• Finanzen / Bilanzen

    The E-Invoicing Exchange Summit celebrates its 1st MEA edition with more than 120 experts in Dubai

    Over 120 E-Invoicing and E-Reporting experts from 27 different countries celebrated on February 21 and 22, 2023 in Dubai the first MEA edition of the E-Invoicing Exchange Summit. The agenda offered two days packed full of insights presented by global experts from corporates, tax administrations, and solution and service providers. Speakers, panellists and participants shared and openly discussed their experience and gave deep insights into what next steps have to be expected: + Globally 50+ new mandates /obligations for E-Invoicing and E-Reporting announced + Tax administrations all over the globe see opportunity to close tax gap + For Europe ViDA expected to bring huge changes to the E-Invoicing and E-Reporting…

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  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    E-Rechnungs-Gipfel in Berlin: Vormerken und Mitgestalten

    Der Richtlinienvorschlag der Europäischen Kommission zur Modernisierung des Mehrwertsteuersystems in der EU (ViDA) ist im Dezember veröffentlicht worden. Damit sind die Leitplanken für die Umsetzung eines Meldesystems für Rechnungen auch in Deutschland deutlich klarer definiert. Ein guter Zeitpunkt, intensive Abstimmungsprozesse mit Wirtschaft, Politik und Verwaltung zu führen, damit der große Wurf für die elektronische Rechnung als ein zentraler Baustein der Digitalisierung schnellstmöglich und erfolgreich gelingt. Der diesjährige E-Rechnungs-Gipfel findet am 12. und 13. Juni 2023 in Berlin statt und ist damit bereits im neunten Jahr DIE Plattform für alle Macher und Vordenker aus Wirtschaft, Verwaltung, Wissenschaft und Politik rund um die E-Rechnung. Johannes von Mulert, Gründer und Veranstalter des E-Rechnungs-Gipfels,…

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  • Allgemein

    E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Americas (Konferenz | Miami)

    The E-Invoicing Exchange Summit will be held in Miami from April 24 to 26, 2023. During the conference, a great variety of presentations, user case studies, roundtables and panel discussions ensure everyone’s needs and challenges will be met. Participants get an update on the U.S. E-Invoicing Exchange Framework, global best practices, technology trends such as artificial intelligence (AI) and on the latest challenges in Continuous Transaction Controls (CTCs). Participants can start their stay at the E-Invoicing Exchange Summit on Monday, April 24 by attending the Business Payments Coalition Workshop. The workshop is complimentary for all participants of the conference. The conference itself will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, April…

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  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    Closing the gap: The E-Invoicing Exchange Summit is now operating globally

    After successful conferences in Miami, Lisbon and Singapore, the E-Invoicing Exchange Summit is coming to Dubai on February 21 and 22, 2023 for the first time. By closing the gap in the MEA region, the conferences now operate as a networking and information platform globally. The conference will bring together industry leaders and experts to discuss the latest developments, challenges, and opportunities in the rapidly evolving landscape for E-Invoicing and tax reporting in the Middle East and Africa. The agenda covers the latest news and topics such as: + Implementation of E-Invoicing / Real-time Reporting in the Middle East and Africa + E-Invoicing regulatory developments in the region and globally…

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  • Allgemein

    E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Middle East & Africa (Konferenz | Dubai)

    Key topics to be covered+ The Design and Next Steps Towards Global E-Invoicing Interoperability+ Strategies to Handle Real Time E-Invoicing Compliance+ Technology Trends in Advanced Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Robotics+ Beyond Blockchain – the Future of Supply Chain Finance+ E-Invoicing as Leverage for a Digital Strategy: Global Best Practices from the Middle East and Africa Insightful presentations and interactive roundtable sessions on+ What awaits Multinationals in Middle East in Tax Technology+ E-Invoicing Regulatory Developments in the GCC: Use Case: Saudi Arabia+ Extending the Energy Supply Chain Network, ESCN, to the Middle East, utilizing the lessons learned from Oil & Gas Deploying E-Invoices Globally+ Hyperautomation Trends Enhancing Performance in AP…

