• Energie- / Umwelttechnik

    WWEC 2022, la roadmap per un futuro 100% rinnovabile

    L’ANEV insieme alla World Wind Energy Association WWEA e organizzerà la XX World Wind Energy Conference WWEC2022 come luogo di incontro per discutere di come l’approvvigionamento energetico in Europa e in altre regioni del Mondo possa essere convertito al 100% in energia rinnovabile, ottenendo così la vera transizione ecologica. L’energia eolica è oggi una delle fonti di energia rinnovabile in più rapida crescita e sarà uno dei pilastri principali della futura fornitura di energia, insieme a tutte le altre rinnovabili che sono disponibili in abbondanza e a costi accessibili. La collaborazione regionale aiuterà a sostenere e accelerare la transizione energetica. A Rimini parleremo in particolare di opportunità e sinergie tra…

  • Energie- / Umwelttechnik

    WWEC2022 will discuss how Europe and other world regions can achieve a truly sustainable energy supply

    The World Wind Energy Association WWEA and the Italian Wind Energy Association ANEV highlight the 20th World Wind Energy Conference WWEC2022 as a meeting place to discuss how the energy supply in Europe and in other world regions can be converted to 100% renewable energy supply, thus achieving true sustainability. Wind power is today one of the fastest growing renewable energy sources and will be a main pillar of the future energy supply, together with all the other renewables which are available in abundance and at affordable cost. Regional collaboration will help to support and accelerate the shift towards renewables. In Rimini, we will discuss in particular opportunities for and…

  • Energie- / Umwelttechnik

    NDCs Beyond Coal: A Renewable Future for Pakistan

    Pakistan recently submitted its revised Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). NDCs are at the heart of the Paris Climate agreement and contain ambitious targets set by countries for themselves for successive periods of 5 years. The purpose of these targets is to reduce national emissions and adapt to climate change in a progressive manner. While the revised NDCs of Pakistan this year outline quite a few of them, a closer look lays bare some glaring issues. First, the document describes a target for 60% share of renewables in Pakistan’s power mix by 2030. This ambitious figure has in fact only recently…

  • Energie- / Umwelttechnik

    WWEA’s Wind Power Planning and Permitting Index shows: Governments must accelerate wind farm expansion to meet climate goals

    On the occasion of the UN Climate Change Conference COP26, WWEA has published the Wind Power Planning and Permitting Index which indicates the performance of countries regarding the duration and reliability of planning and permitting processes of wind farms. Based on a survey amongst its member association, WWEA has concluded that the average duration of planning a wind farms is internationally 62 months, mainly due to lengthy bureaucratic processes, while the average permitting process consumes 29 months. This is in contrast with the fact that technically, wind turbines can be installed in several months only. There is a quite broad range between the fastest and the slowest countries, and even…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für WWEA’s Wind Power Planning and Permitting Index shows: Governments must accelerate wind farm expansion to meet climate goals
  • Energie- / Umwelttechnik

    Leading Players at COP26 Call for Immediate Actions to Accelerate Renewable Energy Jobs

    more than 130 renewable energy leaders, under the auspices of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Coalition for Action, launched a call to action today, encouraging all governments at national, regional, and local levels to ensure access to high-quality, sustainable jobs during the energy transition.  Limiting the earth’s temperature rise to 1.5°C by 2050 requires a full decarbonisation of the energy sector. As such, the clean energy transition must progress rapidly. But to build a climate-resilient future, the energy transition must advance in a just and inclusive manner, leaving nobody behind. As countries convene in Glasgow to re-align strategies and renew ambitions at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference…

  • Energie- / Umwelttechnik

    Bürgerenergie gewinnt durch mehr Beteiligung von Frauen

    Vor allem Frauen wie Greta Thunberg oder Luisa Neubauer haben als Initiatorinnen von Fridays for Future in den zurückliegenden Monaten und Jahren wichtige Impulse beim Klimaschutz gesetzt. Ein solch großes Engagement von Frauen ist bislang bei den Bürgerenergie-Aktivitäten in Nordrhein-Westfalen nicht in der Breite erkennbar. In den landesweit aktiven Bürgerenergiegesellschaften liegt der Frauenanteil bei 29 Prozent, ein leichter Anstieg im Vergleich zu den 20 Prozent vor wenigen Jahren. Zu diesem Zwischenergebnis kommt eine Studie, mit der die World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) gemeinsam mit dem Landesverband Erneuerbare Energien NRW (LEE NRW) die Frauen-Situation bei dezentralen Energie-Initiativen in Nordrhein-Westfalen untersucht. "Wir sind froh, dass sich zuletzt mehr Frauen für Bürgerenergie-Gruppen engagiert…

  • Energie- / Umwelttechnik

    Community energy: More women, more success

    Above all, women like Greta Thunberg or Luisa Neubauer, as initiators of the Fridays for Future movement, have given important impetus to climate protection in the past months and years. Such a high participation of women in the community energy in North Rhine-Westphalia is not yet widely visible. In the nationwide active community energy entities, the proportion of women is 29 percent, a slight increase compared to the 20 percent found a few years ago. This result comes from a study with which the World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) and the State Association for Renewable Energies NRW (LEE NRW) are examining the situation of women in decentralized energy initiatives in…

  • Events

    WWEA celebrates 20th Anniversary | #WWEA20

    On 1 July 2001, a group of wind energy supporters from around the world met in Copenhagen in order to prepare the 1st World Wind Energy Conference which was scheduled to take place one year later in Berlin. At that meeting, the participants from around the world voiced their support to create an international association dedicated to the promotion of wind power and connecting the wind energy community around the world.  Accordingly, eight organisations decided spontaneously to found the World Wind Energy Association and agreed on the five WWEA Working Principles which have guided WWEA’s work and  still guide our operations today. Dr. Preben Maegaard was elected as the Founding…

  • Firmenintern

    Preben Maegaard, Renewable Energy Visionary and Founding President of WWEA, Passed Away

    "WWEA is deeply grateful for Preben’s contribution to the establishment of our association and for his achievements in disseminating wind power globally. We extend our condolences to Preben’s wife Jane Kruse, his entire family and all friends and colleagues in the Folkecenter." WWEA President Hon. Peter Rae AO "Preben was a visionary who has inspired thousands of people around the world to strive for a better, a more democratic and more participatory world based on renewable energy. His close and very fruitful friendship with the other renewable energy titan, Hermann Scheer, has created a vision of a renewable energy world which will still guide future generations." Stefan Gsänger, WWEA Secretary…

  • Energie- / Umwelttechnik

    Worldwide Wind Capacity Reaches 744 Gigawatts – An Unprecedented 93 Gigawatts added in 2020

    According to preliminary wind power statistics published today by the World Wind Energy Association, the world set a new record in new wind power installations, adding 93 gigawatts of new wind turbines within the year 2020. Some countries set new installation records, including China, the USA and Russia, while most European markets saw only modest growth. The strong growth comes as a surprise to some observers as many countries reported delays over the past year due to disrupted international supply chains and lack of labour availability.  The global market for new turbines reached a total volume of 93 gigawatts, around 50% more than in the previous year 2019 and more than ever…