The German photonics industry has a leading global role to lose“

    The economic policy spokesman of the B’90/Green parliamentary group Dieter Janecek visited the Graefelfing-based laser manufacturer TOPTICA. Not only complex export controls and the situation on the job market pose high challenges for medium-sized businesses, but also the multitude of regulatory interventions. Dieter Janecek, Member of the Dt. Bundestag, is the spokesman for the digital economy and digital transformation for the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen parliamentary group. In this role, he visited the near-Munich-based company TOPTICA. In addition to topics such as Germany’s role in the international technology environment or the current employment market issues, the problems with export controls were also discussed. During the discussion with the Member of the…

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  • Firmenintern

    „Die deutsche Photonikbranche hat eine global führende Rolle zu verlieren“

    Nicht nur komplexe Exportkontrollen und die Lage am Arbeitsmarkt stellen den Mittelstand vor hohe Herausforderungen, sondern auch die Vielzahl an regulatorischen Eingriffen. Dieter Janecek, MdB, ist Sprecher für digitale Wirtschaft und digitale Transformation der Bundestagsfraktion Bündnis 90/Die Grünen. In dieser Rolle besuchte er jetzt das Gräfelfinger Unternehmen TOPTICA. Neben Themen wie der Rolle Deutschlands im internationalen Technologieumfeld oder der aktuellen Arbeitsmarktproblematik wurde auch die Problematik bei der Exportkontrolle erläutert. Die beiden Firmenvorstände Dr. Kaenders und Dr. Renner erörterten bei dem Gespräch mit dem Bundestagsabgeordneten Janecek die besondere Rolle Deutschlands als Hochtechnologieland, vor allem auch in Bezug auf die immer wichtiger werdende Quantentechnologie, bei deren Aufbau TOPTICA seit Jahren international eine…

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  • Optische Technologien

    TopWave 229 – Industrial CW Laser for Deep UV Raman

    With the new TopWave 229, TOPTICA presents the latest addition to its industrial deep UV laser lineup at analytica in Munich. The TopWave 229 is an exciting new choice for deep UV spectroscopists looking for an easy to use and reliable laser that enables the user to focus on their application rather than worrying about the light source. With its short wavelength and an ultra-narrow laser linewidth, the TopWave 229 provides the key features (< 1 MHz ≙ < 4 x 10-5 cm-1) to take on an important role as excitation source in the field of deep UV Raman and deep UV fluorescence spectroscopy. Fluorescence free Raman Excitation below 250…

  • Firmenintern

    Honorary Doctorate Degree from Sofia University for Klaas Bergmann

    With this award, Sofia University not only honored Bergmann’s research achievements, but his commitment to the integration of colleagues from Eastern Europe into the European research landscape. With Prof. Dr. Nikolay. V. Vitanov, Vice-Rector of the University of St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia/Bulgaria, there has been a close partnership for many years, which is also supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Further active and productive collaborations exist with colleagues from Yerevan (Armenia), Riga (Latvia) and Kiev (Ukraine). Not only from this circle, many visiting scientists and students came to TU Kaiserslautern every year to collaborate experimentally and theoretically on the research projects. Klaas Bergmann received his doctorate from the University…

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  • Optische Technologien

    New Laser Wavelengths for Microscopy and Measurement & Processing

    TOPTICA’s cutting edge laser systems combine world class specifications with highest precision, reliability, and longevity. TOPTICA will display their latest laser systems for scientific and industrial applications at LASER World of PHOTONICS in Munich from April 26–29, 2022 at Messe München, hall B5.103. Dedicated laser solutions for Quantum technology will be shown at the WORLD of QUANTUM, visit our satellite booth in hall B5.171. We highlight our Lasers for Biophotonics and Industrial Measurement and Processing of this year’s LASER World of PHOTONICS. More live demos for Quantum Technology can be expected at our booth. FemtoFiber ultra 1050 & 780 – Femtosecond fiber laser for 2-photon applications The revised systems FemtoFiber…