• Optische Technologien

    Cost-efficient and easy gas laser replacement with 1 Watt @ 405 nm

    TOPTICA’s new TopWave 405 is the ideal replacement for the bulky and power hungry Krypton ion (406.7 nm and 413.1 nm) gas lasers commonly used in lithographic and holographic applications. The TopWave 405 provides 1 W output power at 405 nm combined with an excellent beam quality. Beam diameter and M² (typ. 1.15) are designed to match the established gas laser parameters, hence allow for an easy integration without significant changes to the optical system. The significantly higher coherence length (> 100 m) results in a clear advantage with regard to stable pattern generation in interference lithography or holography. Highest Efficiency – low cost of ownership While gas lasers require several kilowatts of…

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  • Optische Technologien

    Free Space on Your Optical Table

    Today’s applications of high-end laser systems are increasingly complex and demand short time to market. TOPTICA addresses both of these demands with its highly modular 19" Laser Rack Systems. The broad product lines of tunable diode lasers and frequency combs are all offered in the new form factor. Available laser wavelengths are in the range from 330 nm to 1770 nm, some with output powers of several watts. Whatever your application demands, we will find the optimum combination of modules for your personal rack system. Adding new modules is simple. The rack system has been designed from the ground up for high stability, ease of use and maximum versatility. All…

  • Optische Technologien

    Industrial thickness gauging of polymer layers at top speed

    Setting a new speed record for thickness gauging, the system accomplishes 1600 measurements per second, and is thus suitable for use on rapidly moving samples in a production line. Ultra high-frequency electronics enable reliable and efficient quality control in industrial production. Owing to recent advances in laser development and improved manufacturing methods in terahertz electronics, a new generation of powerful terahertz sources and highly sensitive detectors has become available. Together with TOPTICA, the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM has developed a novel terahertz system that sets new standards in terms of measurement speed. In combination with ITWM’s real-time data processing software, the terahertz platform "TeraFlash smart" becomes a unique…

  • Optische Technologien

    Successful combination: New 785 nm DFB laser in compact TO-5 package

    At this year’s virtual Photonics West from March 06 to 11, TOPTICA eagleyard will present the DFB-785 laser diode, a chip relaunch based on proven DFB technology. The DFB laser diode delivers 100 mW output power. It provides excellent spectral stability and narrow linewidth (typ. 1 MHz) in a new compact TO-5 package with TEC, monitor diode and NTC integrated. This enables same level of functionality in a much compact form than the last generation TOC package. Due to its small form factor, high power and narrow linewidth, this DFB laser is particularly suitable for handheld instruments in Raman spectroscopy or Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy (DCS).  A first-class price-performance ratio is ensured…

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  • Optische Technologien

    Register Today for Photonics West Marketplace – TOPTICA Webinars & Product Demos

    Photonics West is nearly here, and though it’s virtual, we’re excited to be part of the Photonics West Digital Marketplace! Visit our virtual booth to see our best products and latest innovations. However, a virtual booth is not the same as an in-person experience at the Moscone Center, where you’d be able to see to live demonstrations of our products in action. So we’re doing the next best thing: webinars and product demonstrations. See below for our full slate of informative sessions that will let you see TOPTICA products in action, and learn a bit about how they can be used, and have a chance to interact with TOPTICA experts.…

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  • Optische Technologien

    iChrome FLE – Flexible Multi-laser Light source for Biophotonics

    The latest member of the iChrome family, the iChrome FLE, is designed as a "flexible laser engine" to serve the numerous and very diverse requirements in biophotonics. Up to 7 wavelengths (between 405 and 785nm) and two fiber outputs can be integrated into the iChrome FLE. The fiber outputs can be configured separately, so that individual wavelengths (e.g. UV or IR) can be corrected separately in the application. Alternatively, a fiber switch/splitter can be installed, allowing each wavelength to be switched separately to one of the two fibers, or to distribute the power between both fibers. The numerous laser requirements from microscopy were decisive for this development. For example, some…

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  • Optische Technologien

    Project IQuAn – Combining High Performance Computing (HPC) and Quantum Computing

    Partners from academia and industry, led by the University of Mainz, have started a collaborative research project with the ambitious goal to build a quantum computer, interface it with an existing supercomputer and also enable access to external users. Providing access to external parties is an important goal and a major step in bringing quantum computers out of the laboratory. This will stimulate applications and support the industry in finding solutions to certain complex problems, where quantum computers have a clear edge over classical computers. The partners of this 12 Million Euro project are all experts in their respective fields. TOPTICA, a well-recognized international supplier of laser products for quantum…

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  • Optische Technologien

    Photo contest: 20 years amplified @TOPTICA

    An independent jury will reward the best picture with the TOPTICA Photo Contest Prize, a pair of Sony Wireless Bluetooth Noise Cancelling Headphones: www.toptica.com/photo-contest Simply take a photo of you and/or your lab with your TOPTICA lasers Upload the photo on our website or use your Instagram account The best picture will be chosen at the end of the competition This is what you can win! An independent jury will reward the best picture with the TOPTICA Photo Contest Prize. Just like TA pro, it is low noise and good at amplification: a pair of Sony Wireless Bluetooth Noise Cancelling Headphones worth approximately EUR 370. We will also raffle off…

  • Optische Technologien

    Prof. Dmitry Budker receives Norman F. Ramsey Prize of the American Physical Society

    As a proud sponsor of the APS Norman F. Ramsey Prize, TOPTICA would like to congratulate the 2021 recipient Prof. Dmitry Budker, Professor of Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University and Section Leader, Helmholtz Institute Mainz, and Professor of Graduate School, University of California at Berkeley “for groundbreaking work in the precision spectroscopy of atoms and molecules“. Established in 2016 by The American Physical Society (APS) the Norman F. Ramsey Prize recognizes outstanding accomplishment in AMO Physics (Atomic, Molecular and Optical) and Precision Tests of Fundamental Laws and Symmetries – both of which were fields that Ramsey himself excelled in. The prize is awarded with 10,000 US dollars and has been presented…

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  • Optische Technologien

    QRydDemo – A Quantum Computer based on Rydberg Atoms

    Quantum computers promise solutions for certain computational tasks that overwhelm conventional supercomputers, such as optimization problems or the simulation of novel materials and compounds. Coordinated by the University of Stuttgart, partners from academia and industry have just started the collaborative research project "QRydDemo" towards a quantum computer “made in Germany”. TOPTICA Photonics AG is the lead industry partner and brings in its globally unique know-how in the field of lasers for quantum technology and co-finances the four-year project with more than one million Euro. Additional nine million Euro are provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).  Within the framework of this project, TOPTICA performs research on…