• Produktionstechnik

    Variohm EuroSensor launch new range of glass and epoxy coated NTC bead thermistors

    Expanding its wide range of temperature sensing components and devices, measurement specialist Variohm EuroSensor has launched a new range high sensitivity NTC thermistors in a choice of hermetically sealed glass or epoxy encapsulation. Manufactured from European sourced components, the high quality and competitively priced ENTC series is aimed at tight tolerance instrumentation tasks requiring outstanding reliability and/or where small temperature changes need accurate control. The ENTC EB series with colour-coded epoxy encapsulation and Alloy 180 leadwire is available for low to mid-range measurement from -40° C to +150° C, and features a dissipation factor of 2 mW/°C and a thermal time constant of 10 to 15 seconds. The higher performance…

  • Produktionstechnik

    New DesignFlex PSF111 environmentally sealed pressure switch is available from Variohm EuroSensor

    New from the World Magnetics Company and available in the UK and Europe from Variohm EuroSensor, the DesignFlex™ PSF111 series environmentally sealed pressure/vacuum switch is designed for challenging switching tasks where dust and water ingress prevention is essential. The waterproof snap-action switch suits pressure and vacuum configurations with switching ranges from -822 to 4137 mbar (-11.9 to 60 psi) and is available in a wide choice of port configurations and mounting options. With a moulded polycarbonate housing and encapsulated electrical components, the PSF111 also features field adjustable pressure and vacuum set points – and with a polyurethane diaphragm as standard and optional Teflon material, the switch is suitable for most…

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  • Produktionstechnik

    Roll feed and winding web length measurement made easy: Wachendorff LMSMA length measurement systems optimise length, position and speed feedback

    Extensively proven over several years for precise measurement of web length, position and speed in numerous roll winding and web-based machinery applications, Wachendorff´s LMS range of length measurement systems includes a novel spring-loaded arm design that facilitates straightforward mounting, fast pressure adjustment, and suitability for use with any surface material. Available with comprehensive support from Variohm EuroSensor, Wachendorff´s exclusive UK distributor, the LMSMA series is based on the German manufacturer´s rugged industrial incremental or absolute rotary encoders for a linear positioning resolution from 1 millimetre to 8 microns per pulse. Available in four standard design options, each offered with a choice of four incremental encoder resolutions to suit the linear…

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  • Maschinenbau

    Drucktransmitter für Wasserstoff-betriebene Fahrzeuge

    Für Fahrzeuge mit einer Typengenehmigung zum Betrieb mit Wasserstoff stellt Variohm EuroSensor Druckmessumformer der Reihe AST2000 vor. Der mechanische Aufbau und die integrierte digitale Kompensation wurden für Messungen an Wasserstoff nach unterschiedlichen Regelwerken geprüft. Dazu gehört auch die Zulassung nach der Richtlinie EG79/2009, in der Wasserstoffantriebe als „sauberer Fahrzeugantrieb der Zukunft auf dem Weg in eine schadstofflose Wirtschaft“ bezeichnet werden. Die äußerst stoß- und vibrationsfeste Konstruktion bietet vollständig verschweißte Edelstahlgehäuse sowie integrierten EMI/RFI-Schutz. Die Medien-berührenden Teile sind aus Edelstahl Typ 316L. Es gibt keine Ölfüllungen. Angepasst an die Applikationsfelder stehen drei Messbereiche zur Verfügung: 20 bar, 350 bar und 700 bar. Der Berstdruck für die beiden Hochdrucktypen ist stattlich mit…