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  • Allgemein

    E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Asia (Konferenz | Singapore)

    The next E-Invoicing Exchange Summit will be held in Singapore on December 7 and 8. You may expect in-depth information about recent developments and future trends in the field of E-Invoicing with a focus on APAC countries. Moreover, you will get in personal contact with leading experts from governments and industries to foster and expand your network. Here are just some of the highlights:Presentations+ Key Ingredients in Building a Digital EconomyLeong Der Yao, Assistant Chief Executive, IMDA, Singapore + Next Bound on Singapore E-InvoicingGeok Seong Wah, Director E-Invoice, IMDA, Singapore + E-Invoicing in New Zealand – The Journey so FarCraig Smith, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, New Zealand +…

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  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    Catching up with the global E-Invoicing and E-Reporting developments: The E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Asia re-opens its doors in Singapore

    E-Invoicing is no longer the future – it is happening now, and at lightning speed. All around the world businesses and governments are implementing systems for E-Invoicing and E-Reporting. In several countries it is mandatory already or will become soon. But only if implemented in an efficient and consistent way, the huge benefits e. g. real time early warning systems for fraud or cost saving invoicing and reporting processes will be fully realised. As good as this sounds, there are challenges and hurdles still to overcome: How can processes be standardised and optimised across the globe? How can a truly global interoperability lead to benefits for all stakeholders? The E-Invoicing…

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  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Europe: Let’s be pragmatic and not re-invent the wheel!

    On September 26-28, 2022, over 200 international E-Invoicing and E-Reporting experts convened in the beautiful city of Lisbon at the E-Invoicing Exchange Summit. Participants came from large multinational corporates, tax authorities and solution providers. It was the first larger get-together after 3 years of C-19 restricted meetings. But this time with participants from Canada, the US, Malaysia, Japan, Singapore, Egypt, and many European countries one finally could breathe the air of a truly global networking again. E-Invoicing – the new talk of the town And how the topics have shifted and become mature in the meantime! With the lots of government mandates for E-Invoicing and E-Reporting obligations, IT and process…

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  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    11. Swiss Payment Forum: Mit Instant Payments auf der Überholspur

    Instant Payment – In den Niederlanden bereits seit 2019 Zahlungsstandard, führt der Finanzplatz Schweiz Instant Payments per Ende 2023 ein. Maximal 10 Sekunden soll es dann dauern, bis die Zahlung vom Konto des Auftraggebers auf dem Konto des Zahlungsempfängers gutgeschrieben ist, inklusive Settlement zwischen den Banken. Instant Payments treffen den Zahn der Zeit bei Unternehmen und Privatpersonen. Aber welche Herausforderungen kommen auf die Banken zu? Banken und Unternehmen, die Instant Payments in ihre Services integrieren möchten, werden Investitionen tätigen und Kosten für den Betrieb 24x7x365 zu tragen haben. Über die verschiedenen Facetten dieses Themas werden Payment-Experten beim Swiss Payment Forum in Zürich am 21. und 22. November diskutieren. Ebenso kommen…

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  • Finanzen / Bilanzen

    E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Europe: Cashless Taxpayer and E-Invoicing – Digitalising Tax Compliance in Poland

    Within four years, Poland reduced its VAT gap by half (2015: 25%, 2019: 11%) due to several legislative and technology measures (digital transactional reporting, online cash registers, real-time early warning system for VAT fraud, incentives for cashless payment). As a next step E-Invoicing will become mandatory. From January 2024 all B2B invoices need to be reported via the National Electronic Invoice system KSeF. The KSeF is a central government platform for invoicing and for receiving invoices electronically. After a company has transmitted the invoice a digital time stamp will be added. Furthermore, the KSeF will send out notifications to let the users know about a number assigned through the time…

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