• Optische Technologien

    Laser Induced Damage Threshold (LIDT)

    Laser Induced Damage Threshold (LIDT) of optical components, including but not limited to highly dispersive mirrors, is an acute issue in high-energy/high-power ultrafast laser systems largely influencing not only their life expectancy, but also ultimate performance and possibilities for further output power/energy scaling. Since this question became one of the most frequently asked ones in the recent couple of years following the latest advances and interest in high-field applications, we have assembled an informative application note containing a brief overview of mechanisms of LIDT in the ultrafast regime and have provided reference values for our products designed for operation at a central wavelength of 800 nm. Click on the infolink…

  • Optische Technologien

    XUV/IR pulse delay unit K2

    K2 is a delay unit to perform pump-probe experiments in the attosecond range. The device allows time-resolved experiments with either an XUV/soft X-ray pump pulse and an IR probe pulse, or vice versa. Its design allows to focus two collinear laser beams of different divergence/beam size establishing highly stable spatial overlap between their foci while providing precisely adjustable time delay. The 5 degrees of freedom adjustment ensures a perfect spatial and temporal overlap. In addition, the energy and bandwidth of the mirror can be customized to the user needs. The high precision provided by K2 is perfect for XUV-IR pump-probe experiments such as attosecond streaking, RABBITT (reconstruction of attosecond beating…

  • Optische Technologien

    Ultra broadband zero dispersion mirrors

    PC2018 is an advanced broadband dispersive dielectric multilayer mirror pair exhibiting zero dispersion over a spectral bandwidth covering nearly an optical octave around a central wavelength of 1030 nm. With a reflectance > 98.5% at an angle of incidence (AOI) of 45 degrees and s-polarization, it allows highly efficient steering of high-energy and high-power ultrashort pulses in modern beamlines. Compared to the most commonly used metallic coatings, the multilayer dielectric design of the PC2018 pair permits achieving higher laser induced damage thresholds, a paramount requirement in high-energy/high-power applications. These characteristics make PC2018 perfectly suited to further push the energy and power outputs of modern and future state-of-the-art laser systems.  …

  • Optische Technologien

    Reflectometer and Loss Meter GLACIER®: choose yours

    How to choose your GLACIER®? Stop wondering which of UFI’s reflectometers to choose, here’s the answer! UFI’s GLACIER family of reflectometers allows to measure losses of optical coatings down to 5 ppm (up to 99.9995% reflectivity) using the extremely sensitive cavity-ringdown spectroscopy method. To match the different needs of the customers, UFI® offers now three different models: GLACIER – the classic/basic version. Designed as a single wavelength system, it includes a diode laser between 375-1550 nm. Can be upgraded to a maximum of three wavelengths. GLACIER-123 – the customer inspired version. Designed as a multiwavelength system, GLACIER-123 is the first of its kind to measure at 355 nm. Particularly interesting…

  • Optische Technologien

    Attosecond XUV mirrors in stock

    Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) mirrors are key components to steer, focus and shape attosecond pulses. Designed and produced in atomically thick coating layers, these attosecond XUV mirrors allow very high precision in terms of wavelength/energy, spectral phase and high efficiency. Now, thanks to our partnership with Edmund Optics®, some of these mirrors are available in just one click. These mirrors are ideal for attosecond pulse generation and shaping based on high harmonic generation (HHG), free electron lasers (FELs), or other quantum optical applications. UltraFast Innovations (UFI®) and Edmund Optics® (EO) – providing global access to the highest-precision laser optics. Über die UltraFast Innovations GmbH UltraFast Innovations GmbH Dieselstr. 5 85748 Garching…

  • Optische Technologien

    White light interferometer GOBI®

    GOBI® is the ideal instrument to characterize and control the quality of multi-layered ultrafast optics. The device uses spectrally resolved interferometry to accurately measure the optics in terms of the spectral phase and the Group Delay Dispersion (GDD). Combining spectral with temporal information and the possibility to accumulate multiple passes over the same optic, the device ensures reliable results. Moreover, in contrast to other devices on the market, GOBI is able to resolve strong GDD oscillations, which is extremely relevant to characterize ultra-broadband or advanced narrowband coatings. Available for different spectral ranges (Vis/NIR, UV and IR), all options can be combined providing a unique spectral coverage from 250 to 2400…

  • Optische Technologien

    Ultra broadband dispersive mirrors

    CM65 and the newly released PC2151 are advanced dispersive multilayer mirror pairs exhibiting negative dispersion over a spectral bandwidth that extends beyond an optical octave around a central wavelength of 800 nm. This feature  enables precise control of a temporal profile of a white light continuum emerging from bulk and noble-gas-filled hollow-core and photonic crystal fibers. Compared to the well-established PC1332 and PC70, which support an optical octave and consequently sub-two-cycle pulses, the CM65 and PC2151 designs ultimately enable generation of a near-one-cycle pulse. Their implementation allows to further push the limits of nonlinear pulse compression schemes. Über die UltraFast Innovations GmbH UltraFast Innovations GmbH Dieselstr. 5 85748 Garching /…

  • Optische Technologien

    XUV Phase retarder AURORA

    AURORA, UltraFast Innovations‘ (UFI®) XUV phase retarder, turns linearly polarized XUV light into circularly polarized light. Its compact design facilitates implementing it into existing setups in a simple manner without introducing noticeable dispersion. With a maximum transmission of ~40%, the input linearly polarized light (40 to 85 eV) obtains a high degree of circular polarization. By adding spin-sensitivity to existing XUV beamlines, AURORA allows to study chirality and magnetism via attosecond circular dichroism. Über die UltraFast Innovations GmbH UltraFast Innovations GmbH Dieselstr. 5 85748 Garching / München Germany Management: Dr. Alexander Guggenmos Court of registry: Amtsgericht München, HRB 180532 Optical components and optical devices for ultrafast science Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber…

  • Optische Technologien

    1064 Harmonics Reflectometer and Loss Meter GLACIER-123

    GLACIER-123 is the latest addition to UFI’s GLACIER® family of reflectometers. GLACIER® allows to measure losses of optical coatings down to 5 ppm (up to 99.9995% reflectivity) using the extremely sensitive cavity-ringdown spectroscopy method. Designed as a multiwavelength system, GLACIER-123 is the first of its kind to measure at 355 nm. It includes a microchip laser that emits 1064, 532 and 355 nm radiation, making it particularly interesting for those in need of 1064 harmonics wavelengths. The device can be individually optimized for your application: adding a 4th diode-laser-based wavelength, adapted to fit different sample dimensions, etc. GLACIER-123, together with the original GLACIER and GLACIER-C, are the perfect tools to…

  • Optische Technologien

    Ultra-high contrast third-order autocorrelator TUNDRA++

    Due to their enormous power, terawatt and petawatt laser pulses may reach ionization threshold values of 1010 W/cm2 already several pico- or nanoseconds before the main laser pulse by either poor amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) levels or parasitic pre-pulses in an uncontrolled manner. In order to avoid these deleterious effects, one needs a way to characterize the temporal intensity profile and the quality of the laser pulses with extremely high sensitivity. To achieve this, UltraFast Innovations (UFI®) developed TUNDRA++, the latest generation of UFI’s popular third-order autocorrelator TUNDRA®. Thanks to implementing an innovative concept, TUNDRA++ is capable of measuring up to 14 orders of magnitude dynamic range, making it ideal…